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Devil Dogs SF

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Everything posted by Devil Dogs SF

  1. Devil Dogs SF

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    I am having an issue with Duala when both Duala and Panthera are used together. Panthera will look fine and normal, then I go to play Duala but I find that it has no grass. It is simply solved by removing Panthera whenever I want to play Duala and readding when I want to play Panthera. I don't know what could be causing this, but seeing as the solution is a minor inconvenience, it doesn't bother me much.
  2. I personally am highly interested in the Pacific Campaign. Can't wait to see stuff about that.
  3. Devil Dogs SF

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    I'm requesting EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) soldiers from either the US Army or USMC. If you've seen the movie "The Hurt Locker", you'll know why they are badass and what with that upcoming IED addon and the existing IED script, they'd be a great addition. Pics:
  4. Thanks for posting the script Aqu. ;)
  5. I personally like the Jungle River mentioned in an earlier post, and also a small refugee village or something, seeing as the island has obviously seen some heavy combat (I'm guessing so by the Ruined cities). Also it'd be cool to see somekind of guerilla village in the middle of the Jungle with little watchtowers hidden among the trees and foliage (Think like the one on Predator that Arnie and his squad ambush).
  6. Not only does OA cost money and this doesn't, this has amazing quality for a user map. The more content for a game the better, whether a sequel/expansion is on the way or not.
  7. Hi there. I am still kind of new to the editor and have a question about Game Logic. I am not going to lie when I say I have no idea how to use them other than with the NIM Weather addon. Yes, I've looked on the wiki, here, and on Armaholic, but no luck. I'd appreciate it if someone could give a quick explanation or something over what Game Logic(s) are used for and how you use them. Devil Dogs.
  8. Devil Dogs SF

    Game Logic

    Thanks for the info guys. Now I don't feel so helpless when I see the word Game Logic.;)
  9. Will the next release feature the Soviets with proper WWII weapons such as the PPSh? I'm itching for some Soviet vs German battles.
  10. Devil Dogs SF

    ArmA II launcher by alpinestars

    I am having a rather annoying problem. I have this weird problem where I can't load anymore addons unless I deactivate older ones, almost like I ran out of room for addons. If I don't deactivate one or more, the game doesn't even launch. Insta crash. I don't know if it has anything to do with the launcher, but I do use it so I thought I'd ask here. PS: Most important addons go at the bottom of the load order, then least important at the top right? Like ACE and CBA would be at the bottom etc...
  11. Even though this isn't compatable with ACE, I haven't had many problems using this mod with ACE. Neither of them change each other or make one majorly different do they?
  12. Devil Dogs SF

    ArmA II launcher by alpinestars

    Wow I'm an idiot.....I simple click of a button was my problem.....Thanks thales.
  13. Devil Dogs SF

    ArmA II launcher by alpinestars

    I have a serious problem, I have downloaded the latest version after having no problems with the previous version. I deleted my old one and replaced it with the new launcher but it seems to duplicate the caa1 files I have. I've tried selecting just one copy and disabling the others, but it won't start, I tried leaving all selected, but same thing. When I attempt to take the caa1 folder out and select the launcher again, it keeps repeating "New or deleted mods detected, restarting" message. I don't know what to do and Arma won't start. Please help.... EDIT: Ok, if I ignore the message after I take the @caa1 folder out of the Arma 2 directory, and just start anyway, it works just fine.....Except I don't get the Caa1 stuff.....AHHHRG!