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Posts posted by ZeroG

  1. Thanks guys :)

    I found a small mistake regarding the bridges: they don't have to be adjusted, they are getting exported to the game just fine with correct relative height. So you might wanna go into ZGM Import Objects for Arma 3.vis to line 547 in and change it to the following:

    case "bridge_01_f": {_zP = _zP -  0};
    case "bridge_01_pathlod_f": {_zP = _zP - 0};
    case "bridge_asphalt_f": {_zP = _zP -  0};
    case "bridge_asphalt_pathlod_f": {_zP = _zP - 0};
    case "bridge_concrete_f": {_zP = _zP -  0};
    case "bridge_concrete_pathlod_f": {_zP = _zP -  0};
    case "bridge_highway_f": {_zP = _zP -  0};
    case "bridge_highway_pathlod_f": {_zP = _zP -  0};

  2. Hi!

    One month after the release of the full version of Arma3, I am finally finished with a terrain editing suite that will help to create maps until new development tools will be available.

    Even after release (assuming it will be an updated version of Visitor), the usage of a 3D ingame editor will be crucial in creating beautiful maps fast and without frustration...

    What is in this package:

    - 895 Visitor 3 templates containing Arma 3 terrain objects

    - Editor Addon to make the (hidden) terrain objects placeable in 2D/3D Editor

    - Custom Import Objects Script for Visitor 3 which automatically corrects the floating/submerge bug of most terrain objects

    - World Tools templates

    - Roadpainting source files for Global Mapper

    - Ready to use example missions and a batchfile to easily access ingame 3D-Editor plus a tool which converts the 3D editor output format *.biedi to Visitor 3 importable *.csv

    - a manual on how to use all these tools (basic terrain editing knowledge necessary)

    Known Bugs/ToDoList in V1:

    • Placing (big) objects on slopes might look odd at certain spots – so if you feel you have to improve the script, just open it and adjust the height values that are added/subtracted.

    • Pier elements and big rocks import height might have to be adjusted in certain cases, because their placement doesn’t 100% match the heightlevel displayed in 3D editor afterwards ingame. It is quite hard to determine where the actual waterline is

    supposed to be (and what value to add) when placing these huge models (30m+ height!). My advice for now: manually re-adjust height in Visitor or try-and-error with the values inside the import scripts.

    • Pictures and correct measurements for all World Tools Templates

    • Due to the use of placeholders, buildings are not yet correctly represented on in game map


    Benny for his patience and scripts

    Bad Benson and M1ilkm8n for their initial ideas

    GranQ for supporting me in various occasions



    3D-Editor view


    Ingame view

  3. There were not problems cause the author helped you a lot. By the way this community has a dozen of these "config-fixing" warfare versions for Arma 2. Why did you not try to create or port your version in Arma 3? Cause you know that someone will do it instead of you or just due to laziness?

    Oh, you are becoming personal already? What does this have to do with the violation of rules? Yes, indeed, I can't do such a mission from scratch, all I am able to do is modify existing versions. So? Is there any immanent need to port my mission to A3? And yeah, lazy...just look at the terrain section to see how lazy I actually am...

    It's really good to talk with a guy who lives with rules. But what does it change? How do you know even these 2 GUI will be in release version? You did not see the source code. You did not know how it works. Only what you have is demo which does not show the final view of the mission. And you has come here to accuse us with stealing of something. As it was mentioned before you do not have any direct evidences. Show me please the source page where you got this rule please. I want to check there some rules concerning disrespectfull behaviour to new members of community.

    I am pleased to show you the rules, though your first sentences show my call for fairness and conscience was in vain.

    Benny just saw your screens and the video and told me some of his work was stolen. Oh, and it doesnt matter which version it actually is or if code is available:

    §19 [...]...This isn't just limited to re-using content in addons/mods/missions however, it's not acceptable to edit someone's work without permission and then to post screenshots of it on the forums (even if the edited addon/mod is purely for personal use), it's also not acceptable to edit someone's work, or use someone's work in any way that you don't have permission for and then to create videos which you post on these forums, doing any of the above without the permission of the original creators risks a permanent ban, for individuals, for whole mod teams or squads.

    And, because you asked for it so nicely, a small hint:

    Some of the icons used in your screenshots and in the

    can be found in Benny's mission in the folder Rsc\Pictures...


    But enough now - its pointless.

