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About joduh

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  1. AI: Less mobile and suicidal and/or multiple behavior patterns; aggressive, defensive, cautious, suppression, rush, etc. Ai infantry going into danger mode and engage at will does not work well in every situation. example: I'm alone sniper on a hill, enemy defends town with inf+tank, inf should try to take cover and keep heads down and let the tank handle it :) instead of bravely rushing my position. example2: ai squad has a good position behind cover they should stay there and suppress, not randomly wander around looking for another cover :P
  2. thnx for trying to help a noob like me, but i already gave up :P completly rewrote it in a style befitting my skill....very primitive :D awell atleast it works :icon_lol:
  3. neither seems to work (groupname should be _groupAlpha in this case right?). Whats even weirder, iv just try'd deleteVehicle a1; deleteVehicle a2; deleteVehicle a3; deleteVehicle a4; etc and not even that works...:confused: Edit: iv placed hint format ["team: %1,leader:%2", group _groupAlpha, leader _groupAlpha]; just before removing them and it returns team: 0x9aef4 leader: 0xc9ac6c lol that doesent seem right...maybe iv messed up something else?
  4. I'v read countless foreach problems and solutions, but cant seem to get them to work in my own example :mad: {deletevehicle _x} foreach units group player; works great, but how to make it work on groups other then player :confused: here are the lines in question private ["_groupAlpha","_squad","_base","_caller","_id"]; _base = (_this select 0); _caller = (_this select 1); _id = (_this select 2); if (_id == inf) then { _groupAlpha = createGroup east; _squad = [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10]; {_x = "TK_Soldier_AT_EP1" createUnit [getMarkerPos "spawn", _groupAlpha,"", 1, "corporal"]} foreach _squad ; player hcsetgroup [_groupAlpha,""]; _base removeaction _id; infR = _base addaction ["remove squad", "bitch.sqf"]; }; if (_id == infR) then { {deletevehicle _x} foreach units group (leader _groupAlpha); deletegroup _groupAlpha; _base removeaction _id; inf = _base addaction ["recruit squad", "bitch.sqf"] ; }; got a base with init: inf = base addAction ["Recruit Squad", "bitch.sqf"]; highcommand module synced with player, hcsubordinate module synced with hcmodule. the squad gets created and joins me, addaction @ base changes. When i use remove squad addaction changes back again to recruit squad, but nothing happens with the 1st squad i'v try to get it to work with {deletevehicle _x} foreach _squad; and countless other variations :cry2: any help will be greatly apreciated
  5. Aah thnx allot, it works like a charm :)
  6. Hey, i have a problem that might be up your alley: I want a way to remove the debris left behind from chopper/aircraft crashes. Not the vehicle itself (domination already takes care of that :)), but the heap of dirt that remains there forever. Those really p*ss me off when they're on the runway (aswell my ai, who refuse to taxi over them). I'm a beginner at scripting, but can probably figure it out, i just have no idea what the classnames are of that dirt. Could you please point me in the right direcetion? And sorry for going slightly offtopic here :P
  7. 1st of all, thnx for some properly great work :P 1 question: on ur list it says there was a Unlimited Transport Of Weapons And Magazines In Vehicles. However thats been changed at some point to a no transport of weapons and magazines in vehicles. Personally i love raiding corpses for goodies and driving em around in my truck ^^ . So is the old file somewhere available? Its still listed on DH but the link is dead :/ 2 wishes (if i werent a scripting retard i'd do it myself:): No autodanger for player controlled ai. Ordering medic near me to heal me and then watching him 5min running around and engaging targets on his own until he too gets shot, really pisses me off :P Remove chopper missile lock and instead play same sound for enemy AA missile lock/or fire I mean...come on, i can SEE if its locked or not, STFU with ur beepbeepbeep :D But when a sneaky sob shoots an aa from behind the only sound warning i get is BOOM and "oh no, 1 is down" :P