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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. So I found this piece of code and placed it in init.sqf but no joy - I need to it to apply to the OPFOR (East). { if(side _x == east) then { _x this addweapon "nvgoggles"; }; } foreach (allUnits); iT AIN'T WORKIN' :/
  2. lightspeed_aust

    I want to add NVG to all units in OPFOR

    Love you guys!
  3. lightspeed_aust

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    From all this I managed to figure out that if I get the air gap it's the best chance of success! Simples! ---------- Post added at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ---------- Just an FYI, I have decided to focus on RHS Russians as the antagonist for a 12 mission MP campaign called Conflict Ukraine. Will be a Ghost Recon in A3 focus.
  4. lightspeed_aust

    Conflict: Ukraine (MP Campaign)

    Grrrrrr But u make valid point. ---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ---------- I will use RHS :( Just for the record, I spent 2 hours replacing the units last nite, looks like another go tonite.
  5. lightspeed_aust

    Conflict: Ukraine (MP Campaign)

    Mod update: RHS is not in as it's lacking special forces. CAF Aggressors are out. Massis Russians are out. Suddens Russians are in as they look closest to the Russian forces I'm seeing in Ukraine and provides a number of reskinned vehicles. Massis Spec Ops are in which will cover Ghosts and Alpine Spec Ops characters.
  6. lightspeed_aust

    Conflict: Ukraine (MP Campaign)

    Status update: Trailer in progress. Still only 3 missions but I have settled on the units and characters for the campaign so anticipate rollng out a new one weekly. Will use a range of insertions for immersion. Have two types of AI scripts running - one for random patrols (USPS) and the second VCom AI for rapid response, I have found blending both of these provides the most enjoyable and unpredictable combat experience. Reflecting on my years playing and creating missions for Ghost Recon and the success at creating GR in Arma 2 (Island Thunder), I've decided to market this as the true GR:A3 experience. I am going to prove once and for all that Arma was and is still the true successor to the Original Ghost Recon series.
  7. I would have just dropped them all from great heights lol. That's what a hack does. :)
  8. lightspeed_aust

    Anyone managed to get snow working?

    Snow works great! Thanx posters.
  9. lightspeed_aust

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    some feedback on the us uniforms - woodland - it really needs some deeper green in it - i didnt even recognise it as woodland initially because it was so brown. my two cents.
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Conflict: Ukraine (MP Campaign)

    Hmm will look at it. Get nervous about adding too many mods.
  11. lightspeed_aust

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    just wondering where i find the trucks like this - https://www.facebook.com/redhammerstudios/photos/pb.478330008846664.-2207520000.1415523389./855271674485827/?type=3&theater also have the launcher and mobile hq been built yet - couldnt find them either - https://www.facebook.com/redhammerstudios/photos/pb.478330008846664.-2207520000.1415523452./722023017810694/?type=3&theater
  12. lightspeed_aust

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    thanks MikeTim for speaking on behalf of the mod tea, I didn't realize you were their PR spokesperson. On occasion, big mods are broken down into Lite packs - that's all I was asking for as I'm working on a significant campaign but don't need the whole mod.
  13. lightspeed_aust

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I know this is a big ask but is it possible for you to do a pack containing just the Russian vehicles, radars and objects? The characters don't quite fit with what I need but the rest would be ideal.
  14. lightspeed_aust

    Conflict: Ukraine (MP Campaign)

    I dloaded the RHS mod, the US characters don't fit the Ghost style I'm looking for, massis units nail it. Even the Russians come in more flavours in terms of skins including the alpine camo which I need.
  15. lightspeed_aust


    Love the skins mate, using these and your Russians for the next campaign. Thanx for the great work.
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Making missions for Co-op vs SP

    This is the best system, once you create unit profiles you can just add to each mission. It does all the coding in the background for you.
  17. lightspeed_aust

    Conflict: Ukraine (MP Campaign)

    So u r talking about Robert hammers weapons not the red hammer studios Russia expansion. And is this the Robert Hammer addon: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23277 ---------- Post added at 11:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ---------- Looking at the RHS (Red Hammer Studios) total conversion it weighs in at 1.4 Gig and as my campaign is predominantly infantry based spec ops, it's much more than I need at this stage.
  18. lightspeed_aust

    Conflict: Ukraine (MP Campaign)

    Talk to me about the RHS weapons, variable
  19. lightspeed_aust

    Ambient Combat Sound

    thanx for the input lads - i am actually using both scripts in the mission so they are nicely mixed up - work beautifully!
  20. lightspeed_aust

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    This thread got to 36 pages? Some ppl need to get a life seriously.
  21. lightspeed_aust

    Ambient Combat Sound

    It's in a module!?!?! I'll check tonight!
  22. lightspeed_aust

    Ambient Combat Sound

    Anyone know if this is still the way to get distant combat sounds?
  23. lightspeed_aust

    Conflict: Ukraine (MP Campaign)

    The missions will be unpboed so it's one init line to remove from the medic.