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Everything posted by glowbal

  1. You will need the following items: cse_ied_radio_small or cse_ied_radio_large. cse_oldphone Use the CSE action menu (radial menu) to place down the IEDs (Equipment category). Through the same menu and category, you can open the cellphone and use it to detonate the IEDs. Does this help? ----- I know we said we would release an update in the beginning of this week, however unfortunally this has been delayed by a day or so. I appologies for any inconvience. We are aware off the reported issues (not to many luckily!) with the last RC build and those will be resolved with the next update.
  2. There is no need for ASDG joint rails for CSE. Thanks for the report. We have fixed this. :)
  3. It is supposed to be in there. We have added it for the next release (in a day or so).
  4. That is an item from advanced interaction.
  5. You are correct. We have included the configs for the magazines in this version as well, to allow for backwards compatability. In a future update, those will be removed.
  6. Classnames added to wiki page. Darter battery is: cse_battery_darter. Fastroping has been pulled out of the release at last moment, as it isn't functioning properly. It seems I have forgotten to exclude it from the changelog as well. My mistake there, sorry. The tracker item allows you to have an icon on the BFT without having access to a tablet or PDA.
  7. There is a crate available in the editor, or use the classnames to add the items: cse_earplugs cse_earplugs_electronic Edit: There is an issue with the earplugs crate at the moment: http://dev.withsix.com/issues/75791 We have fixed it and it will be included within the next release, which will be within a day or 2, if all goes well.
  8. Facebook | YouTube | Google+ Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.10.0 ALPHA RC1 This is a public release candidate for CSE 0.10.0 alpha. An update will be follow after this most likely within the week. Since the release of our last version (0.9.0) over a month ago, we have been working hard to get you a more polished and complete version of CSE. A major focus of us has been addressing some performance issues that some of you have reported. Next to this we have reorganised most of the modules and included an array of new ones. This includes the inclusion of Advanced Ballistics by Ruthberg, who has also joined our team and helped improve some of our existing modules. Highlights: Advanced Ballistics, Reorganised and combined modules, Performance improvements. I have also updated the wiki page on enabling CSE features server side to include the latest changes that have come with this update. Same story for the classnames page. More updated documentation, tutorials and sample missions will come within the next week. Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on our forums or via our website Requirements Community Base AddOns A3 Changelog: Added: Action stitching (CMS). Uses the surgical kit. Added: Advanced Ballistics (by Ruthberg) Added: assignMedicalEquipment module for medical equipment (CMS) Added: ATragMX (by Ruthberg) Added: Bodybag and bodybag action (CMS) Added: CBA Dependency Added: CC item crates Added: Combat Deafness module Added: Concept AmbientCivilians module Added: First implementation of disposable launchers Added: getIn and getOut EH support Added: iedpack from A2 (by Aposky) Added: Implemented use equipment option for AIM Added: Kestrel 4500 (by Ruthberg) Added: Load and unload object eventhandlers Added: On initialization all CMS magazines will be replaced by items (TEMPORARLY) Added: Option to disable config execution of modules for certain entries (disableConfigExecution = 1; in CfgModules entry) Added: Polish translations to stringtables Added: Put eventhandler support Added: Replace darter battery option (vehicle) Added: Russian translation of CMS Added: Setting to disable vehicle crash damage (CMS) Added: Sounds for weaponResting and magazineRepack Added: Surgical Kit (CMS) Added: Take eventhandler support Added: Treatment now works for prone units (CMS) Added: Weapon Heating module Added: Weapon Safety module as part of (cse_sys_equipment.pbo) Added: Added support for disabling broadcasting your own position on the BFT tracker. Added: Advanced Interaction items to curator Added: Allow use of map screen setting for CC BFT trackers. Added: Ambiance sound module Added: Bodybag item for curator placement Added: Carry option to logistics. Added: Display icon when resting weapon or have bipod deployed (top right, making use of displayIcon function) Added: Drag option to logistics. Static weapons are now draggable. Added: Hide ammo information option within equipments module Added: displayIcon