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Everything posted by xeno426

  1. I am having two issues with a truck model that has a giant rocket on the back. I am using a proxy for the rocket on the back. The proxy name points to the proper files. I'm pretty sure the proxy model itself is fine. Unfortunately, the model always shows up without the missile ingame. When the rocket fires, it shows up fine. The other issue I have is that when the tires are destroyed, the model continues to float in the air as those the tires were still there. I've tried to copy the same setup that the ArmA2 BIS models use with the named selections; the wheel models in the res LODs are named "wheel_x_x_hide" and they each have a corresponding triangle model called "wheel_x_x_unhide". The wheel models in the shadowLOD, Fire Geometry and View Geometry are named "wheel_x_x_damper", while the model in Geometry is called "wheel_x_x_damper_land", as are the vertex points in the LandContact LOD. Finally, in the Memory LOD, there are "wheel_x_x_damper" points for each wheel. However, when the wheel is destroyed, it always looks like this. If it helps any, here's the code for the skeleton I am using. Can anyone offer insight into what I might be doing wrong?
  2. Derp, my mistake. That "missile_hide" should just be "missile". Issue still stands, though.
  3. Ok, this is annoying. If I change the missile bone to "missile", "", Then the missile will hide when I set its phase to "1" in Bulldozer. However, this causes the missile to remain flush with the truck body, no longer moving with the turret. Changing the bone back to "missile_hide", "OtocHlaven", the missile moves with the turret, but no longer disappears.
  4. I'm currently doing some model tweaking to rygugu/Vilas' T-62 model for inclusion in the Iranian Forces mod, and I've encountered a small bug that I'd like to fix. The tracks, when not moving, tend to flicker around. 7ta1A2fCr9c Furthermore, the treads themselves don't move fast enough, and don't seem to actually keep up with the tank's movement. 7_1fshkcprw There's also the weird phenomenon where another vehicle using the same model will mirror the tread movements of my vehicle. fKoHDvp9_gw How could I fix this? A previous thread I found seems to indicate that it's not possible to fix. Is this true?
  5. That would assume I'm using the 1.60 beta patch. If it's any help, here's my model and config.cpp entries. config.cpp class IRAN_T62_base : T55_Base { scope = private; displayName = $STR_IRAN_DN_T62_base; accuracy = 0.25; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target picture = "\iran_armor\ui\pic_t62_ca.paa"; Icon = "\iran_armor\ui\icomap_t62_ca.paa"; mapSize = 9; armor = 500; maxSpeed = 50; fuelCapacity = 960; model = "\iran_armor\BDS_T62.p3d"; driverAction = "T72_DriverOut"; driverInAction = "T72_Driver"; radarType = 4; class AnimationSources { class ReloadAnim { source = "reload"; weapon = "IRAN_MGD"; }; class ReloadMagazine { source = "reloadmagazine"; weapon = "IRAN_MGD"; }; class Revolving { source = "revolving"; weapon = "IRAN_MGD"; }; class recoil_source { source = "reload"; weapon = "IRAN_2A20"; }; class maingunup { type = "rotationX"; source = "user"; selection = "reloadhlaven"; memory = 1; axis = "OsaHlavne"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "0"; maxValue = "1"; angle0 = "rad 0"; angle1 = "rad 8"; animPeriod = 2; }; }; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = { "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_body.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_body_damage.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_body_destruct.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_gun.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_gun_damage.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_gun_destruct.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_tlt2.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_tlt2_damage.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_tlt2_destruct.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_track.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_track_damage.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_track_destruct.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_wheel.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_wheel_damage.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T55_wheel_destruct.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T62_tlt.rvmat","iran_armor\texture\t62\T62_tlt_damage.rvmat", "iran_armor\texture\t62\T62_tlt_destruct.rvmat" }; }; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { proxyType = "CPGunner"; body = "MainTurret"; gun = "MainGun"; animationSourceBody = "otocvez"; animationSourceGun = "otochlaven"; proxyIndex = 2; minElev = -6; maxElev = 16; gunnerOpticsModel = "\iran_armor\data\optics\T55_gunner.p3d"; gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics2", "OpticsBlur1", "OpticsCHAbera1"}; radarType = 4; gunnerAction = "Abrams_Gunner"; gunnerInAction = "Abrams_Gunner"; weapons[] = {"IRAN_2A20", PKT}; magazines[] = {"IRAN_15Rnd_115mmHEAT", "IRAN_10Rnd_115mmHE", "IRAN_10Rnd_115mmSABOT", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90", "250Rnd_762x54_PKT_T90"}; turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeZeroing"; discreteDistance[] = {600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2400, 2600, 2800, 3000, 3200, 3400, 3600, 3800, 4000}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; forceHideGunner = true; class Turrets : Turrets { class CommanderOptics : CommanderOptics { minElev = -25; maxElev = 60; gunnerForceOptics = true; animationSourceBody = "ObsTurret"; animationSourceGun = "ObsGun"; weapons[] = {"SmokeLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"SmokeLauncherMag", "SmokeLauncherMag"}; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_com3"; gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics1", "OpticsBlur2", "OpticsCHAbera3"}; gunneroutOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; gunnerAction = "T72_GunnerOut"; gunnerInAction = "T72_Gunner"; turretInfoType = "RscWeaponRangeFinder"; radarType = 4; }; class loaderOptics : NewTurret { proxyType = "CPGunner"; gunnerName = "$STR_GN_M1A2_LoaderTurret"; proxyIndex = 1; body = "LoaderTurret"; gun = "LoaderGun"; weapons[] = {"IRAN_MGD"}; magazines[] = {"50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM", "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM", "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM", "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM", "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM", "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM"}; stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesNone"; animationSourceBody = "LoaderTurret"; animationSourceGun = "LoaderGun"; animationSourceHatch = "Hatch_loader"; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1"; memoryPointGunnerOptics = "loaderview"; memoryPointGunneroutOptics = "loader_weapon_view"; memoryPointGun = "loaderpointgun"; gunBeg = "loader_muzzle"; gunEnd = "loader_chamber"; minElev = -25; maxElev = 60; initElev = 0; minTurn = -360; maxTurn = 360; initTurn = 0; LODTurnedOut = 1000; LODTurnedIn = 1000; class HitPoints { class HitLoaderTurret { armor = 0.9; material = -1; name = "loader_turret"; visual = "loader_turret"; passThrough = 0.5; }; }; outGunnerMayFire = true; inGunnerMayFire = true; //false; gunnerForceOptics = true; gunnerAction = "T72_CommanderOut"; gunnerInAction = "T72_Commander"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\iran_armor\data\optics\T62_55_commander.p3d"; gunneroutOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos loader"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos loader dir"; startEngine = false; turretInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing"; discreteDistance[] = {400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; class Turrets {}; class ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -30; maxAngleX = 30; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -100; maxAngleY = 100; initFov = 0.2; minFov = 0.025; maxFov = 0.5; }; }; }; }; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "$STR_IRAN_LIB_T62"; }; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo01", "Camo02", "Camo03", "Camo04", "Camo05"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\iran_armor\texture\t62\body_co.paa", "\iran_armor\texture\t62\tilt62_co.paa", "\iran_armor\texture\t62\tilt2_co.paa", "\iran_armor\texture\t62\gun_co.paa", "\iran_armor\texture\t62\whe_co.paa"}; smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 4; }; class IRAN_T62 : IRAN_T62_base { scope = public; vehicleClass = "IRA_VEH"; side = TGuerrila; faction = IRAN; crew = "IRAN_MAN_Crew"; displayName = "$STR_IRAN_DN_T62M1"; accuracy = 0.35; // accuracy needed to recognize type of this target typicalCargo[] = {"IRAN_MAN_Crew", "IRAN_MAN_Crew", "IRAN_MAN_Crew", "IRAN_MAN_Crew"}; class Armory { author = $STR_AUTHOR_RYGUGUVILAS; }; }; model.cfg class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]={}; }; class Tank : Default { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit="Default"; }; class bds_t62Bones: Tank { skeletonInherit = "Tank"; skeletonBones[] = { "otocvez","", "otochlaven","otocvez", "reloadhlaven","otochlaven", "recoilhlaven","reloadhlaven", "otocvelitele","otocvez", "otochlavenvelitele","otocvelitele", "loader_turret","otocvez", "loader_gun","loader_turret", "ammo_belt","loader_gun", "magazine","loader_gun", "feedtray_cover","loader_gun", "kolL1", "", "kolL2", "", "kolL3", "", "kolL4", "", "kolL5", "", "kolL6", "", "kolL7", "", "kolL8", "", "kolP1", "", "kolP2", "", "kolP3", "", "kolP4", "", "kolP5", "", "kolP6", "", "kolP7", "", "kolP8", "", "podkolol1", "", "podkolol2", "", "podkolol3", "", "podkolol4", "", "podkolol5", "", "podkolol6", "", "podkolol7", "", "podkolol8", "", "podkolop1", "", "podkolop2", "", "podkolop3", "", "podkolop4", "", "podkolop5", "", "podkolop6", "", "podkolop7", "", "podkolop8", "", "kolol1", "podkolol1", "kolol2", "podkolol2", "kolol3", "podkolol3", "kolol4", "podkolol4", "kolol5", "podkolol5", "kolol6", "podkolol6", "kolol7", "podkolol7", "kolol8", "podkolol8", "kolop1", "podkolop1", "kolop2", "podkolop2", "kolop3", "podkolop3", "kolop4", "podkolop4", "kolop5", "podkolop5", "kolop6", "podkolop6", "kolop7", "podkolop7", "kolop8", "podkolop8", "podkolol1_hide","podkolol1", "podkolol2_hide","podkolol2", "podkolol3_hide","podkolol3", "podkolol4_hide","podkolol4", "podkolol5_hide","podkolol5", "podkolol6_hide","podkolol6", "podkolol7_hide","podkolol7", "podkolol8_hide","podkolol8", "podkolop1_hide","podkolop1", "podkolop2_hide","podkolop2", "podkolop3_hide","podkolop3", "podkolop4_hide","podkolop4", "podkolop5_hide","podkolop5", "podkolop6_hide","podkolop6", "podkolop7_hide","podkolop7", "podkolop8_hide","podkolop8", "podkolol1_up", "podkolol1", "podkolol2_up", "podkolol2", "podkolol3_up", "podkolol3", "podkolol4_up", "podkolol4", "podkolol5_up", "podkolol5", "podkolol6_up", "podkolol6", "podkolol7_up", "podkolol7", "podkolol8_up", "podkolol8", "podkolop1_up", "podkolop1", "podkolop2_up", "podkolop2", "podkolop3_up", "podkolop3", "podkolop4_up", "podkolop4", "podkolop5_up", "podkolop5", "podkolop6_up", "podkolop6", "podkolop7_up", "podkolop7", "podkolop8_up", "podkolop8", "damageHide","", "damageVez","OtocVez", "damageHlaven","OtocHlaven", "damageVez_2","loader_turret", "damageHlaven_2","loader_gun", "poklop_driver","", "poklop_commander","otocvelitele", "L