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Everything posted by super-truite

  1. super-truite

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    There are currently issues with deployment after saving: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23141
  2. super-truite

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    The issue is that it is really fast paced, so if the ennemy team, kills your entire team, it is game over. Respawns on squad leader + FOB should be fine IMO.
  3. super-truite

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    Nice game mode. I think it is a bit too easy to be able to spawn on all squad members though. Adding a difficulty option to the mission parameters to spawn only on the squad leader could be interesting. Bigger scenarios with schematics uploading points far from the original combat zone and with full sandbox content available could be a blast too!
  4. super-truite

    144+ items

    Cannot you save the positions and spawn the objects when needed, via script?
  5. super-truite

    Need math help for script.

    vector up represents the direction in which the top of the object is pointing (Like if you would sitck an arrow pointing up on top of the model). But I guess you need vectordir here. What might work is : 1)write this vectordir plane vector in spherical coordinates. 2)compute and write the direction of the target point in spherical coordinates as well. 3)Update angles theta and phi : theta(t+dt) = theta(t)+deltat_theta, phi(t+dt) = phi(t)+deltat_phi (each delta should be inversely proportional to the difference between the angle you want to reach and your current angle. This will avoid brutal rotations). 4) check if theta and phi ar close to the wanted values which correspond to the target direction. If not repeat from step 1 It could be fun to make, but if your target is static, you could instead record/play a path using this:
  6. @Chairborne: did you try to play with setmass (to decrease the weight of the sling loaded vehicle) ? If it works, you can trigger the setmass using getSlingLoad and set the mass back to normal when you detach the ropes.
  7. Yes it is global. You just need to execute it server side. Do you have the same distance issues with say3D.
  8. From the config of the vehicles, it seems that you need to add 4 memory points named like: "SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4". And add this to your vehicle class: slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"}; slingLoadCargoMemoryPointsDir[] = {}; Never played with that yet, so I am not sure.
  9. I have similar complaints from players testing my missions and apparently this command is not yet fully implemented: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14192 . I had similar issues with other sound commands, but didn't check recently.
  10. Good Idea.One good alternative to TDM is Blitzkrieg/AAS IMO.
  11. super-truite


    Hi Vindaboner, the tornado bug is fixed in the current version (it is already in the workshop if you want to try). I will do a proper update here, later this week. We clearly wanted a revive script as well, but since we are participating to the MANW contest, we needed to code everything from scratch. Now that the contest is over, we will proceed to add other scripts from other authors if they allow us to do so. PS: To content creators: if you want to help, we badly need more dev on this. We think the project proved to be interesting gameplay wise and we would like it to grow faster. If you want to know more about the future of the mod before joining the adventure, feel free to PM me. We have a lot of intersting ideas for the next updates and if we find enough collaborators, we will be able to begin the development of an even more crazy secret project: Armagddon 2 ;).
  12. I need to allow players to shoot down crew members of choppers for a game mode I am working on. The issue is that the cockpit glass, for orca's for instance, is bullet proof unless you shoot with 7.62. What I tried is to modify the hitpoints classes, but it seems to be useless for that matter (I think it only changes the amount of damages to the hitpoint selections). From what I understand, bullet penetrability is defined inside .bisurf materials. So I guess it is impossible to modify it for vanilla content? As a work around, I began to modify the calibers of the various ammo, but this is a tedious solution as it would require a tweaking of soldiers armors in order to not change completely the behavior of weapons. So if you have an other idea of how to pass this unbreakable glass, please tell me! PS: I know bulletproof glass is used in helicopters cockpits and can even resist heavier calibers than 7.62 for some models, but I just need this for gameplay purposes as players of the mod complain about it.
  13. Yes, I am aware of that, but it seems I don't have a lot of options here. Even if the glass is destroyed, the penetrability is not affected. I can also script it and check the direction of bullets hitting the glass by event handlers. But it will be a bit more tedious than what I wanted ;).
  14. super-truite

    Copying Toolkit Functionality

    hmm, it is weird, I have no issues with the model. But I only need to place it in "loot positions" in buildings. To avoid spawning it in the air, I precompute the building positions in an array by spawning a massive object on the BI building positions, waiting for it to fall and then register and diag_log its position (the building positions are slightly above ground). An other solution would be to attach the fuel cannister to a dummy invisible massive object.
  15. super-truite

    Copying Toolkit Functionality

    I was messing around with this and didn't manage to make it work on time. I had to switch to a different method: I made a magazine with the fuel cannister model and used a function adding an action "refuel" to the player: where SUPER_fnc_refuel is : How do you define the action of the fuel cannister with your Item method? I didn't find how it is done for the medikit and toolkit?
  16. if you want an example, here is a port of the dance animations: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?177500-Animation-explanation-of-the-magic-behind&p=2702544&viewfull=1#post2702544
  17. super-truite

    Jurassic Arma

    Wow, I prepare my hat and my hunting rifle ;).
  18. super-truite


    The amount of work ahead is getting overwhelming and to be able to work on the secret Armageddon II project (;)), we will need some help. So if you want to participate and you are experienced in one of the following topics: scripting, 3d modeling, terrain making, video editing, please PM me!
  19. super-truite

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    Great news! I am eager to look at the code. I will need to do similar things later on. Considering your new expertise on the matter, do you plan on updating this tutorial: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23351? If the workflow leading to custom animated models is well documented, the dark side of Arma modding will have a bright future ;).
  20. super-truite

    Ebo files for the community. is it needed?

    There are some unusual and clever technics that you cannot figure out easily without unpboing an addon. I am thinking for instance of a nice technique by GNAT to make a plane land on water. He answered nicely my questions on that matter, but it saved him a lot of time that I looked at is unpacked addon first and knew exactly what to ask. Also, If for some reason he had left the community and if the pbo was encrypted, I would have had to reinvent the wheel (or the float for the case at hand ;)). If you are aiming at making addons with exactly the same functionnalities as BI sample models, sure pbo encryption wouldn't be a problem, but there can be more to modding than that and ebo would be an obstacle to it.
  21. super-truite

    Ebo files for the community. is it needed?

    Even if i am a new modder, I already receive a ton of messages here or on steam or on TS ect. from people asking for advices for their projects. I guess it is nothing compared to all the messages received by older modders. If addons are protected, it will increase the difficulty to enter the modding community and we won't be able to help everyone, hence leading to frustration amongst the newcomers...
  22. super-truite


    There is no need to remove the earthquake, it is really light in terms of performances.
  23. super-truite


    You need to play it in local mutiplayer to try it in SP. For some reason, when downloaded from the workshop, the mission is added to the SP missions, which creates a lot of confusion...
  24. super-truite


    Yes, sorry, I missed it, I got a few of them at the same time and I am busy with RL duties. I will be in a Arma compatible mindset tomorrow ;).
  25. super-truite


    Hi koriaba, sorry, I didn't understand your first question. My roomate is russian, so send me a private message in russian if needed. Regarding the "Help Menu", it is located in the description.ext (CfgHints).