function (Shows icons in the top right of your screen) Added: drinking sound to drinking action of field rations module. Added: hasOpenWounds_CMS function Added: variable for tracking units in reviveState across network Changed: Action keybindings can now only be activated when player can interact Changed: Added bottom limit for blood volume Changed: Adjusted grain effect for night vision Changed: All CMS Items are now items instead of magazines (IMPORTANT) Changed: Combined pbo's NVG and weaponresting with sys_equipment.pbo Changed: Combined the following modules into one (cse_sys_equipment.pbo): NVG adjustments, Weapon Resting, Attachable Items, Magazine Repack, Ammo checking. Changed: Custom eventhandlers can now also be accessed through mission description.ext Changed: Improved performance from getDragOptions Changed: Logistic carry action now also works on objects with cse logistics carry enabled through a set variable Changed: Moved damage thresholds to separate module (No longer part of the CMS module) Changed: Now ejects dead units from vehicles Changed: Overworked the magazine repack feature Changed: Refined the old wind deflection code based on AdvancedBallistics Changed: Rewrite of handleDamage [CMS] Changed: Advanced Interaction magazines are now items Changed: Field Rations magazines are now items Changed: Message Display functions now support localization Changed: Tied bloosloss in with cardiac output. Should improve bloodless effect. WARNING: cse_fnc_getBloodLoss_CMS will no longer return accurate results on non local units! Changed: increasePain function now also supports string values representing bodyparts (same as addOpenWounds_CMS) Disabled: Config execution for legacy modules Fixed: CC Item names Fixed: Configuration button bug Fixed: Field Rations module arguments Fixed: gui_loadingbar no longer running twice as fast as it should Fixed: IR strobe effect sticking around Fixed: It is no longer possible to drag/carry units inside vehicles Fixed: Missing addon dependency lists Fixed: Position of icon on display messages (Was overlapping the content label) Fixed: Width of display messages Fixed: Zeus Placement bug Fixed: Damage thresholds didnt function properly. Fixed: Dropping objects before unit goes unconscious. Fixed: issues with CSE backblast module Replaced: cse_sys_backblast.pbo with cse_sys_launchers.pbo Improved: Scroll wheel option for name tags module Improved: CMS module now supports localization in everything but the activity log. Improved: Performance optimization for many parts of CSE. Improved: Scroll wheel option for name tags module Make Arma Not War If you like CSE and would like to show your support, please go to our MANW entry and click the support button!
  9. There shouldn't be, but you will need to make certain that the logistics module is enabled. Otherwise you will end up with an unusable object/crate. At request: You can download it from here. Replace the cse_f_eh.pbo and its signature file from the download above by the files found in this hotfix. Same download link as previously. Should fix the issues with Basic Revive. Sorry for the delay.
  10. The only possible way to do so is using the personal aid kit (full heal option). Note: we are aware of some issues with the basic revive module not activating properly: This is resolved for the next release and should be available soon.
  11. For the loading objects; unfortunally not. But I will see about adding something for it in the next release. As for pain: Yes! [uNIT, AMOUNT, -1] call cse_fnc_increasePain_CMS;
  12. Hi, thanks :) We are overhauling the weapon resting, as well as a lot of other modules for the next release. They should all be much improved. As for giving yourself IV or using a PAK; those are currently hardcoded to be only usable on other units. If there is enough interest however, we could of course make this a setting to allow self treatment for those actions.
  13. Great to hear! :) Sorry for the delay.
  14. For those of you whom are having issues with the infinite explosions and basic revive, there is now a hotfix available. You can download it from here. Replace the cse_f_eh.pbo and its signature file from the download above by the files found in this hotfix. This will fix only the infinite explosions bug. No other changes.
  15. No, none of the carry capacity is getting changed by anything in CSE.
  16. Hi, could you PM me the full server .rtp file? Hopefully that gives us some more insight in what is going wrong for you.
  17. I am on this. Expect a hotfix later today or early tomorrow. My appologies for the delay.
  18. No, this is not implemented within CSE. Note: Our active thread can be found here. I normally do not check this one, but I should be pretty active on the one I linked.