svetlo", "otochlavenvelitele", "loader_hat","loader_turret" }; }; }; class Rotation; class CfgModels { class Default { sections[] = {}; sectionsInherit=""; skeletonName = ""; }; class Tank: Default { skeletonName="Tank"; sections[]= { "zadni svetlo", "brzdove svetlo", "PasOffsetP", "PasOffsetL", "recoilhlaven", "recoil", "magazine", "zasleh", "zasleh_1", "telo", "pas_L", "pas_P", "motor", "vez", "zbran", "clan", "clan_sign", "camo1", "camo2", "camo3", "camo4", "zbytek" }; class Animations { class damageHide { type="hide"; source="damage"; selection="damageHide"; }; class HatchDriver { type="rotation"; source="hatchDriver"; selection="poklop_driver"; axis="osa_poklop_driver"; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad -100"; }; class IndicatorSpeed { type="rotation"; source="speed"; selection="ukaz_rychlo"; axis="osa_rychlo"; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; minValue=0; maxValue=16.67; angle0=0; angle1="rad -240"; }; class IndicatorSpeed2 { type="rotation"; source="speed"; selection="ukaz_rychlo2"; axis="osa_rychlo2"; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; minValue=0; maxValue=16.67; angle0=0; angle1="rad -240"; }; class IndicatorRPM { type="rotation"; source="rpm"; selection="ukaz_rpm"; axis="osa_rpm"; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; minValue=0; maxValue=1; angle0=0; angle1="rad -340"; }; class Radar { type="rotation"; source="time"; selection="ukaz_radar"; axis="osa_radar"; memory="false"; minValue=0; maxValue=2; sourceAddress="loop"; angle0=0; angle1="rad 360"; }; class IndicatorTurret { type="rotation"; source="turretDir"; selection="ukazsmer"; axis="osa_ukazsmer"; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; minValue=0; maxValue=6.283185; angle0=0; angle1="rad 360"; }; class WatchHour { type="rotation"; source="clockHour"; selection="hodinova"; axis="osa_time"; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad 360"; }; class WatchMinute { type="rotation"; source="clockMinute"; selection="minutova"; axis="osa_time"; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad 360"; }; class Wheel_kolL1 { type="rotationX"; source="wheelL"; selection="kolL1"; axis=""; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad -360"; sourceAddress="loop"; }; class Wheel_koloL1: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="koloL1"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL1 { type="translationY"; source="damper"; selection="podkoloL1"; axis=""; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; minValue=-1000; maxValue=1000; }; class Wheel_kolP1: Wheel_kolL1 { source="wheelR"; selection="kolP1"; }; class Wheel_koloP1: Wheel_koloL1 { source="wheelR"; selection="koloP1"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP1: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloP1"; }; class Wheel_kolL2: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL2"; }; class Wheel_kolL3: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL3"; }; class Wheel_kolL4: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL4"; }; class Wheel_kolL5: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL5"; }; class Wheel_kolL6: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL6"; }; class Wheel_kolL7: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL7"; }; class Wheel_kolL8: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL8"; }; class Wheel_kolP2: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP2"; }; class Wheel_kolP3: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP3"; }; class Wheel_kolP4: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP4"; }; class Wheel_kolP5: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP5"; }; class Wheel_kolP6: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP6"; }; class Wheel_kolP7: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP7"; }; class Wheel_kolP8: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP8"; }; class Wheel_koloL2: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="koloL2"; }; class Wheel_koloL3: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="koloL3"; }; class Wheel_koloL4: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="koloL4"; }; class Wheel_koloL5: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="koloL5"; }; class Wheel_koloL6: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="koloL6"; }; class Wheel_koloL7: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="koloL7"; }; class Wheel_koloL8: Wheel_koloL1 { selection="koloL8"; }; class Wheel_koloP2: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="koloP2"; }; class Wheel_koloP3: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="koloP3"; }; class Wheel_koloP4: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="koloP4"; }; class Wheel_koloP5: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="koloP5"; }; class Wheel_koloP6: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="koloP6"; }; class Wheel_koloP7: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="koloP7"; }; class Wheel_koloP8: Wheel_koloP1 { selection="koloP8"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL2: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL2"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL3: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL3"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL4: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL4"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL5: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL5"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL6: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL6"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL7: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL7"; }; class Wheel_podkoloL8: Wheel_podkoloL1 { selection="podkoloL8"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP2: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP2"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP3: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP3"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP4: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP4"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP5: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP5"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP6: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP6"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP7: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP7"; }; class Wheel_podkoloP8: Wheel_podkoloP1 { selection="podkoloP8"; }; class podkoloL1_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL1_hide"; }; class podkoloL2_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL2_hide"; }; class podkoloL3_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL3_hide"; }; class podkoloL4_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL4_hide"; }; class podkoloL5_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL5_hide"; }; class podkoloL6_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL6_hide"; }; class podkoloL7_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL7_hide"; }; class podkoloL8_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL8_hide"; }; class podkoloP1_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP1_hide"; }; class podkoloP2_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP2_hide"; }; class podkoloP3_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP3_hide"; }; class podkoloP4_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP4_hide"; }; class podkoloP5_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP5_hide"; }; class podkoloP6_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP6_hide"; }; class podkoloP7_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP7_hide"; }; class podkoloP8_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP8_hide"; }; class damageVez: damageHide { selection="damageVez"; }; }; }; class BDS_T62: Tank { sectionsInherit = "Tank"; sections[] = { "skirt", "TF_Skirt", "BF_Skirt", "log", "snorkel", "zbytek", "telo", "pas_P", "pas_L", "telo", "vez", "zbran", "pravy zadni", "pasanimL", "pasanimP", "pasoffsetL", "pasoffsetP", "levy zadni", "L svetlo", "P svetlo", "koll1", "koll2", "kolp1", "kolp2", "kolol1", "kolol2", "kolol3", "kolol4", "kolol5", "kolol6", "kolP1", "kolop1", "kolop2", "kolop3", "kolop4", "kolop5", "kolop6", "otocvez", "otochlaven", "otocvelitele", "otochlavenvelitele", "loader_turret", "loader_gun", "com_gun", "cover", "loader_hat", "poklop_driver", "poklop_commander", "zadni svetlo", "brzdove svetlo", "zasleh", "zasleh_1", "recoilhlaven", "reloadhlaven", "camo01", "camo02", "camo03", "camo04", "camo05" }; skeletonName = "bds_t62Bones"; class Animations { class MainTurret { type = "rotationY"; source = "otocvez"; selection = "otocvez"; axis = "OsaVeze"; memory = "true"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "rad -360"; maxValue = "rad +360"; angle0 = "rad -360"; angle1 = "rad 360"; }; class MainGun : MainTurret { type = "rotationX"; source = "otochlaven"; selection = "OtocHlaven"; axis = "OsaHlavne"; }; class maingunup { type = "rotationX"; source = "user"; selection = "reloadhlaven"; memory = "true"; axis = "OsaHlavne"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "0"; maxValue = "1"; angle0 = "rad 0"; angle1 = "rad 6"; animPeriod = 2; }; class recoil_BEGIN { type="translation"; offset0=0; offset1=-0.2; axis="recoilhlaven_axis"; memory="true"; minValue=0.92; maxValue=0.99; minPhase=0.92; maxPhase=0.99; source="recoil_source"; sourceAddress="clamp"; selection="recoilhlaven"; }; class recoil_END : recoil_BEGIN { offset1=0.2; minValue=0.99; maxValue=1; minPhase=0.99; maxPhase=1; }; class com_coppula { type = "rotationY"; source = "com_coppula"; selection = "otocvelitele"; axis = "osavelitele"; memory = "true"; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = "rad -360"; maxValue = "rad +360"; angle0 = "rad -360"; angle1 = "rad 360"; }; class ObsTurret { type="rotationY"; source="obsTurret"; selection="otocvelitele"; axis="osavelitele"; memory="true"; sourceAddress="clamp"; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad 360"; }; class ObsGun : ObsTurret { type="rotationX"; source="obsGun"; selection="otochlavenvelitele"; axis="osahlavnevelitele"; }; class LoaderTurret //loader gun azimuth { type = "rotationY"; source = "loaderTurret"; selection = "loader_turret"; axis = "loader_turret_axis"; memory = "true"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "rad -360"; maxValue = "rad +360"; angle0 = "rad -360"; angle1 = "rad 360"; }; class LoaderGun //loader gun elevation { type = "rotationX"; source = "LoaderGun"; selection = "loader_gun"; axis = "loader_gun_axis"; memory = "true"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "rad -8.5"; maxValue = "rad 50"; angle0 = "rad -8.5"; angle1 = "rad 