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About Raggi77

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Raggi77

    Graphic Problems

    Disable all filter on CCC(AA,AF ecc..) exept "mipmap detail level"
  2. sorry my english is bad. One my friend has pitat copy of Arma2 OA,and have continue crash. The problem is the crack. Easy. Go to any site p2p all have the same problem.
  3. Just go to any site p2p all have the same problem. Stop spam help,pirat retard.
  4. Raggi77

    New pc New Problem

    First to market a game, complete it. I spent about € 1000 to play decently at arma2 Is not possible play at 22-24 fps. Get to work, or write it on the DVD that the game has serious problems in the engine. Is 1 years i try to resolve.I follow all advice,but without result. Bye bye occasionally develop,and learn to work! Today on Battlegroup-Xtra server And Arma.ru Wtf???
  5. Raggi77

    New CPU, still same framerate

    The problem is game,not your configuration. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103552
  6. Thanks @Mamba The cpu temperature is max 50°C whit Arma2 runs. I have same situation whit Windows7 32bit. You can test with 2 GB of ram??:):) Sorry,my english is very bad.
  7. Oh my god!!!!!Incredible @Mamba!! My config Asrock 880g extreme 965 3.4GHz 2gb dd3 1333 Sapphire 4890 1G Win 7 64 The Catalyst is equal to your. The problem maybe 2gb ram?? Thx @Mamba for the help.
  8. Thanks @Mamba The problem persist:( I look at the sky and fps not change:mad: With all the other games.The problem is not my pc.
  9. Hi @BlackMamba. please can you post your .cfg i want to copy your .cfg on my pc. Thank you.
  10. Is not possible.I play only one hours whit good performance. is not possible:banghead: Today Arma2 very bad performing!!! I have not changed any settings,and arma 2 runs: Gpu activity 25%?????? No comment!
  11. Ok guys i solved:bounce3: I installed Windows7 64bit,and game runs 40-55fps. I recommend everyone try. Thanks all:)
  12. Hello everyone I move my discussion here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103552 I reinstalled Arma2 unpatched,an the game run 35-55 fps. Instal patch 1.05 and 1.07,the frame rate blocked 15-25 fps:banghead: if I look at the sky do not change the fps. I tried to save the cfg of the first installation,and not resolved. It can play online without the patch? How? My pc: Phenom II 965 3,4 2GB ddr3 1333 Sapphire 4890 1GB Seagate Barracuda 16MB 7200 Windows 7 32bit Thanks all.
  13. Raggi77

    New pc New Problem

    The problem persists. Thank you.
  14. Raggi77

    New pc New Problem

    I runs Arma 2 settings all parameters "medium" distance view 1600mt AA: disable Fps is 20-25:confused: is not possible with my configuration.