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Everything posted by glowbal

  1. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.9.0 ALPHA This update introduces new options for some modules. An updated server config example file will come shortly. Using the old config file will still work, however any missing settings will use the default values. The same goes for documentation on the new settings and possiblities (such as medical vehicles). There will most likely be a small patch this weekend as well. Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Added: UAV Support with CC (Includes new options for the CC module). Added: Vehicle Displays for CC (Includes new options for the CC module). Added: Various configuration options for Name Tags. Added: Shared equipment for medical. Includes option in configuration settings. Added: Medical Vehicles. Added: Options for name tag module to define distance for direct and indirect tags. Added: When CMS is enabled, CMS can be turned on/off for specific units (this setvariable ["cse_sys_medical_enabled", true]). Fixed: Backwards compatibility for older TFAR versions. Fixed: IR Strobe flashing would stay when detached. Fixed: Issues with addOpenWounds function. Changed: Action Menu won't open while remote controlling units. Improved: Performance for cse_sys_tags and cse_sys_medical. Improved: BFT Code has been updated. Improved: Advanced Interaction 'ask about enemy' option now has better results.
  2. Yes, there is a new method since 0.5.0. The documentation can be found here: http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php?title=Assign_BFT_Information Also, if you assign the BFT information to a unit it will not automatically retrieve a PDA or Tablet. You will need to manually add those. Though the module might be expanded with a setting to automatically add such device. About the menu; either you do not have the CC module enabled or you arer using the older interaction menu. http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php?title=Command_and_Control#Enable_the_Module_.28editor.29
  3. Ah yes! :) --- Since this update the TFAR support with the Tags module requires TFAR 0.9.3 or later. If you are running an older version of TFAR, you can get rid of the error by inserting the following code in your mission init.sqf: if (["task_force_radio"] call cse_fnc_isModLoaded_F) then { if (isnil "TFAR_fnc_isSpeaking") then { TFAR_fnc_isSpeaking = { if (!isnil "TF_tangent_lr_pressed") then {(TF_tangent_lr_pressed || TF_tangent_sw_pressed || TF_tangent_dd_pressed)} else { false }; }; }; }; This will be part of cse_sys_tags with the next update or patch (to be released soon).
  4. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.8.0 Alpha Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Added: More localization (German). Added: Shoulder tap functionality (Groups Module). Added: keybindings for accepting/declining request. Added: cse_fnc_addOpenWounds_CMS function for easy adding of CMS injuries. Added: keybinding for checking ammo status. Added: Shared equipment between patient and medic for CMS. Changed: Joining a group is now making use of the request function (leader has to accept). Changed: Made use of TFAR API. Improved: CBA/CSE eventhandler compatibility. Changed: CMS UI body has been switched around (left and right are now shown properly) Fixed: Issues with client side setting configurations menu. Fixed: Bug #75464: Dead units not playing correct animation when loaded into vehicles. Fixed: Bug in cse_fnc_debug. Changed: Can no longer talk to players through Advanced Interaction. Fixed: CC Unknown side marker was using independent colours. Fixed: bandage opening bug. Improved: Performance of cse_fnc_getBloodLoss_CMS. Added: Custom Eventhandlers shoulderTapped, groupJoined.
