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Everything posted by yourry

  1. I encounter some difficulties to write the sql_custom. For example, at the first connection of the player I would write his name (Name) and iud (PlayerUID) in the DB: sql_custom: [playerInfoInsertOnDB] SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO players_save ($CUSTOM_1$,$CUSTOM_2$) VALUES (?,?); Number of Inputs = 4 Number of Custom Inputs = 2 SQL1_INPUTS = 3, 4 OUTPUT = 1-STRIP-STRING, 2-STRIP-STRING, 3, 4-STRING sqf: _result = [format["playerInfoInsertOnDB:%1:%2:%3:%4", "PlayerUID", "Name", _playerUID, _playerName], 1, true] call extDB_fnc_async; I tested this and it works: SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO players_save (PlayerUID, Name) VALUES (?,?); SQL1_INPUTS = 1, 2-STRING Number of Inputs = 2 _result = [format["playerInfoInsertOnDB:%1:%2", _playerUID, _playerName], 1, false] call extDB_fnc_async; The latter method works but I want something more flexible where I can in the code .sqf asked columns. I think it is this "$CUSTOM_1$" history that I have not yet understood. Another question, if I change my sql_custom, it seems that we must restart the game. Is that true? To save time, do what I can redo the init extDB2 process? (https://github.com/Torndeco/extDB2/blob/master/examples/sqf/init.sqf)
  2. Yes I have already launched the game from STEAM. By cons, if I do it, the official launcher automatically starts. In the examples cited above, I was in stable branch. For cons, I just spent the dev now. For now, I'm not too bothered because I was able to operate the mounting P: and tools Mikero work. After that I still have a lot of work because of the formatting, I have not been able to test all the tools.
  3. I formatted the PC completely since my first message. Since I can properly mount the hard drive D: with the tools. By cons, it seems that all is not yet functional, I futuraToP that tells me deOgg not installed. Now it is installed: The main one is that P: works because for the rest of my work, I can not work without. If you had an idea of the problem, I'm curious. But thank you for the time spent. To operate Arma3P.cmd of Mikero I myself create the entered in the register: It did not exist. It's strange all its problems entered in the register.
  4. Congratulations to all and inevitably the mod RHS who won in our category but also to all others who participated! We are a force to Bohemia and I hope that the studio will continue in this direction with respect to the community ...
  5. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    @NorthernPLAYA43 : The model comes with two missions. You need to install one or the other if you want to play with. I advise you to use the ROJ_Survival mission. It must be copied into your MPMissions folder in the game folder. Then you go to the multiplayer menu and create a host server. You can choose the mission in the list of available missions. @ VoiceOfArmA : Because we work on something else this time the map is on stand-by. Without additional recruitment in the team, I do not think there will map before the end of the year. However, if someone is motivated to work with us on the subject of a map, this can change.
  6. I wanted to know your opinion if there was a way to create units with createAgent command rather than the one used createUnit. I started working with the mod Reign Of Jurassic and Zeus dlc. Unfortunately createUnit control malfunctions with our dinosaurs. Thank you
  7. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    @ VoiceOfArmA Sorry I did not understand what you say.
  8. The Reign Of Jurassic mod is still in development. The creation of the mod to start before the competition and continues thereafter. We work at our own pace, the task is complex and time as to implement a dino in arma is all work that goes from the creation of the 3D model but also animation (very long) and even dozens of hours for the config ... The proposed project already represents 1 year of weekly working ...
  9. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    @nismo1969 : Yes, and this for the next update. It will remain against by creating a new mapping with the triggers that make spawn dinos (see map: ROJ_Mission_Survival.Stratis.pbo) The trigger system is expected to be later abandoned but for now it's not a priority. By exporting the mod cons to another map causes a problem: the spawn loot in house. Currently we only work on house of altis and stratis. This means that if the map has other house the loot will not work like altis or stratis. The position of objects will be less accurate and floor. I hope the community will help us as did people for exporting dayz on another map. @chiconspiracy: I apologize for the delay, I'll see what's wrong. I'll let you know soon. By cons remember to take missions provided in the pack mod and not an older version (the missions are also updated as the development of the mod)
  10. Regarding the HC, I always wondered one thing. Given the AI HC is good but the HC is not immune to a disconnection or crash. This happens if the AI is managed by a HC and it disconnects? The AI does not work? There is an automatic transfer to the server? If you have an answer, I'm interested.
  11. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    We have just learned that the Reign Of Jurassic project is selected in the finalists Make Arma Not War We are really happy and for us it is already a great reward for our work. Thank you all!
  12. @Torndeco Impeccable, it works correctly. Thank you. It is with pleasure that I would have talked to you on Skype but my English level is limited.
