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Everything posted by viper[cww]

  1. viper[cww]

    Fallujah 1.2

    Simple if you dont like it dont use ACE like DMarkwick says, the 4 digit gps coords are to show where you are in a more accurate degree, with 3 digit coords you can only really place yourself in a square, with 4 you can approximate your current position more accurately... Not sure whether you know about orienteering Lonestar, but I was taught this stuff as a 8 year old :D
  2. I think its more of a case, you didn't use the search..... there must be thousands of briefing threads here...
  3. viper[cww]

    When will we see a trailer ?

    Guess you haven't played BFBC2 then :D
  4. viper[cww]

    When will we see a trailer ?

    What's up with the noob answer. There's many ways to achieve a stealth kill... neck break for one :p
  5. viper[cww]

    Player Leveling

    I knew you would bring up the rainbow six part, but to be clear you said it would resemble something like rainbow six's ranking that doesn't state the idea came from it ;) On a whole I dont think it should be implemented, as it gives an advantage to anyone who has been playing the game for a while compared to someone who has just started say a year after release.... if ArmA 3 was a rpg and only single player then yes its a good idea, add it to mp and it will turn into the CoD/BF franchise faster then you can say "nooooooooooo".
  6. Have you the proof that the islands are as large as the ones from ArmA 2 or are you going by the pictures and gossip? (if you look at some of the pictures it has highlighted area's which are more then likely the playable area's... just like with BFBC2)
  7. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Butchered my language, the poster above has. Yes, hmmm..... :don 14:
  8. viper[cww]

    Player Leveling

    Ok lets debate this, where exactly did you get the idea for a player ranking system? Just to let you know I read the OP and all replies to it, up until my own post :cool:
  9. viper[cww]

    Arma 3 engine

    Hahaha well said.... I cant wait to see what changes have been made to RV, its a great engine after all.... Hopefully the sort of AI changes mean they will have a sense of self-preservation rather then running up to you and shooting you :p
  10. viper[cww]

    Player Leveling

    ^^ this As soon as a player starts to want a levelling system then the mind goes straight to COD/MoH/BF as soon as you want this and are chasing the points, I guess its time to hang up your ArmA gloves so to speak... The game is about teamwork not individualism. Next thing we know we'll be getting all sorts of features to show our individualism like painting our weapons in the colours of the rainbow and confetti bursting from our fallen targets :cool:
  11. viper[cww]

    Arma 2 Grid ref HELP!

    What version of ACE does your squad use? because I use latest and I have the exact same grid references as the OP which are the correct ones.
  12. viper[cww]

    Arma 2 Grid ref HELP!

    Just tried with ACE2 and WingsOfDeath has the correct grid references. Grid Ref Perhaps you also use another mod that interferes with the grid references or you dont all use the same version of CBA/ACE which may mess it up. OT: I'm suprised you didn't recognise that the island was Chernarus kylania, it has the tell tale signs of the northern airbase :cool:
  13. viper[cww]

    Arma 2 Grid ref HELP!

    All of those grid references shown are wrong, here's mine using vanilla CO. Grid Ref What mods do you/squad use? anything that alters the grid references?
  14. viper[cww]

    Arma 2 Grid ref HELP!

    Are talking about the grids being much bigger? that's the only difference with the two pictures (due to zoom), its a better idea you try it while ingame too....
  15. viper[cww]

    carrying wounded soldiers

    And if you use ACE2 you can do all that and carry him to a vehicle and put him inside (also take him out if injured while in the car), you can place wounded soldiers on stretchers, which two people then transport to the medical area. There is also the use of Bandages, Morphine, Epinehrine, Compress, CPR etc etc :)
  16. viper[cww]

    20km VD..sweet

    Perhaps not :)
  17. viper[cww]

    20km VD..sweet

    I can get 20km view distance right now using Qom Province :cool:
  18. I added the ACE Ammo\ US Army Weapons Crate to the Array, Call then clicked the location I want the drop on the map, the plane comes after some time and then just fly's around, its the same for air support they circle so many times at the target location, then eventually just fly away, I think there might be a problem with the altitude they fly at lingor, as for me and my clans experience last night the AI pilots were acting crazy with there fly routine's... In the end I had to simulate there had been ammo drops by placing a new zone and adding an ammobox there.
  19. Yeah its strange it is working now, only thing is after updating ace today, when calling for an air drop the c130 flys past but never drops anything..... using lingor.
  20. Made a few missions since adding it to the server, absolutely loving it atm, one question how do I get the units to have the ACRE radio's by default? doesnt seem to be an option for a drop box. Short of opening up that is, about to start a game now I saw that acre was working except for the fact we didn't have the radio's on us. (for lingor island btw tora bora seemed to be fine)
  21. Saw the video earlier today and was blown away by how many options on air support we now have its incredible. I'm a first time "user" of MCC and came under the problem of everything gives me "ACCESS DENIED", dont interpret this as I want an answer (I still need to read the manual) I just had to say beasty f**king job you've done here chaps :)
  22. I cant really make the same style post here without breaking some rules so I'll just add a link to the request over at armaholic. Squad Mission Support System 3D Model is included at the bottom of the page :)
  23. viper[cww]

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    It does beg the question what will happen if they do take a direct hit from a jdam, hell even if its 20-30m the shockwave will still tear them to piece's.
  24. viper[cww]

    Can someone please help me fix this

    It's got to be down to specs, that's an awful looking picture, I feel for you :)
  25. Woop Woop for the new version awesome work as usual Dslyecxi, any chance Qom Province / ToraBora can be added also? Added as a request to DH