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Everything posted by Avneet

  1. Avneet

    "Arma 3 has stopped working"

    Similar for me. Always seems like something large happens that freezes my game.
  2. Avneet

    "Arma 3 has stopped working"

    Exactly same for me with an i3570K, 8 gigs of RAM, and a GTX470. It's completely random. Sometimes I can play for an hour straight in multiplayer, then the game will freeze. I alt tab or press ctrl alt delete and see the Arma 3 has stopped working
  3. Avneet

    Arma 3 - Sneak Preview Livestream

    Thank goodness. I've been sitting here refreshing the page waiting for it.
  4. I always thought it was an approximate area you could spawn in during coop missions after death. As the group moved together, the circle follows. That's just my guess though because I've only played so many coop missions.
  5. This just started happening to me today. I was able to play fine yesterday (and everyday before that). Today it won't start up at all.
  6. Avneet

    TAB lock issue ...

    Anyone care to explain what tablock is please? Is that the lock-on function with the AT weapon?
  7. Avneet

    Organized Alpha Coop

    I should be game once times are announced. Let's trying breaking the game so we can fix it!
  8. Avneet

    64-bit executable

    I'm confused. Does that mean that my brother and my systems (1 with 8 gig and other with 16 gig) are not actually utilizing that RAM any better than people with 2 gig free for ARMA? So my RAM is only good for having multiple processes open, but not to help one process run better alone?
  9. Awesome thanks for the help! Also, the state of California for the United States is missing. I can't fill it in.
  10. I only had a forum account. I went and logged into this page - https://profile.bistudio.com/profile, but I have no clue how to connect it to the store page from here. There are no options to do so under the account information tab. If I go to the store and try to log in using the same account info, it doesn't work. If I click register, it brings me to that first page where I'm already logged in with no option to connect the 2.
  11. Avneet

    Which version will you be buying?

    If what is written on that page doesn't change, then yes you will.
  12. Avneet

    Which version will you be buying?

    The price raises during the beta, and then again when it goes live. So it's a discount to those that test early. Will buy Alpha myself. Have to save the rest of the money for the new build I'm starting today to run this game.
  13. Hi Guys, I just got a weird issue I've not had ever before. When playing, anything more than 2 blocks away looks super blurry. If I look through any optic, even if it has only like 1.5x zoom, everything is no longer blurry at all distances (the way it normally used to look for me at all distances). It's as if the game is focusing on a 2 block radius, so everything past that is blurry and out of focus. What happened? Thanks Edit: Ahhh! Meant to put this under trouble shooting. Could an admin move it please?
  14. Avneet

    Distance blurry

    I've messed with everything and nothing is making a difference. I made sure the 3D res matches the interface res. I guess something must have changed with the new update and I'll have to live with this for now.
  15. Hello, I am using steam. I have tried launching as Combined Operations and as Operation Arrowhead. I have no technical skills and there is nothing that tells me what is wrong. I have tried connecting to many different servers with people in them. I can get to the first area where it says what team I am on and shows all the squads. Once I hit ok, it starts to download. Then I see it say "waiting for host" and I am back at the server list. It never actually tells me why so I don't know how to fix it. Happens to all servers I try and join. I have latest version through steam. Also says mine matches with servers I try and join into.
  16. Avneet

    Can't Connect to Any Server

    Thanks a lot guys. Will try reinstalling battle-eye and test it between a yes and no battle-eye server and post back. How can you tell what addons servers have from the steam server list? I know it shows expansions and says PMC light and BAF light. If I never bought PMC or BAF, does that mean I can't play in these ones with light version either?
  17. Thank you BI for this sale(figured put this here). Bought Combined Ops and am now a loyal fan and customer :D
  18. Avneet

    Pre-Order Of Operation Arrowhead???

    Also would like to know this so I can decide if I'll buy it combined.
  19. Thank god to or else so many people would just disable grass and have a huge advantage over the rest.
  20. Avneet

    ArmA II Stargate Mod

    Omg I LOVE Stargate like I can't explain. Definitely watching this mod.
  21. I'd also like to repoint out this quote to those who keep fighting that the 480 isn't great compared to the 5870. None of you decided to read it before posting again.
  22. You have to count ATI already has it's drivers matured. Remember how much FPS gain there was when ATI had it's new drivers. Now imagine the fact that Nvidias drivers are still the first ones. I see the 480 going much further.
  23. Avneet

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Man I am so excited to buy this game and the future expansion after reading posts of people talking about it. This is exactly what I love. Nice long military simulations. Do airsoft mil sims like once a month too with local teams. Just need Nvidia to release new cards and you will see me on everyday :D