50"; }; class ammo_belt_rotation { type="rotationZ"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.20944; axis="ammo_belt_axis"; memory="true"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="ReloadAnim"; sourceAddress="loop"; selection="ammo_belt"; }; class Feedtray_cover_up { type="rotation"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.570796; axis="feedtray_cover_axis"; memory="true"; minValue=0.1; maxValue=0.13; minPhase=0.1; maxPhase=0.13; source="reloadMagazine"; sourceAddress="clamp"; selection="feedtray_cover"; }; class Feedtray_cover_down : Feedtray_cover_up { angle1=1.570796; minValue=0.86; maxValue=0.9; minPhase=0.86; maxPhase=0.9; }; class Magazine_hide { type="hide"; hideValue=0.56; minValue=0; maxValue=0.5; minPhase=0; maxPhase=0.5; source="reloadMagazine"; sourceAddress="mirror"; selection="magazine"; }; class Wheel_kolL1 { type="rotationX"; angle0=0; angle1="rad -360"; source="wheelL"; selection="kolL1"; axis=""; memory="false"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; sourceAddress="loop"; }; class Wheel_kolol1: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolol1"; }; class Wheel_podkolol1 { type="translationY"; source="damper"; sourceAddress="clamp"; selection="podkolol1"; axis=""; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; minValue=-1000; maxValue=1000; minPhase=-1000; maxPhase=1000; //minValue=-0.2; //maxValue=0.2; }; class Wheel_kolP1: Wheel_kolL1 { source="wheelR"; selection="kolP1"; }; class Wheel_kolop1: Wheel_kolol1 { source="wheelR"; selection="kolop1"; }; class Wheel_podkolop1: Wheel_podkolol1 { selection="podkolop1"; }; class Wheel_kolL2: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL2"; }; class Wheel_kolL3: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL3"; }; class Wheel_kolL4: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL4"; }; class Wheel_kolL5: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL5"; }; class Wheel_kolL6: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL6"; }; class Wheel_kolL7: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL7"; }; class Wheel_kolL8: Wheel_kolL1 { selection="kolL8"; }; class Wheel_kolP2: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP2"; }; class Wheel_kolP3: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP3"; }; class Wheel_kolP4: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP4"; }; class Wheel_kolP5: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP5"; }; class Wheel_kolP6: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP6"; }; class Wheel_kolP7: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP7"; }; class Wheel_kolP8: Wheel_kolP1 { selection="kolP8"; }; class Wheel_kolol2: Wheel_kolol1 { selection="kolol2"; }; class Wheel_kolol3: Wheel_kolol1 { selection="kolol3"; }; class Wheel_kolol4: Wheel_kolol1 { selection="kolol4"; }; class Wheel_kolol5: Wheel_kolol1 { selection="kolol5"; }; class Wheel_kolol6: Wheel_kolol1 { selection="kolol6"; }; class Wheel_kolol7: Wheel_kolol1 { selection="kolol7"; }; class Wheel_kolol8: Wheel_kolol1 { selection="kolol8"; }; class Wheel_kolop2: Wheel_kolop1 { selection="kolop2"; }; class Wheel_kolop3: Wheel_kolop1 { selection="kolop3"; }; class Wheel_kolop4: Wheel_kolop1 { selection="kolop4"; }; class Wheel_kolop5: Wheel_kolop1 { selection="kolop5"; }; class Wheel_kolop6: Wheel_kolop1 { selection="kolop6"; }; class Wheel_kolop7: Wheel_kolop1 { selection="kolop7"; }; class Wheel_kolop8: Wheel_kolop1 { selection="kolop8"; }; class Wheel_podkolol2: Wheel_podkolol1 { selection="podkolol2"; }; class Wheel_podkolol3: Wheel_podkolol1 { selection="podkolol3"; }; class Wheel_podkolol4: Wheel_podkolol1 { selection="podkolol4"; }; class Wheel_podkolol5: Wheel_podkolol1 { selection="podkolol5"; }; class Wheel_podkolol6: Wheel_podkolol1 { selection="podkolol6"; }; class Wheel_podkolol7: Wheel_podkolol1 { selection="podkolol7"; }; class Wheel_podkolol8: Wheel_podkolol1 { selection="podkolol8"; }; class Wheel_podkolop2: Wheel_podkolop1 { selection="podkolop2"; }; class Wheel_podkolop3: Wheel_podkolop1 { selection="podkolop3"; }; class Wheel_podkolop4: Wheel_podkolop1 { selection="podkolop4"; }; class Wheel_podkolop5: Wheel_podkolop1 { selection="podkolop5"; }; class Wheel_podkolop6: Wheel_podkolop1 { selection="podkolop6"; }; class Wheel_podkolop7: Wheel_podkolop1 { selection="podkolop7"; }; class Wheel_podkolop8: Wheel_podkolop1 { selection="podkolop8"; }; class Wheel_podkolol1_up { type="translationY"; source="damper"; selection="podkolol1_up"; axis=""; memory="false"; animPeriod=0; minValue= 0 ; maxValue=0.1; }; class Wheel_podkolop1_up: Wheel_podkolol1_up { selection="podkolop1_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolol2_up: Wheel_podkolol1_up { selection="podkolol2_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolol3_up: Wheel_podkolol1_up { selection="podkolol3_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolol4_up: Wheel_podkolol1_up { selection="podkolol4_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolol5_up: Wheel_podkolol1_up { selection="podkolol5_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolol6_up: Wheel_podkolol1_up { selection="podkolol6_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolol7_up: Wheel_podkolol1_up { selection="podkolol7_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolol8_up: Wheel_podkolol1_up { selection="podkolol8_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolop2_up: Wheel_podkolop1_up { selection="podkolop2_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolop3_up: Wheel_podkolop1_up { selection="podkolop3_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolop4_up: Wheel_podkolop1_up { selection="podkolop4_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolop5_up: Wheel_podkolop1_up { selection="podkolop5"; }; class Wheel_podkolop6_up: Wheel_podkolop1_up { selection="podkolop6_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolop7_up: Wheel_podkolop1_up { selection="podkolop7_up"; }; class Wheel_podkolop8_up: Wheel_podkolop1_up { selection="podkolop8_up"; }; class Hatch_driver { selection = "poklop_driver"; type = "rotation"; source = "hatchDriver"; axis = "osa_poklop_driver"; animPeriod = 0; memory = "true"; minValue = "rad 0"; maxValue = "1"; angle0 = "rad 0"; angle1 = "rad +180"; }; class Hatch_loader { selection = "loader_hat"; type = "rotation"; source = "Hatch_loader"; memory = "true"; axis = "osa_poklop_loder"; animPeriod = 0; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad 90"; }; class Hatch_commander { selection = "poklop_commander"; type = "rotation"; memory = "true"; source = "HatchCommander"; axis = "osa_poklop_commander"; animPeriod = 0; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad 90"; }; class damageHide { type = "hide"; source = "damage"; selection = "damageHide"; }; class loader_hatch_damage : damageHide { hideValue=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; selection="loader_hat"; }; class damageVez: damageHide { selection = "damageVez"; }; class damageHlaven: damageHide { selection = "damageHlaven"; }; class damageVez_2: damageVez { selection = "damageVez_2"; }; class damageHlaven_2: damageHide { selection = "damageHlaven_2"; }; class podkoloL1_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL1_hide"; }; class podkoloL2_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL2_hide"; }; class podkoloL3_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL3_hide"; }; class podkoloL4_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL4_hide"; }; class podkoloL5_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL5_hide"; }; class podkoloL6_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL6_hide"; }; class podkoloL7_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL7_hide"; }; class podkoloL8_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloL8_hide"; }; class podkoloP1_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP1_hide"; }; class podkoloP2_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP2_hide"; }; class podkoloP3_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP3_hide"; }; class podkoloP4_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP4_hide"; }; class podkoloP5_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP5_hide"; }; class podkoloP6_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP6_hide"; }; class podkoloP7_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP7_hide"; }; class podkoloP8_hide_damage: damageHide { selection="podkoloP8_hide"; }; }; }; }; I'll try playing with values like tracksspeed and wheelcircumference to see if they change anything. I think alphatracks is used the tracks left on the ground.
  6. I don't want this hide animation to be accessible by the player or AI, kind of like the "stored" rotor animation found on the AH-1Z and UH-1Y models. Essentially, firing the weapon will trigger a script that hides the missile model. Will I be OK if I do not use the "UserActions" entry you have there?
  7. Thanks for the heads-up. I thought I was just having browser issues.
  8. I already did. Specifically, this is what I added. "missile", "OtocHlaven", It's not a proxy anymore, it's actually part of the model, as per wld427's suggestion. 0 and "clamp" are the same thing for SourceAddress, just like "true" and 1 are the same thing for Memory. So I need to go back to making it a proxy? The thing is I'm using the way the RAH-66 Comanche model hides it's various weapons for the different versions. While the Stinger and Hellfire missiles on the model are proxies, the rocket pods are not. In that model.cfg file, the pods are hidden by this code class ffar_launcherl_hide: damageHide { source="user"; selection="ffar_launcherl"; }; With "damageHide" being defined as class damageHide { type="hide"; source="damage"; selection="damageHide"; }; The config for each RAH-66 variant then uses AnimationSources to turn on and off the various weapons from being shown. For instance, class ffar_launcherl_hide { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 1; }; class ffar_launcherr_hide { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 1; }; is used to turn on the FFAIR launchers, as the the config sets the initPhase for all the hidden objects to "0". Additionally, none of these parts are listed in the hiddenSelections[] of the conifg.
  9. [edit] oops, I replied with an old window open that hadn't been updated with your post, lol What do you mean by "when I rotate the mouse"? [EDIT again] Oh, I see what you mean. No, it doesn't disappear when I change the phase (I think that's the value) in Bulldozer to 1.000. Here's what I have in the model.cfg to test it with: class missile_hide { type = "hide"; source="missile_hide"; selection="missile"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; minPhase = 0; maxPhase = 1; SourceAddress = "clamp"; hideValue = 0.05; }; I also tried it with the "source" set to "user" with the same results.
  10. Wouldn't I need to set the source in the AnimationSources to "missile_hide" as well? class AnimationSources : AnimationSources { class missile_hide { source = "[color="Blue"]missile_hide[/color]"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; }; Like that?