  5. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.7.1 ALPHA Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Fixed: Script error in cse_fnc_eventHandler_f Fixed: Bug #75436: Broken Config enabled modules. Always used back up values for arguments, instead of actual arguments. Fixed: Broken animation function
  6. Hi, Sorry I missed your question Live feeds are what is called tacnet (until I find out a better name for it). It is currently implemented but highly work in progress and classnames might change later on. For now: 1) Add a helmet camera item to a unit. this addItem "cse_itemHelmetCamera_W"; 2) Enable the helmet camera. Players can do this through the action menu, equipment, enable helmet camera. 3) A BFT device is required for the helmet camera to work. 4) On any BFT device of the same side, you can click on the tracker icons on the BFT map and select view feed. Additionally, units appear in a list in the TACNET app. Double click to open the feed. Information on how to assign information such as symbols and or callsigns can be found here: http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php?title=Assign_BFT_Information
  7. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.7.0 ALPHA Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Added: cellphone triggered IEDs. Added: Player placed IEDs. Changed: Minor improvements to eventhandler_f. Improved: Improved duplicate activation entries detection. Improved: setUnconsciousState function. Fixed: cseLogoPlain.hpp missiong ; error. Added: Player Request action framework (cse_fnc_sendRequest_f) Changed: cse_name is now set with setDead call. Added: Request BFT device access for players. Added: Camelbaks for Field Rations Module (Prototype work in progress). Added: Request to become group leader for cse_sys_groups. Added: Custom Eventhandlers for drag, carry and drop (onDropInjured, onDragInjured, onCarryInjured). Fixed: Duplicate entry in cse_sys_wind stringtable. Fixed: NVG brightness adjustment didn't work. Fixed: Bug #75368: Animation Bug: CPR. Fixed: Bug #75370: Medkit Usage by Non-Medics. Fixed: Bug #75377: Unconscious Bug. Added: Feature #74811: Logistics now works with static weapons. Added: Feature #74837: Weapon selection with keybindings. Added: Feature #74936: Keybinding for putting weapon on back. Added: Feature #75373: Adjustable Time for Bandage and Medical Item use. Fixed: Loading bar function would throw an error if waiting time was 0.
  8. You are most likely looking for this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addItemCargoGlobal
  9. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.6.1 ALPHA A minor patch this time to adress some of the bugs that have been introduced with the 0.5 release of CSE, that due to the fast release of 0.6 did not make it in the last update. Note for those using CSE Server Extensions: The CSE Basic Revive (cse_basic_revive) has an incorrect classname in the example files provided with the download link. The incorrect classname should work without script errors after this patch, however it could potentially cause issues including settings not being as defined in the config. The correct classname is: cse_basicRevive. My appologies for any inconvenience. Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Fixed: Bug #75324: Blood loss is not working. Fixed: Bug #75358: ACRE2 Tags rpt spam. Fixed: Bug #75365: Chemlights do not attach. Fixed: Bug #75366: Basic Revive Module / Server Extensions. Fixed: Bug #75367: Medkit Not Consumed On Usage (No setting in module menu). Fixed: Bug #75369: Can't cancel CPR if player wakes up. Fixed: Bug #75371: Set Medical Class module / unit undefined. Fixed: Bug #75374: Load Detainee Group Switch. Possible fix for Bug #75377: Unconscious Bug. Restored: Backwards compatibility for Set Medic/BFT Modules. New approach is still recommended for all new missions, but old method still works (with original limitations). Changed: Only grabs config modules if module has not been enabled.
  10. It appears I forgot to include the classnames for the newest items within CSE. I have updated the classnames list on the wiki with the backpack. Here it is as well: [i]cse_thorIII_backpack[/i]
  11. @CSE_Server is optional for both players and servers. While it will not cause any issues if clients run it, it is not necessary; it will only add the trouble of having a userconfig file for them.
  12. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.6.0 ALPHA Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Added: Command and Control implemented for all sides (BlUFOR, OPFOR, IND) Added: THOR III backpack. Added: Triggerman module for IEDs. Changed: Injured sound only is checked upon if unit is in pain. Improved: More responsive UI. Improved: Performance optimization. Fixed: bug with full heal / revive. Fixed: Configuration Menu sometimes reset a keybinding. ----------- Combat Space Enhancement - Server Extensions Version 1.0 Since Combat Space Enhancement version 0.5 it is possible to enable CSE modules server side. This is AddOn is only necessary server side. Clients require the standard CSE release (version 0.5 or later) and have no need for this pbo. The server still also requires the standard CSE Version in addition to this. Documentation can be found here. The download comes with an empty userconfig file (enabledModules.hpp) and a sample (enabledModules_sample.hpp). Install the userconfig folder in the root directory of your (server) Arma III installation. Modify the enabledModules.hpp file to contain the proper config entries. Examples can be found in the sample file or on the wiki page linked above. Download You can download CSE Server Extensions here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Requirements Combat Space Enhancement - Version 0.5 or later
  13. It appears I made a mistake with some new code for the personal aid kit / full heal option. It has been fixed now and after some brief testing a new update will be released, including some other things I already finished. My appologizes for any inconvenience with the full heal option. Also: I shall release a pbo, some documentation, examples for every module within CSE on how to enable CSE Modules server side with no need to edit older or new missions. It's something that has been requested many months ago and made it into the 0.5 release, however the documentation on it + the necessary server side pbo has not been released yet. So for those interested; it shall be here shortly (this weekend).
