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Posts posted by giallustio

  1. Updated to v 1.01



    - Fixed medical system

    - Added Drag, Carry and Load in actions

    - Big containers for logistic (waiting for BIS sling loading)

    - Performance improvements

    - Params to disable medical, deafness and IEDs

    - Params to set enemy type, chance of intel and reputation at start

    - Add ACRE and CAF support

    - RHS version

    I'm already working on some improvements ;)

  2. Hi,

    First off wicked game mode. I have switched out to RHS units and CAF_Aggressors to make it a little bit more immersive on Takistan.

    One issue, medical system, as medic I can inspect and examine a downed friendly, (hit by IED) and have the ui tell me everything is okay... when this is not the case.

    Am I missing something in the define statement that overrides revive functionality?

    Fixed in the next version

    Additionally, is there a possibility to include a % chance on search for intel a chance for an explosive det from the body?

    It will be added in the next version

    in boolean:

    If player interacts roll explosionchance;

    If explosionchance roll result = true;

    spawn chargedetonation;

    else close;

    I didn't understand

  3. AGM compatible could be a big task, all i can do is make my features deactivable. I hope it's enough.

    If this mission will get some popularity i could decide to develop new features, if you have some ideas post them!

    I'm testing the new version right now, i hope to realease it tomorrow!

  4. Hearts and Minds


    I'd like to announce my entry in the MANW contest :cool:

    Hearts and Minds is a cooperative mission that aims to recreate a post war environment.

    CSAT forces retreated from Altis and NATO deployed units and vehicles to help the local population.

    A new formed group, known as "Oplitas", is againts the NATO intervention and it is ready to fight back.

    The mission has a lot of features:

    • Medical system
    • Logistic system
    • Deafness simulation
    • Interaction system
    • IED
    • Suiciders
    • Dynamic caching system
    • Civilian interaction
    • Reputation system
    • Something I forgot for sure

    You main task is to defeat the "Oplitas" group and restore peace and order in Altis.

    The militia has an unknown number in the island that need to be destroyed.

    They have also ammo caches in various locations, destroy them to weaken its power.

    Bad actions cause bad effetcs.

    Infact there's a reputation system: helping the local population, fighting the "Oplitas", disarming IED will rise your reputation; killing civilians, losing vehicles, respawns will decrease your repution.

    At the beginning you have a very low reputation level, so civilians won't help you revealing important information about Oplitas, they will likely lie instead.

    Any support or feedback is always welcome and appreciated!


    - =BTC= clan

    - AGM for the action feedback

    DownLoad link: www.giallustio.altervista.org/pages/=BTC=_Hearts_and_Minds.php

  5. I thought _x represents an item of the array?

    Yes exactly, but this case is different, because you can't pass the _x to the code assigned with addEventHandler. _x is nothing inside the eh.

    _this in this case is already an array, so you don't need the [].

    {_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {_this execVM "helicrash.sqf"}];}forEach _heli;

    A rough example for checking if the eh is already assigned:

    if (isNil {_x getVariable "eh_assigned"} then {_x setVariable ["eh_assigned", true]; _x addEventhandler [bla bla];};