  11. OK, I'm trying to set up a hide animation for the missile that can be triggered by a script. So far, however, my efforts have been for naught. In the CfgModel entry for the vehicle, I added this: class missile_hide: damageHide { source="user"; selection="missile"; }; The missile object in the model is properly labeled "missile" in the named selections, and "missile" has been declared in both the skeleton and the "sections[]=" part of CfgModels. In the config.cpp, I added the following entry class AnimationSources : AnimationSources { class missile_hide { source = "user"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; }; }; To test whether or not the missile would be hidden, I set the "initPhase" to 1, which should have made the missile invisible. It doesn't. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?
  12. The more difficult part would be mapping it in such a way that you could get a camo pattern across the whole thing, like in those pictures maza94 linked.
  13. The Type 72Z us an upgrade to the Chinese Type 59 tanks. The T-72Z is the T-55 upgrade (and Shafir-74 is the T-54 upgrade). They are all upgraded to the same standard, the name just reflects what the original vehicle was. There are other changes besides the ERA, though. For one, they've replaced the 100mm smoothbore D-10 with the 105mm M68 rifled cannon (same used on the M60A1). They've also upgraded them with a decent FCS, so they can shoot objects on the move, and it has the capability of shooting the AT-10 ATGM. Technically, the T-62 is a modification Vilas made on rygugu's T-55 model. I wasn't aware rygugu, or anyone else, had made an ERA-equipped T-55 model.
  14. No model for it, sadly. :(
  15. xeno426

    1S91 Fire Control Radar

    Ok, I've managed to fix the problem. Would you like me to send you the edited model.cfg and MLOD?
  16. Well, damn. How would I set up such a script? I am terrible at scripting. :(
  17. xeno426

    1S91 Fire Control Radar

    I thought the strange missing parts was due to damageHide at first as well, but none of the damageHide selections share any vertices with the missing parts in the picture. It seems you have selections that are inheriting from damageHide. Track_radar is one such example. I also notice in the config that you have a skeleton and model named 1s91_aa_Tank, something you want to avoid since this confuses the program. [EDIT] Thinking about it, if you didn't remove Track_radar, would it continue spinning after vehicle destruction? If so, you could create a fake "mast" piece (the big dish itself should probably disappear as per damageHide) that only appears when the vehicle is destroyed; a "reverse" damageHide part, if you will.
  18. Strange, that worked. But that doesn't make any sense; if I'm defining it in the ammo entry, why would it matter that it isn't defined in the parent class? The problem is that now I have inherited values I don't want. What should I do about about the ARTY_ ammo? There's no R-72 ARTY_ class to inherit from.
  19. Yeah, I've already got that. class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon; // External class reference class Proxynazeat_proxy : ProxyWeapon { model = "\IRAN_Vehicles\nazeat_proxy.p3d"; simulation = "maverickweapon"; }; };
  20. xeno426

    1S91 Fire Control Radar

    Found an issue. When the vehicle is destroyed, it looks... strange. You also have some references to your BRDM-2 pack, namely the camonet textures.
  21. Thanks! That worked! Can anyone help with the outstanding invisible proxy issue? If it's any help, here are the config entries for the rocket. CfgAmmo class IRAN_R_Nazeat6 : R_GRAD { scope = public; visibleFire = 12; // how much is visible when this weapon is fired audibleFire = 2; visibleFireTime = 4; // how long is it visible model = "\iran_vehicles\nazeatmissile.p3d"; proxyShape = "\iran_vehicles\nazeat_proxy.p3d"; hit = 1200; indirectHit = 240; indirectHitRange = 55; //thrustTime = 20; //thrust = 3000; maxSpeed = 900; // max speed on level road, km/h timeToLive = 200; fuseDistance = 500; cost = 10000; //sideAirFriction = 0.9; //initTime = 0.0; whistleDist = 110;//2x indirect hit range }; class IRAN_ARTY_R_356mm_HE_Rocket : ARTY_R_120mm_HE_Rocket { scope = public; cost = 1500; maxSpeed = 900; //thrust = 800; timeToLive = 4.5; fuseDistance = 10; ARTY_ReplaceWithAmmo = "IRAN_ARTY_R_356mm_HE"; }; class IRAN_ARTY_R_356mm_HE : ARTY_R_120mm_HE { //airFriction = -0.000080; hit = 1200; indirectHit = 240; indirectHitRange = 55; cost = 1000; //timeToLive = 200; ARTY_NetShell = "IRAN_ARTY_Sh_356_NET"; whistleDist = 110;//2x indirect hit range }; CfgMagazine class IRAN_1Rnd_Nazeat6 : 40Rnd_GRAD { scope = public; displayName = "$STR_IRAN_MN_NAZEAT6"; artilleryLock = 1; count = 1; ammo = "IRAN_R_Nazeat6"; sound[] = {"\iran_vehicle\Sounds\zelzal_launch", db30, 