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Posts posted by giallustio

  1. I forgot to say that at the moment there isn't a check for the fob name, be carefull and do not give a name already assigned![

    Is this related to ^^^, am getting ErrorMessage: File C:\Users\Andrews\Documents\Arma 3\missions\=BTC=co@22_Hearts_and_Minds.Altis\fnc\fob\dlg.hpp, line 33: /btc_fob_create/controls.btc_fob_dlg_name: Undefined base class 'btc_dlg_RscEdit'


    class btc_fob_dlg_name : btc_dlg_RscEdit


    idc = 777;

    text = "";

    x = 0.35025 * safezoneW + safezoneX;

    y = 0.45 * safezoneH + safezoneY;

    w = 0.3 * safezoneW;

    h = 0.025 * safezoneH;


    Did you update the define.h too?

    You can find all the information about the FOB in your diary.

    ...to create a FOB approach the red box at the logistic point and require a blu container.

    Move it where you want to deploy a new FOB and interact with it to set it up. Keep in mind that you can not deploy a FOB close to the main base (2.500m) and the terrain needs to be flat.

  2. It's pretty hard to keep all the version updated, I'll try in the next version, but you can do it easily importing the old mission.sqm and add a nato flag to use the re-deploy feature. Tell me if you have some troubles and I'll give you the one I use with my friends on Takistan. (I'm using few more mods than just RHS and I should clean it a bit. This is the reason I didn't include it in the download)

  3. I played on Takistan today too, the main problem is that the config of the city are pretty different. The radius on Altis is about 1500, even more. On Takistan this value is very low and you could have some problem with the caching system, like IED spawning behind you and things like that, so it's better to rise this value as you did. Interesting the idea of a 0 value for the reputation, i'm gonna add it. What bonuses did you set?

    I've just to fix few things for the new features before the release! Big news is fobs creation and re-deploy on them!

  4. "Also, for the Interaction keys that you have to set. We tried using our default for AGM which is Left Windows key for Interact and Left CTRL & Left Windows key for Self-Interact. I've noticed that it seems not to like having more than 1 key to press. When I pressed both Left CTRL & Left Windows key is bought up the Interact option and not Self-Interact like I wanted."

    Probably i should work on it a bit, personally i use two single keys: T self interaction and space as user action 2.

    The AH-9 will be liftable with the new update!

    @ JAndrews1

    What do you mean with "I did notice the vehicle despawn issue"? Could you elaborate it a bit?

  5. Is there a way to view your 'reputation' to see what the locals think of you?

    Not at the moment, I don't know if i'll make it readable, I'll think about that

    Is there a way to make civs get out of vehicles? So far if we come across a civ in a vehicle they just try to run you over, I've tried using the Stop or Get down order but neither seems to work. Not sure if this is maybe linked to the reputation system.

    Not at the moment but in the roadmap!

    When you have located a hideout and need to destroy it, what exactly needs to be destroyed to mark it as complete. I've had trouble knowing what exactly to blow up.

    Place a satchel near the flag

    Also, how do you tow the vehicles? Whenever I try and Hook something it just says 'you need to interact with a vehicle to tow it' or something similar. On that, I have noticed that the Pawnee does not respawn and does not seem to be able to be towed at all.

    Use "Hook" on the vehicle you want to tow, then the action "Tow" on the "tower" vehicle.

    One possible 'bug' I've noticed is that the parameter to change the change of finding intel on a body doesn't seem to work. When playing I noticed that even though we had it set to 90% when only got intel from 1 body after searching about 15 or so. I even set it to 100% to test and still got none after searching the same amount of bodies.

    I just realized that i set it in the wrong way...90 it's very hard to find in your version, i'll change it in the next, silly me :P

    Thank you for your kind words!

    Saturday I'll have a test session, I would like to implement a FOB building system with a "move to FOB" feature, I'll try to release a new version sunday or monday!

    Please tell me if the documentation inside the mission isn't clear enough!
