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About Marine123

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  1. try using beta version this add jayarmalib new then it should work
  2. thre is also few ace weapons such as hk417 have nvg scopes
  3. UGAF server will be updated shortly including 1.57 patch
  4. Drag the tyre close to vehicle and right windows key on the spare tyre and it should say replace tyre it will take about 10secs before it goes onto the vehicle
  5. Merry xmas Ace team from me and UGAF Team
  6. Marine123

    [UGAF] United Global Armed Force

    We are hosting a public night on our server next sunday night Come and have a game and join us on our teamspeak 3 server IP: Password: thunder68 Our game server ip Time: This will start around 1800z (7pm) Mods Required All the Ace Acre is optional We will be having a realistic domination night no mhq, pilots will fly everyone in. if you want to fly you must be on our ts3 server Please also read our server rules:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=65 www.ugaf.co.uk
  7. Marine123

    [UGAF] United Global Armed Force

    We are hosting a public night on our server wednesday night Come and have a game and join us on our teamspeak 3 server IP: Password: thunder68 Our game server ip Time: This will start around 1800z (7pm) Mods Required All the Ace and acre Please also read our server rules:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=65 www.ugaf.co.uk
  8. Marine123

    [UGAF] United Global Armed Force

    we currently are running our ace OA domination on our server UGAF ACE2-OA AddonSync AutoConfig URL this works for Combined Ops & OA-Only http://folders.ugaf-addons.co.uk/OA_ACE/modreopo.7z Come have game with us sometime our teamspeak 3 server IP: Password: thunder68 Our game server ip
  9. Marine123

    [UGAF] United Global Armed Force

    Hello Everyone Our Arrowhead server has finally been up and running we are currently running domination on our server. We also are using pre-set gear if people are having trouble with the current ammobox out there. We hope to see you on our server sometime, feel free to come onto our teamspeak 3 server during match. Marine
  10. hey all just tested ace is there bug because you cant put anything on back so you can have 2 items