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Posts posted by giallustio

  1. Thank you all :)


    I'm using Jbad and some custom buildings!

    @Zio Sam

    Well, I don't know exactly. Similar is a bit generic ;) Maybe more similar to Takistan for the terrain conformation, but it's pretty unique in my opinion.

    I'll post some more screens later :)

    EDIT: more screens! :cool:





  2. Hello everyone.

    It's a long time that i'm working on this project. The terrain is based on real data (1:1 scale), and it will be 10240m x 10240m.

    I've splitted the map in 4 quarters and I will release every quarter as soon as it will be ready.

    I'm working on some custom assets too, so the amount of work is pretty big.

    Here some screens:





    Sadly I can't pack the island with A3 tools and I need to buy the mikero's tools. If you want to support the project and help me consider to make a donation! Thank you :)


  3. any 3 block war concept.

    I don't understand very well.

    At the moment i've added:

    - blacklist area (for edited version)

    - ai skill

    and i've improved some part of the code.

    Persistence it's a big step, and I could achieve it in two ways. With a mod or I could load all the mission needs in the server profile (this way is not really recommended).

    I'd like to make the mission playable as redfor and integrate the AGM mod.

    I've to re-write a lot of parts of the mission, so it could take some time.

    Thank you for your interest, it really helps to improve the mission!
