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Posts posted by giallustio

  1. I opened the cfg and I saw those lines:

    bcombat_damage_multiplier = 1.0;					// (0-1) Damage multiplier. Received damage is multiplied by this value. Only infantrymen are affected. Zero makes units invulnerable.
    bcombat_skill_multiplier = 1;    					// (0-1) Unit skill is multiplied by this value. It affects accuracy as well. Allowed range is 0 to 1
    bcombat_skill_linearity = 1.25;    					// (0-1) linearity of skill: 2 means quadratic
    bcombat_skill_min_player_group = 0.5;				// (0-1) enforce minimum skill for units in player group 

    I'm assuming that you're using an HandleDamage event handler and a setSkill command. Is there a way to prevent the mod to run those commands?

    It seems that I can't place the mod outside the Arma 3 folder, "bcombat.sqf is missing"

  2. Hi everybody!

    I'd like to announce my new project:

    Chessab River

    It's really WIP, but I'd like to release an ALPHA to get some feedbakc in a week or two.

    The terrain is a real location and it's really small but detailed. (4km x 4km).

    Sat map: www.giallustio.altervista.org/img/chessab_river_intro.png

    The map will required Jbad buildings



    - Mikero for his tools

    - M1lkm8n and Smokedog for Jbad buildings

    - Bad Benson, Minimalaco & Robster for PRAA plants

    - CypeRevenge for his super help

    - All the guys of the A3Maps skype channel

  3. Hello gillaustio!

    I used this script on my Antistasi mission, check below. You are on creds!!!

    Players notice it is not impossible to die even with all the headshot / big explosion disabled. Is this a limitation of handledamage or am I doing something wrong?

    They should be enabled! Ty for the credits, much appreciated!

  4. Rpt errors:

    12:19:04 Warning Message: Cannot load texture .paa\data\tak_civil03\tak_civil03_nohq.paa.
    12:19:04 Warning Message: Cannot load texture .paa\data\tak_civil03\tak_civil03_as.paa.
    12:19:04 Warning Message: Cannot load texture .paa\data\tak_civil03\tak_civil03_smdi.paa.
    12:19:04 Warning Message: Cannot load texture .paa\data\tak_civil03\tak_civil03_ti_ca.paa.

  5. It's fine for me now, but a restart button or abort button would be nice for a future update

    Add after the respawn definition in dlg.h

    class restart : respawn
    	idc = 174;
    	y = 0.3 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    	onMouseButtonClick = "['end1',false,2] call BIS_fnc_endMission;";
    	text = "Restart";

    Not tested