  19. Thanks :) It is a few background images with square buttons on top. Took sometime getting the placement right though. But no rotated buttons. No, that is completely optional and would only be necessary if you wanted to use the server config. You are still able to use the config approach for specific missions in the description.ext file. About the mission jumping back; The only reason I can think off is that you might be using the ration items in your mission (manually added?) and have the gbl_c_ration used. That classname has been changed to cse_c_ration. If not, replace the CSE modules on the mission. You could also try out the latest sample mission from CSE (Capture Pygros) and see if that loads up. They have been added in the dev version. Will be there with the next update. :)
  20. There is not but I will add one (for load and unload). Meanwhile you can track loaded objects through the variable cse_logistics_loadedCargo_LOG. _loadedCargo = VEHICLE getvariable ["cse_logistics_loadedCargo_LOG", []]; if (OBJECT in _loadedCargo) then { // do stuff }; Hope this helps. Hi, I will take a look, but the first priority for CSE will be multiplayer/COOP. If I can find out why it isn't working with save games and how to get around it, I will include it asap. Sorry for the late reply.
  21. You will need the CC module enabled and assign BFT info to the vehicle. The engine of the vehicle would also need to be turned on. The displays are only available from non cargo seats. It is not possible to have it on screen with control yet, but you can use the keybinding (check configuration [CSE] > Menu keybindings) and hold it down instead of a tab. When released, the menu will disappear. If you are asking where you can change the keybinding for show Name Tags (when name tags are set to show on keybinding); it appears I forgot to include that one. It will be included at a later stage.
  22. Thank you Foxhound. :) Could you give it another try using the latest CSE (0.9.1)? Maybe it is fixed in this version.
  23. Facebook | YouTube | Google+ Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.9.1 ALPHA The aim of this update was to fix outstanding issues and polish existing features. This update brings an improved damage handling for CMS and UI improvements. Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Improved: Adjustments to weapon resting Improved: Improvements for getBloodLoss Removed: Removed debug prints in fn_bloodConditions_CMS.sqf Fixed: Live Feeds and vehicles Fixed: request functions Added: icons for helmet camera and flight display. Added: assign medical vehicle module for CMS Fixed: Item classes. Can you properly pick up items. Fixed: issues with duplicate bodies staying put. Fixed: flashing and resetting of selected entry in lb (vehicle UI). fixed: CBA compatibility fixed: kill on unload unconscious bodies fixed: handledamage with fire (again) Changed: damage thresholds can now be determined on a unit basis Fixed: Name was set to nil when units would take damage. Improved: Rewrite of large parts of handleDamage CMS. Fixed: Usage of Medical items often was duplicated. Fixed: Can now assign Medical Vehicles in editor. Fixed: Not able to pick up Items Fixed: Dead units got 'unknown' name Fixed: unconscious units killed when unloaded from vehicle Fixed: Blood IV 250 ml / "cse_blood_iv_250" has a " sign in his name Make Arma Not War If you like CSE and would like to show your support, please go to our MANW entry and click the support button! ------ CSE Showcase - Capture Pygros In addition to the CSE update, we have also created a new demo COOP mission: Capture Pygros. This mission has been made to show mission editors how to enable CSE features/modules, but can of course also be played by normal users. COOP Gameplay with Gruppe W Download You can download the mission here: download (Direct link: Download) You are welcome to use, edit and/or modify this mission. ------ CSE Server Config For those of you whom are using the cse_server_extensions.pbo, the server config has been updated with the latest examples. If you want to stay up to date with the latest versions, please keep an eye on our wiki page. The pbo file and its signature file are the same. Download You can download the server extensions here: download (Direct link: Download) The download comes with an empty userconfig file (enabledModules.hpp) and a sample (enabledModules_sample.hpp). Install the userconfig folder in the root directory of your (server) Arma III installation. Modify the enabledModules.hpp file to contain the proper config entries. Examples can be found in the sample file or on the wiki page linked above.
  24. You are correct. I should have mentioned: In the next update it will be called cse_mre_c_ration. That will be today. The gbl prefix is a left over from my A2 version of field rations and should have been replaced by cse. Does this happen with only CSE loaded? If not, could you please let me know which mods you have loaded. Also did you check the CSE configuration menu (Pause menu, top left) or the A3 configurations? If you could send me a copy of your mission and I can take a quick look, see if anything is incorrectly set up. Note: Synchronizing the assign medic role module will work, however will most likely result in issues for Join In Progress players. Note2: I have prepared a new demo mission for CSE, that will be released later today. It has most of the CSE features set up. I hope that will also be of some help to you and others.
  25. I have just added them to the wiki: http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php?title=Classnames#Field_Rations