  13. I do not really understand where I made a mistake. My values entered in the database are not good: My database is implemented with the data values in the db_custom: [playerInfoWriteOnDB] SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO players_save (playeriud, name) VALUES ('$INPUT_1', '$INPUT_STRING_2'); Number of Inputs = 2 Here is the command that requires writing in the DB: _result = [format["playerInfoWriteOnDB:%1:%2", _playerUID, _playerName], 2] call extDB_fnc_async; I took the code for the "extDB_fnc_async.sqf" function Tonic and placed a diag_log to know the command: ... _key = "extDB" callExtension format["%1:%2:%3",_mode, (call roj_server_extDB_ID), _queryStmt]; diag_log format ["extDB_fnc_async.sqf->query: %1:%2:%3",_mode, (call roj_server_extDB_ID), _queryStmt]; //--- DEBUG ... And therefore in the server logs that I have : 18:38:11 "extDB_fnc_async.sqf->query: 2:159963:playerInfoWriteOnDB:12345678910:=[TTK]= Yourry" I do not understand where I made a mistake. You have a track? Thank you
  14. Thank you for your reply and links. I'll see how the system works from the links. I would ask you some questions may be later. Anyway thank you for your help and your work on extDB.
  15. I work on setting up your system for DB persistence mod Reign Of Jurassic. However, I have a little trouble understanding how your orders. Is someone a template mission to serve me an example? Thank you
  16. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    Although we are discreet enough development ongoing project. I am currently working on the implementation of the spawn system objects (loot) in homes. (debug: the orange dots are the positions of the houses where you can find objects and red are the positions of objects spawned) The work is modeled as a function Dayz (list of items in the config) but the code has been completely coded by me.
  17. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    Not it is not yet possible. We work on the config to allow this. @Malcom86: I do not quite understand your problem. The dinos will not spawn in the mission of ROJ demo (ROJ_ROJ_Mission_Survival) contained in the pack ? The dinos work like a classic soldier mission editor. They only spawn script (this is the case in the mission ROJ_ROJ_Mission_Survival) or then it's up to you to ask the editor (be careful in this case to use template ROJ_template_mission_maker Mission for how to initialize the mod and config file required) For the moment I make no tests with Zeus, MMC Sandbox,..., is planned for later but it is still the order of the day.
  18. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    The simplest solution is to use the mission provided during the download of the mod. The mission was renamed: ROJ_Mission_Survival.Stratis With what mission you have the problem?
  19. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    Malak and me, are pleased to announce that the team develop-is enlarged. Welcome to Lulu and small screen for the occasion of his knowledge: Thank you and have Armaholic play WithSix for their supports. I also thank Fei Lao Mao for sharing his work (implementation of the Blood Mist addon)
  20. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    The next update of the mod fixes some errors and makes it compatible especially the multiplayer mod version. Sgt.CR@$H, I see that you are on the dev version of the mod is not developped on this version of the game. The new update will include a raptor with and one without AI. Please note that the dino with AI work properly, you must have a look at the mission template. If a dino with AI is on the map and functions uncharged then the dino is deleted and an error message appears. Mission template is there to help you.
  21. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    In the next version, you will have two versions of raptor. One with and one without AI. For use with your Artemis project, the version without AI is one that you need. Be careful without AI, the raptor no moving / attack if you do not ordain him. Also a bug is still present, the dinos seem to behave better with the AI if spawned with createAgent command rather than createUnit. This may be a problem in the config addon, we seek the solution.
  22. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    Dinos will be a little stronger in the next version. It will take 3-4 bullets to kill them.
  23. yourry

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    Yes and no. Currently you have some pteranodon that spawn in flight (only pretty, for the moment ...) and a few Brachiosaurus. But only the raptor is actually capable of interacting with players. The mission are only SP, there is a bug related to the config raptor for the mission to be MP. I've never seen this kind of bug, can you tell me if you have more mods, SP? or MP ?, screen? Thank you
  24. Hello everyone, It seems to me that an update changed the way work actions on items. I want to know how BIS is to give a share to its item as FirstAidKit for example. I searched but found nothing in the config BIS. For example, my item is defined in the class cfgVehicle and I have this code in it: class UserActions { class Me_soigner { displayName = "Me piquer"; position = center_point; radius = 1.8; animPeriod = 2; onlyForplayer = 0; condition = "true"; statement = "hint'OK';"; }; }; But it does not work. Do you have any idea how to do or an example? thank you
  25. Thank you for your answers. Surpher you're right. After correcting it works very well. I sincerely thank you for your help. I corrected my config.cpp so that it can use other people.