1}; }; class IRAN_ARTY_1Rnd_356mmHE_Nazeat : ARTY_40Rnd_120mmHE_BM21 { scope = public; displayName = "$STR_IRAN_MN_NAZEAT6"; ammo = "IRAN_ARTY_R_356mm_HE_Rocket"; count = 1; //nameSound = "rockets"; sound[] = {"\iran_vehicle\Sounds\zelzal_launch", db30, 1}; }; CfgWeapons class IRAN_NazeatLauncher : GRAD { displayName = "Naze'at-6-H"; magazines[] = {"IRAN_1Rnd_Nazeat6", "IRAN_ARTY_1Rnd_356mmHE_Nazeat"}; //aiRateOfFire = 5.0; // delay between shots at given distance //aiRateOfFireDistance = 8000; magazineReloadTime = 200; initSpeed = 450; modes[] = {"Single1", "Single2", "Single3", "Single4"}; class Single1 : Single { displayName = "Semi (close)"; sound[] = {"\iran_vehicle\Sounds\zelzal_launch", db30, 1}; soundFly[] = {"\iran_vehicle\Sounds\zelzal_fly", db40, 0.8}; minRange = 2670; minRangeProbab = 0.5; midRange = 2945; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 3700; maxRangeProbab = 0.5; artilleryDispersion = 0.05; artilleryCharge = 0.44; }; class Single2 : Single1 { displayName = "Semi (medium)"; minRange = 3000; minRangeProbab = 0.43; midRange = 4211; midRangeProbab = 0.6; maxRange = 4700; maxRangeProbab = 0.3; artilleryDispersion = 0.15; artilleryCharge = 0.49; }; class Single3 : Single2 { displayName = "Semi (far)"; minRange = 6813; minRangeProbab = 0.37; midRange = 14517; midRangeProbab = 0.4; maxRange = 26847; maxRangeProbab = 0.2; artilleryDispersion = 0.25; artilleryCharge = 0.54; }; class Single4 : Single3 { displayName = "Semi (distant)"; minRange = 6813; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 14517; midRangeProbab = 0.4; maxRange = 26847; maxRangeProbab = 0.01; artilleryDispersion = 0.25; artilleryCharge = 0.59; }; }; The AI ranges on the different shots still needs to be tweaked, but that's otherwise it.
  22. I'm using the one YorT already had' date=' with the changes to wheel bones. I think so. Here's the model code. It's inheriting from IRAN_GRAD_Base, which I would assume already has those animations.
  23. The BTR-50 is being dropped from the mod. The primary reason is one of quality; the texture and model quality on the BTR-50 was Operation Flashpoint-era quality, and it lacked many basic features like an LOD for the cargo. Vilas' MT-LB, on the other hand, is very well done. It would be nice to see an ArmA2-quality model of the BTR-50, and I would happily see it used, but there are none that I know of.
  24. The only available Chieftain model isn't very good. Besides, the Iranians already have the M48A5, M60A1, T-62, T-72M1, T-72S, and Zulfiqar-1. They aren't hurting for any more tanks. :D As for the basidge corpus, I have no clue what that is.
  25. Updated 09 November, 2011 This mod is an update of modEmMaik's DKMM RAH-66 Comanche to OA standard, along with several other model and config improvements. The original texture has been changed, and a template has been provided, conveniently located in the "template" folder. The overall skin may be changed using hiddenSelectionsTextures. hiddenSelections[]={"camo1", "custom_map"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]={"\modem_dkmm_rah66\data\rah66_body_co.paa", "\modem_dkmm_rah66\data\maps\desert.paa"}; The main gun has two magazines to choose from, "modem_dkmm_500Rnd_XM301" (500 rnd magazine) and "modem_dkmm_320Rnd_XM301" (320 round magazine). As a note of realism, the planned loadout would have been more commonly 320 rounds. Changes from the original: Fixed the wreck falling into the ground Fixed hits on hull displaying as mud impacts Fixed lack of proper penetration values for different parts of the aircraft Fixed weapon display names Added limited translations for several mod objects (weapons, descriptions, etc) Removed USAC faction; variants that were once USAC are now part of the BIS US Army faction Skins swapped; USMC now has green scheme skin, while US Army has default gunmetal grey skin Added flare countermeasures Added OA radar and lock warning systems Added thermal mapping on the vehicle skin Added new fire modes for XM301 Added thermal imaging and zeroing for the gunner Improved rotor blur Improved fire geometry Improved rvmat settings Made use of some of the sound files provided in the original mod Reworked inheritencies of many mod objects This mod requires Combined Operations (ArmA2 + OA) to work properly. Known issue: Fire Geometry could still be better. I'm working on my (simple) modeling skills for it. Credits: DKM-Mod team for original model modEmMaik & Cyborg11 for giving permission to modify the model [GLT]Myke and zGuba for lots of help and pointers SGT_SAVAGE for the new rotor and engine sounds Changelog: MediaFire Mirror: - TGW RAH-66 Comanche v1.1 Armaholic Mirror: - TGW RAH-66 Comanche v1.1 ArmedAsssault.info Mirror: - TGW RAH-66 Comanche v1.1 EDIT: Now with improved screenshots!