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Everything posted by weedman

  1. weedman

    Revive Script

    norrin could you please help me and my squad? what we are trying to acheive is that if a player is shot and its servere he needs to call in a medevac through the medevac module and get back to base to be treated in a hospital/MASH or he will die within a set timeframe. Can this be accomplished? Kind regards
  2. Hey guys pretty much summed it up in the title, im so happy with arrowhead that i am going to get another copy a friend (Go BIS) :). i would just like to know is gamesplanet a safe source to buy this game from for £24.99? also is there anywhere else i can get it for cheaper which i doubt, but we can try right.
  3. weedman

    is gamesplanet safe to buy arrowhead

    unfortunatly guys i am very impatient and looking for direct download + play ?
  4. hey guys sorry if this is the wrong section for this sort of thing but this xml is driving me round the bend. trying to sort out my squads xml and custom emblem but no luck :( I have my custom xml file generated which i then uploaded to http://rapidshare.com/files/408943748/squad.xml and then put that link into the squad url of my character to no joy, also the picture i have aswell, what do i do with that, do i upload that, leave it on my machine or what. its a 512x512jpg, and if this needs to be hosted aswell where can this be done. Any one with help to a solution is greatly appreciated. King Regards
  5. weedman

    need xml help!

    wow its people like you guys that make this community so great, big thanks for all your help.
  6. weedman

    need xml help!

    so the jpeg/paa goes with it, cause i will just upload them to a site e.g megaupload or something. thanks for the the time so far pufu
  7. weedman

    need xml help!

    thanks for quick reply guys, unfortunatly arma tech does not host the logo i want , and i would just like the quick way to get this up and going , thanks for the info on paa, where else can i host this that i can have my own ppicture aswell?
  8. yes of course you can, just look for kegetys amazing cpbo tool or eliteness, browse to your mp missions folder and extract the pbo and re-locate the folder to arma 2/ missions in my documents. edit in the editor and then when finished pack it back up and put it back in your mp missions folder. voila enjoy
  9. myke you should seriously release that beautiful new f16... how long can u keep hold of it lol
  10. Hey guys, some friends in our server are having problems with the Ace backpack feature, we cannot pack anything into our backpacks. This only happens with dac related missions? :S any ideas cause i am puzzled. If it helps its just stock A2
  11. Hey all need some brief help regarding my mission called barra barra on the amazing island of baghdad (thanks ebanks and emery), which i will be releasing so look out for it all :) Now my trouble is 1) i have tried every solution to delete a vehicle, what i am trying to do is have my a10s go in for LGB run destroy e.g the house and then move to the waypoint and delete itself, i have tried so many deletevehicles in the on activation of waypoint and in a trigger on activation\ blufor to no avail there always still there after the waypoint :confused:. 2) is pretty much the opposite , i am trying to create lets say 3 tanks at certain period of time say when my chopper ride gets to a certain stage of the flight, which all shoot at the same time at the target and then delete themselves Kind Regards in advance
  12. wow thanks for the quick response guys, i cant beleive i missed the names of the a10 in the onActivation line, also wolle will this work on local aswell? ***update*** Still not working i put in the onActivation of the trigger {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (crew a10_1); deleteVehicle a10_1;{deleteVehicle _x} forEach (crew a10_2); deleteVehicle a10_2 This didnt get rid of them, and if i grouped them with the trigger they wouldnt be there on startup. and also need help with second question aswell.?
  13. weedman

    hellfire serverly underpowed

    wow big dawg thats going a bit far right there.
  14. weedman

    hellfire serverly underpowed

    Iroquois Pliskin you saved my life thankyou, wow didnt know you could change warheads. once again a lovely touch by bis.
  15. Hey guys i am needing a little help with apache optics fov, i wish to increase this drastically as a real ah-64 has what some 32x magnification, i have had a little play around with some values i found here class ViewPilot { initAngleX = 5; minAngleX = -85; maxAngleX = 85; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -150; maxAngleY = 150; initFov = 0.9; minFov = 0.42; maxFov = 0.9; }; i have depbo'd the addon and unwrap its config.cpp found these lines and changed the maxfov to 1.3 to no avail. also i wanted to give something back to the community so i am working on a mission at this time in helmand with lots of treats and suprise's, had our first mp run out yesterday smooth as butter with over 150 ai, tested on a low end machine and a high end simultanously (Spelling maybe! , its late). Anyone care to help with this problem is very much appreciated in advance.
  16. weedman

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    does this work with lock on flamming cliffs 2.0 aswell? (sorry this is offtopic)
  17. nice :) thank you for this my friend
  18. weedman

    OA problems (little help)

    thanks Myke and Blakeace, really appreciate the response this will help me with any future issues i have with non-compatible backward mods. :) a beer for each of you
  19. apache FCS dont work boys! although dr eyeballs mfd does woop :)
  20. weedman

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Damn this is some awfull news, today is the wed. june 23 and my thoughts and prayers are completley with his family and friends, may god have sanctuary over thee. kind regards
  21. thankyou steelblood :)
  22. i also would like to know the answer to this
  23. Thanks Teilx , i went through the whole manual and read it like a bible but must have missed that, many thanks :)
  24. well the downlink flir is broken, once in camera mode, there is no way to get out of it :S
  25. silola is there an option to like put a game logic down to define where you want camps built, the reason i say this is i want helos to take off from the camps if that makes sense, to many times i have seen them crash, and also how would i go about making it a condition that when all the ai in the zone have been defeated that objective is done. Thanks