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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    MP fast rope script addon

    hi norrin - I'm having issue with dedicated server for fastrope deployment. works fine when I test mission in MP on my machine but fastrope wont deploy on dedicated server - what am I missing?
  2. lightspeed_aust

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    All good after reinstall
  3. lightspeed_aust

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    my sound seems to be fubar now after installing patch - with sound turned up full I can barely here anything - nothing while im in chopper flying. Im thinkin about doing a full reinstall - see if thats any better.
  4. thanx heaps for the hard work and dedication to get this our for us - Merry xmas.
  5. I am pushing ahead to try to make a coop tournament for the community. Working on the scoring concept and missions but I have a challenge - .......... Coop Team A plays the mission - the mission must be available to play on their machine. Coop Team A passes the mission to Coop Team B when they have completed their attempt and this allows Team B to know/practice the mission prior to insertion. (They can cheat). .......... Is there a way or does anyone have some suggestions about how we might get around this loophole? Is it possible to have something on a server so that the mission would only work on a particular server so having the mission wouldn't help Team B. thanks in advance Lighty.
  6. lightspeed_aust

    Mission Security - is there a way?

    Thanx for advice on the first half of your post. And I'll forgive you for the second part even though you were being a dick. I fully support modability, I have been modding for ghost recon and Arma communities for the last 6-8 years now. The reason I wanted the secure missions was to host a coop tournament. And my experience of modding communities in most cases is ppl help eachother. Merry Xmas to you too. Lighty
  7. lightspeed_aust

    Mission Security - is there a way?

    I really need a scripter to champion this cause. Just need something that will help to protect mission until team plays it - if its relatively easy to do this. But alas, I do not have these skills nor knowledge of how to go about such a thing. thanx Lighty.
  8. lightspeed_aust

    Your Funniest Online Moments

    I have seen several funnies - some of the Arma2 bugs have created some hilarious moments ingame. I love this game for so many reasons, even th bugs at times. :)
  9. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    thanx for the feedback Terox - I like your suggestions. I am working on such a test mission now to gauge level of interest, and iron out any issues along the way. Not sure what you meant about the pv variable created on the client-side but something like this system would help as one of the checks and balances. I would also require screenshot at end of mission to show score.
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    thanx mate - I have a couple of updates to make to the missions for SP - eliminate the river crossings - should be coming in the next day or so.
  11. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    just to be clear this is not a round robin, elimination type event. imagine 5 missions - at the end of each mission the points earned by each team will go on to the tournament table so you can see how each team is performing. at the end of each mission, the table is updated and you would expect there to be some shift in the position of teams (some will do better 2nd mission, some worse). so teams are not playing off against eachother per se, but being ranked against all teams at the end of each round. still working on a system whereby teams cannot reveal the mission to other teams - yes they could talk about it but there will also be a full page briefing with surveillance screen shots so that no team is blind going in anyway. it may be the case that teams request the mission when theri team is available to attempt it and they have a 2 hour window in which to submit their result by way of replay (tba) and screenshot of score.
  12. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    Hi NKenny - I appreciate your thought into this and the logistics involved. What I am trying to do is capture the abilities, planning and execution of the teams in a 'real world' situation. I also want to do this in missions created by our excellent mission makers. I want the players to be immersed in the mission and thinking about their every move. How do they work as a team? How to they react when things take a turn for the worse - do they panic or do they think quickly and sensibly to recover? If the interest is big enough then I believe ppl will come on board to help administrate the tournament to make it a success. I just have to make sure things are well prepared leading up to the event to ensure things run smoothly for players and coordinators. At this stage, I am currently preparing a sample mission (on Isla Duala) for the coop tournament and a friend of mine is working on a Tournament mission (on Thirsk Winter). which combined should stir the interest of the coop community. Full Briefings will follow at which point teams can register their interest and we will commence organisation of teams and schedules. Still a fair way to go in preparation but things are moving in the right direction.
  13. currently preparing a sample mission (on Isla Duala) for the coop tournament and a friend of mine is working on the first tournament mission (on Thirsk Winter). this is sure to get the mouth watering and stir the interest of the coop community. Full Dedicated Briefings will follow at which point we will commence organisation of teams and schedules. Still a fair way to go in preparation but things are moving in the right direction.
  14. lightspeed_aust

    Isla Duala

    are there any diamond mines in Duala?
  15. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    hi Terox Yes, in terms of mission length - historically, it usually takes the team 5 min from insertion to review the brief, divide up team into smaller squads, and move out. From this point, mission usually take another 40 - 75 min on average to complete. It has to be this length to travel an AO which is around 1000m2 and has several objectives. In terms of loadout, I provide a custom set for each unit prior to insertion, as well as, a custom ammobox on the ground with a certain amount of other weaponry options. Obviously, I won't place 9 sniper rifles or AT Launchers in the box because I like to keep units as specialists in their own class as much as possible. I don't like the idea of practice runs - but am also trying to tone down level of difficulty of a mission so that a well-coordinated team should be able to complete 100% of the mission most times. Mistakes will be punished. The flipside is, for each coop mission in the tournament, a dedicated web page with full briefings, rough idea of opfor numbers and armored units, aerial surveillance images, and map details will be provided which teams can study prior to insertion. Still working on a sample mission at present to demonstrate the concept clearly to teams. Alos, looking for some trusted server hosts who might offer server during mission times (there will be a window of time, say 48 hours) in which teams will have to book a time to insert and attempt a mission. Scores will posted later on a Tournament Table to show where each team is placed, as well as, a debrief on the mission.
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Request: Tournament Scoring Script

    Yeh that's my fear and can't afford this script to stuff up in a tournament environ. ---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ---------- I have plenty of work arounds to make it work the way I want :)
  17. lightspeed_aust

    Request: Tournament Scoring Script

    The plan is to have revives in the mission so will this affect Deaths? Would the fact that a person requires a revive indicate that he was dead but has been switched back to an injured body? It's not a problem either way just need to know how it works.
  18. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    Thanx robalo. Having problems getting into as forums, I think buegler is checking it out though. Have made cOntact with replay scripter, hopefully it will work to record mission attempts.
  19. This is gr8 to see and something I would really like functioning for upcoming coop tournie
  20. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    How many players inserting? 6, 9 or 12?
  21. lightspeed_aust

    Request: Tournament Scoring Script

    ok I have had a proposal for a more advanced script put forward which I think has a lot of merit - I would appreciate if a scripter could create a script that would achieve the following - I know this is not particularly easy to do but maybe a good challenge for a scripter. Ideally, I would like to be able to switch some of the numbers here and there so that for example, I could reduce number of players who can play, or add or remove an objective, and have the mission time easily edited - all without killing the script. Obviously, the scripter will get credit for creating such a script for the tournament. Thanx Lighty.
  22. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    you're right - I will put together a sample mission and brief to demonstrate how it works. i'll also contact AS to see if they have anything.
  23. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    Obviously I'm open to all suggestions but a 15 minute mission? I cannot imagine a single real world mission that would take 15 min. Has to be at least 40 - 60 min. Also don't quite understand your 15 min maps, 4 in total. Note: I am totally not a fan of lazy mission making (my interpretation) of having lame objectives like capture a flag or find the brief case. I can't really imagine that sort of situation irl. I want missions with plausible multi objective missions made by great mission makers. Infantry or limited use of vcl. Think ghost recon for the style of play.