  14. There is a setting for this in the CMS module menu. You can pick your prefered method. 1. Yes, there should be no problems since 0.5.0 with this. 2. No, I'm afraid not. 3. Maybe, but not in the near future I suspect. I am still polishing up the existing features and implementing the missing ones (such as radio triggered IEDs, CC for every faction instead of WEST only, etc).
  15. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.5.0 ALPHA Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Added: AI damage threshold as part of Misc Modules Added: Stamina Adjustment as part of Misc Modules Added: Stacked handler for disableUserInput_f Added: Loading screen for tablets/pda when opening Added: Configuration now also supports client side settings. Added: client side setting for activation & client side setting for color Added: Feature #74806: Brightness on NVG Added: Feature #74827: Infinite Personal First Aid kit Added: Feature #74917: CPR Animation Added: Feature #74930: Ability to change textcolor of nametags Added: Feature #75128: showing nametags via a key defined in userconfig Added: More localization support Added: Prototype of live feed. Added: Helmet Camear for west (cse_itemHelmetCamera_W) Added: Blur of screen when a CSE menu is opened. Prototype. Added: support for prioritizing injury treatment for open wounds (Select open wound. Press on bandage action). Added: New function in GUI Framework: cse_fnc_gui_blurScreen. Added: Reset all eventhandlers on module initialization Added: basic default arguments collection in case of outdated modules. Should prevent old missions from breaking. Added: Extra logging and error handling for module initializations Added: ACRE2 support Added: Implemented noObject area and backblast damage area for backblast. Added AidKit usage setting for CMS. Added: Support for Config based module initialization. Supports server side remote initialization in combination with cse_server_extensions.pbo (separate release). Changed: Keybindings are now doing through config instead of script only Changed: CMS Delay Triage color to orange. Changed: New pain effect Changed: Overhauled category selection in configuration menu Changed: Monitor variable functionality is now disabled. Changed: Overhauled module framework for more modularity Changed: Making use of pushback instead of set in more functions Changed: Disabled synchronized object approach. Now has to make use of an initialization lists for the following modules: assign medic roles, assign BFT information. Fixed: Detach IR Strobe effect stayed put Fixed: Bug #74472: IR Grenade - Detached yet the strobe effect sticks around. Fixed: Bug where ctrl, shift or alt settings on first entry in keybinding list would be reset Fixed: Incorrect width dimensions for CSE Hints. Fixed: Speaking detection was wrong way around. Fixed large amount of calls for setDead while in revive state Fixed checkBloodPressureLocal retrieving incorrect values Fixed: multiple triggers for fired EH Fixed: Bug #74929: Campfires cause bleeding Fixed: Bug #74935: Carrying a vehicle loaded body creates a clone Fixed: Bug #74992: Logistics: Running while carrying = pain Fixed: Bug #74997: Grenade throwing enabled while in incapacitated state Fixed: Bug #75000: Broken Basic Revive Fixed: Bug #75075: CPR doesn't reanimates Fixed: Bug #75076: Unable to move after Full Heal Fixed: Bug #75129: Set Medical Facility + Personal Aid Kits + Set Medic Class Fixed: Bug #75144: Difficulty Setting Bug - CSM Module Fixed: Bug #75147: Treating is FPS dependent Fixed: Bug #74841: Zeus/Curator remote control breaks the unconscious state Fixed: Bug #74850: Player is able to do things while unconscious. Fixed: Bug #74853: you lying on the ground + drag unit + go backwards = you get stuck and the animation gets bugged Fixed: Bug #74861: Unit is duplicating after death Fixed: Bug #74729: When passed out in gunner seat ai and players can still use gun and shoot. Fixed: Bug #74786: When unit is unconscious it can still rotate it's body Fixed: Bug #74408: Arrest player, move, arrested player can shoot
  16. I have got it resolved in the dev version.
  17. I've been extremely busy the past week(s), so appologies for any late replies. this addmagazine "cse_weather_meter"; You can find all CSE classnames on our wiki. I don't think it's CSE that is causing the crashing, at least not with that function. It's possible the modules do not get initalized. I might take a look at it sometime soon. I will revisit the options for the personal aid kit, see what's up. Thanks for your post & feedback. You can make a unit a medical facility using the code found on our wiki. The Module unfortunally does not work reliably with JIP. -------- Our website, API, Forums and Wiki should all now be available again. We have received a couple of messages through our contact page as well, and those will be replied to soon. Our appologies for any inconvenience. Also, work continues on version 0.5.0 of CSE and is taking a bit longer as expected. I hope to be able to release the next update within a week or 2 at most.
