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Everything posted by viper[cww]

  1. also ripe for cheating, when your under fire and the inevitable is about to happen... :p
  2. viper[cww]

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    Indeed, but those next three hits seemed pretty accurate (still using last coords), first one hitting a tank and the next two either hitting or getting quite close to the last tank, guess I was quite lucky there. :) I probably should of cleared the last fire mission as well right?
  3. viper[cww]

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    You should always look for the closest height indication for your target e.g. your target is at the base of a hill and halfway up there is height but roughly 3-400m away from the base there is a height indication there that more accurately shows the height of your target. Well I was going to make another video anyway, I decided to do a little scenario like yours, first using 6 digit coordinates, then after adjusting 8 digit coordinates. HCFbAWb-eUY Edit: Just noticed I ignored my own height marker :p the hits were nice though, no idea why the tanks remained untouched, perhaps due to them being empty or ACE damage system?
  4. viper[cww]

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    August smells ripe for PR:ArmA II :D
  5. viper[cww]

    Fallujah 1.2

    do you have ArmA 2?
  6. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I tried the tractor myself after seeing CG's post, and I cant reproduce the error, seems fine with me using 1.32... This was with basic placement of the tractor in chernarus, not with the campaign.
  7. I have 1.10 installed and have no issues at all after installing the ToH preview... Discovered the Air rotor brake now, still bounces like a basketball on landing though... :p 5_uLYfHV92M
  8. viper[cww]

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    As Nou has said countless times it's not EVER going to come with the artillery computer, best just forgetting about that completely, just watch some of the video's that have been made to learn if you cant be arsed reading the fantastic manual for it (kudos rexehuk) Here's one of mine:- (Note: After the first shot the lay has been adjusted due to the recoil of the cannon) uzUAHzFQqB0 If you switch to commander while turned out and manual fire on you can watch the cannon with all its glory :)
  9. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    well our best option is to try to make a time-machine, then when we have got the relevant blueprints and accurately written history/time-line data, we will choose the correct place at the correct time and kill or incapacitate the damn ba$t4rd who came up with the idea of currency (money). then when we comeback, we will either have everything we wanted or..... we'll all be in caves... :D Hope your up and running soon mate, and take the "forced break" as a blessing, it really is good to take time away from the pc once in a while :)
  10. and that's why they cant use the easiest of things, readme's are essential for new things whether its a mod or info on a mission, you cant beat a good readme (unless you have a gf) :D
  11. Alas, seems people dont read the readme anymore :cool:
  12. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hope your up and running with a better/new pc soon LJ, I guess this time is the best time to take a well earned break from sound-modding and arma in general, though I still guess you have commitments to your trainee's :)
  13. My only issue with it so far is the action menu is kind of hard to know which action is highlighted as the colours pretty much remain the same, regardless of that its pretty cool... I made a video for those who cant try it..... EDIT: Discovered you can have different hud colour presets as well as a custom colour :) IVwD4NYhqHE I think I need to re-assess my procedure for fast landings now :D
  14. viper[cww]

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    That's great news, cant wait for the next update/ ACE update. Keep it up Nou :)
  15. Absolutely awesome, I was on the fence with ToH but after seeing this preview, I cant wait to see the first release and hopefully see some of the flight characteristics/handling/toggle options added to ArmA III.
  16. viper[cww]

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    Ah nice! so does that mean it wont be as extensive as the procedure used with the M119?
  17. viper[cww]

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    But wouldn't you agree having the artillery computer added would take all the fun out of it? Press click and fire is way to casual and is aimed at the players who aren't willing to learn.... :)
  18. viper[cww]

    Session Lost!!!

    Perhaps your joining a server that doesnt use ACE, which means when you join it your crashing the server, I've experianced it when people join my clans server when we're not running ace.
  19. viper[cww]

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Great news OS... take a well earned break, get a crate of lager/cider in and go pHUc|<!ng M3nt4L :)
  20. viper[cww]

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    Oh that's just poetical right there thanks for backing me up with that reply post Raafatah64 @NouberNou I could'nt of timed that post any better eh? :D
  21. viper[cww]

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    +1 ^^ I just hope sometime within the near future BIS decides to use a Fire Control System like this, alas I guess the Artillery Computer is made for the more simple player... :D
  22. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I've learnt to adjust my english to all needs so although I saw the error?slang I interpreted it for what it was :D
  23. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Oh yeah *sadface* it is quite quiet, I think a rework is in need mate, if there's any sound you want to be perfect its the GAU8 :)
  24. viper[cww]

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Dayumn that's some bad sh!t right there.... how can it play the ace a10 sound though? I would of thought the A10sys.pbo is the one that allows short and long burst aswell as the different variations of the A10. Thanks for that little slice of info LJ. :D