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Everything posted by xeno426

  1. xeno426

    TGW M163 Vulcan for CO

    Thanks for the mirror. Updated first post. :)
  2. xeno426

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    Issues will come up if any of the weapons the mod uses don't have ballistic computers (ballisticsComputer=1 or 2); that is required for the vehicle to use zeroing.
  3. xeno426

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    Looks like Cameron's answered your request. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15332 If there's any issue with that mod and mine, let me know. I'll make a separate compatibility mod.
  4. Mando, in your array of laser designators in mando_missileinit, you've left out the RAH-66 one. modem_dkmm_rah66_laser Also, could I request that Mando be made compatible with this mod, if it is at all possible? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15332 It makes weapons like the ATGM on the T90 a magazine of the main gun rather than a weapon of its own, preventing people from using the missile and main cannon in quick succession.
  5. The best solution would be to allow others to change their own keys in an easy to access fashion. Short of that, perhaps a combination of keys, like RShift or RCtrl + the arrow keys or numpad keys (2, 4, 6 & 8). In Lock-On, control of your radar cursor/piper was controlled by comma (,), period (.), slash (/) and semicolon (;), but that's not a viable solution in ArmA2.
  6. Could you perhaps change those keys? The dash (-) on American keyboards is right next to the 0, and those keys are already in use by the game (, and . are used to change speak channels).
  7. Some aircraft can maintain multiple target locks at once, though you more commonly see this in various air combat modes; the F-15C can "bug" two targets at once for AIM-120 fire, and the MiG-31 can maintain a lock on four targets while simultaneously guiding a single SARH missile to each of them. The F-14 can famously guide six missiles to six different targets flying in different directions and at different altitudes at the same time. The F-35 can designate multiple ground targets at once (as seen in video).Most aircraft in ArmA2, though, are pretty much limited to one lock at a time, and except for perhaps the F-35 (with its phased array radar) cannot maintain a ground target lock and an air target lock at the same time.
  8. xeno426

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I think the muzzleflash on the M168 is a bit excessive. Here's an example of it firing on the M163 VADS. Example Ignoring the weird graphics bug on the hull (my fault, bad compression of the texture file), that flame seems a might too big for the weapon, and it makes actually hitting anything impossible because the muzzle blast completely blinds the gunner. Would anyone know how to reduce this giant muzzle flash? EDIT: Sorry about the picture file size.
  9. xeno426

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    I've not played ACE, so I don't know how their system works, nor would I know how to implement a similar system without ripping the ACE one off wholesale--something I'm sure they would not be terribly happy with.
  10. xeno426

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    There's a few problems with doing that, and foremost on my list is that it would break compatibility with Mando's missile mod. There are also issues regarding traits that can only be assigned to a weapon through its weapon class, not the magazine or ammo. The AI's engagement range for weapons is set by the weapon class, not the magazine or ammo. Weapon lock is handled by the weapon class Minor, but the cursor is defined in the weapon class I am also unsure how the interaction between a magazine with a different load time from the weapon using it would work out. I suspect the weapon class would take precedence. If I made such a change to those weapons, it would be part of a different mod, not this one.
  11. xeno426

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    I'm not sure what you want. In order to use the ATGM's on those vehicles, you have to first switch to the missile, so it's not possible to fire them both at the same time.
  12. Ok, I managed to fix the problem. I don't know what was wrong, but uninstalling and then reinstalling all the BIS tools seems to have solved it. However, I would very much like to know of any way to export UV maps from O2 to another modeling program so I can burn occlusion maps.
  13. Unless you have a way of exporting UV maps from O2 to another program, that's not an option.
  14. Try holding right Alt and then N. This turns on TI fine for me. R-Alt+various Function keys cycles between modes (DON'T HIT F4!). However, I have noticed that it still doesn't seem to properly display thermal maps, even when full movement and metabolism is turned on. I did, however, discover that there's another thermal mode that isn't used in the game using this. :)
  15. Can this be done with the Kuznetsov as well?
  16. Mando, does the new "Right SHIFT + Left CTRL: Cycle through HUD modes backwards (selects previous MMA weapon and mode)" have a corresponding key in the ArmA2 user actions menu?
  17. xeno426

    KA-50 Hokum

    You'll notice the config file references memory points. Memory points are located in the Memory LOD of the model. You can only edit the LOD of a model if you have the MLOD. If you reference memory points that don't actually exist on the model, the flares just appear from the model origin (0,0,0). So yes, you need the MLOD to properly do flares that don't sprout out from the center of the model.
  18. This has been asked before, and the response is generally that adding a native ability in Mando would be too difficult. It's much better to instead map the mando keys to your joystick. If your joystick can't do this natively, there are plenty of 3rd party programs that let you reprogram it.
  19. xeno426

    KA-50 Hokum

    Don't know about the moveable cannon, but thermal maps would require the unbinarized rvmat files. Adding other OA stuff, like flares, would require the MLOD. That being said, I'd love to see this model updated to OA, and a vanilla update in addition to ACE.
  20. There's a mod that fixes that.
  21. Updated 06-05-2011 It really annoyed me how the MEV (ambulance) Stryker can't hold any troops at all, despite the ambulance versions of other vehicles--like the BMP-2 and M113--can. This is also counter to the actual MEV, which can carry four patients on stretchers or six less seriously-wounded men in regular seating. What's strange is that BIS's MEV model can carry the full nine passengers of the ICV model. For balance, though, I've kept the number of passengers to eight. The Stryker MGS is another annoyance. The fact that there is no gunner--only a commander and driver--not only breaks the convention of other vehicles that have only two positions (like the M113), but can also cause problems in Warfare. Thus, I've fixed the MGS Stryker to display its positions as gunner and driver rather than driver and commander. Summary: The Stryker MEV now has eight passenger positions. The Stryker MGS no longer displays a commander position; it is now a gunner position. You do not need this file if you are already using the TGW Vehicle Fixes mod. Server key is included. MediaFire link: - Stryker MGS and MEV fixes v1.1 Armaholic mirror: - Stryker MGS and MEV fixes v1.1
  22. You sure you have the right version? I just checked the one on ArmAholic and it has 8. Future versions will be set to 6. I completely forgot about the Taki landrover issue, and I plan to look into that as well. Addendum: Just tested out the landrover. Even though there is an extra seat it in, that seat has no proxy position, so nobody actually sits in it. The "extra" person just disappears into the model.
  23. As far as I know, the nuclear system is only used by the SCUD launcher. I'm sure it could be adapted to other weapons, though.
  24. You want to set it up so that if you don't have ACE2, you can't use the nuclear SCUD launcher? :raisebrow:
  25. xeno426

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    Hmm, I'm not sure about adding that. With that code, it also prevents human players from turning in, making them sitting ducks ala Battlefield 1942.