  18. Backblast only works on units, not vehicles. If the IFV got damaged, it most likely got hit by something else. We are going to improve the IEDs and add an ability to disarm them in the future.
  19. This does not fix the issue for basic revive. It simply removes a script error and corrects an eventhandler call that has been going wrong. For the basic revive module, it will be part of the next update. Though for now, you could try including the following in your init.sqf file: CSE_ENABLE_REVIVE_F = 2; // Enable for. 0 = disabled, 1 = players only, 2 = players & AI CSE_REVIVE_TIMER_F = 600; // Timer, in seconds CSE_REVIVE_NUMBER_MAX_F = -1; // Hits while unconscious That should be a workaround for the time being.
  20. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.4.1 HOTFIX ALPHA This version is a hotfix to resolve a script error/bug that has surfaced in the 0.4.0 release. Other bug fixes will be included in the next patch. Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Fixed: HandleHeal eventhandler is broken (Called handleDamage instead).
  21. I am aware that people are reporting problems, however I need more information; What are the settings of the basic revive module and I'd need a log file for the clients for whom it is not working from a mission where CSE Logging is enabled (put the settings for the logging module at information). Once I get those, I should be able to quickly resolve the issue or clarify why it isn't functioning properly. Unfortunally however, I haven't recieved a single log file that matches those criteria. The issue ticket is here. I did add a wiki page on the basic revive here and recorded a tutorial video today, however I need to redo parts of it. It should be made available later this evening (CET). Also; the hits while unconscious has a bug currently and until that has been resolved, you will want to keep that setting at -1 (disabled). It should be resolved in the next update.
  22. We are aware of some issues with the Basic Revive module. We have a ticket here and currently I am awaiting log files, as I cannot replicate the issue. A sample mission will be made available asap, however mainwhile follow this tutorial. I haven't managed to do much Arma related in the past few days, but I expect this sample mission to be made available on our website later this evening (CET), same with some other sample missions. Field Rations is heavily work in progress. After X amount of hours, a player will experience the following: - falling over when trying to run. - Possibility for unconscious / fading - Dead once hunger or thirst reach 100%. Wiki page will follow shortly as well. We are lacking behind on a lot of our documentation and tutorials and unfortunally we don't have to many SQF developers and documentation creators (mainly just me). -------- Edit: Added a wiki page: Example missions
  23. I have just tested it myself and it all seems to be functioning correctly on my end. I also just created a wiki page on the basic revive module here. Could you please clarify what you mean with no instant death? Do you mean units going into unconscious/Revive mode, or taking more damage before dieing? Or do you mean units not dieing from taking damage but only from bleeding out?
  24. Combat Space Enhancement Updated Version 0.4.0 ALPHA This update introduces two new modules: IEDs and Field Rations. Both of those are in early testing and might be unstable. The other part of this update is performance improvements and minor fixes. Within the few weeks we will also be releasing some new video tutorials on the following subjects: IED Modules, Combat Medical System, Basic Revive Module & Advanced Interaction. Download You can download CSE here: csemod.com (Direct link: Download) If there are any issues with downloading CSE, please contact us on facebook, forums or via our website Changelog: Fixed: Basic Revive would sometimes still break. Changed: ALiVE category in menu only shows up if ALiVE has been loaded Improved: Performance improvements for Eventhandler framework Removed: instant dead setting for CMS. Use damage thresholds and basic Revive for future. Changed: Disabled fall down when running while carrying a crate (Logistics) Changed: Rewrite of handleFired Deflection. Now uses call instead of spawn. Added: Field Rations Module (Prototype, might be unstable) Added: Spawn IED Module.