  4. @Ice&Neuro: If you think only the victim author holds the right to accuse, well then you yourself should have sticked to that idea and let the accused authors alone speak for themselves instead of inflating the thread with "your 2c".

    it was infact Benny's GUI.

    All I said. And as that is clear now, we should leave the thread for what is meant for.

  5. It's very disrespectful to come in someones mission release thread and say this. If you believe that Benny is being slighted, you should PM Benny and let him make the decision to call this person out on a public forum, in their release thread.

    It would be disrespectful if the accusation was pulled out of thin air - which it is obviously not, as using his elements even was admitted by one of the authors (post above).

    Actually, it smells like some kind of trololo.

    Btw, you wrote your own mission for warfare with some brand new ideas. Is it released already? Or there were some problems with authors.

    Actually not correct, as a troll's intent is solely destructive and aimed against the community, while the only intent of my post was asking for fair behaviour according to community rules - too much?

    And, yeah, indeed I did modify Benny's warfare for A2 but I dont get how that is of concern here? And no, there were of course no problems with the author, because the credit is even in the thread topic. That's how its being done.

    And I'll finish with this small reminder:

    §19) Posting addon/mod other content without permission

    For many years this community has been known as the premium addon/mod creating community, people work tirelessly and in great detail to create fantastic addons/mods/missions/campaigns to release for free so that everyone benefits, including Bohemia Interactive. There are a few simple rules in place to provide the respect to these creative people/groups that they deserve:

    The first and most fundamental rule is that you must seek permission to alter someone's work, to mirror it or use it in any way other than for personal use. No permission, no editing, no mirroring, no adding to your mod pack, no editing and sharing around your private squad, none of that is acceptable.

    ...on these forums you must follow this rule, if a person/team post a thread to share an addon/mod using content from someone else without permission and we receive a complaint then the mod thread will be closed until the issue is resolved and the forum member(s) risks being permanently banned from these forums for taking someone's work without permission....

    ...doing any of the above without the permission of the original creators risks a permanent ban, for individuals, for whole mod teams or squads.

  6. Yes, I am an author.

    Seems like you are talking about benny. Well, we've created the mission from scratch. It reminds the previous warfare versions from Arma 2. Especially you can observe the same dialogs (a design) as follows: a warfare menu and a team menu. These are only two things which were taken from benny's warfare in order to save some time.

    True. Not asking, not giving credit...one of the reasons skilled people stop to invest their time into community projects.

  7. Soon:

    ...While the bulk of the team is busy with general fixes and the aforementioned campaign, some team members have begun preparing tools for release. We intend to bring out several packages as Steam tools. The aim is to gradually update and enhance them - starting with the basics to get going. Our Community Tools package will eventually offer updated versions of things like binarization, PBO file packing, the Oxygen modeling tool (with PhysX LOD support), Visitor for terrains, many supporting tools, as well as sample data. Which of these get in the initial suite is not clear right now.

    So :) and :eek: at the same time..

  8. I can help, give me a list of 100 objects and I will fix it this weekend, love your work so why not help out some :)

    Maybe start with renaming/creating the new placeholders. I dont have a list at hand which are new, but what you could do is compare the templates in my package with the unpacked current A3 pbos - exchange those which are new with fitting placeholders, meaning fence placeholder for fence, house placeholder for house etc., so that users get an idea of size in Visitor plus objects showing up on map ingame. As I provided all these different type of placeholders in the template pack, its just some effort to look through the directories...

  9. OK really could do with some advice as this is driving me mad !

    This is a screen shot in my 3d editor - all placed nicly on Flat ground !


    Then this is the one after I import into Visitor - how come some are missing - they are the same object that are placed above so I have no idea where they have gone !?


    Never seem to be able o import and line anything up , especially the Height, or is everyone having that issue still ?

    This is odd..theay are the same object class? So some get placed properly, some don't?

  10. Yes, I guess one can skip L3DT, as the CRYTEK SDK has all kinds of terrain modifiers in it (just think of the great jungle levels in all the Crysis titles..they were created with this thing)

    The SDK comes with an terrain-autogenerator as well, though I have found Geocontrol 2 to be better when it comes to automated generation.

    This thing...is free....and has been there...for years :rolleyes:

    PS: One can also use the free Unreal UDK to do roads, though I haven't tested it with Visitor 3. Another world builder with road ability is GROME - unluckily not free of charge (190€). Before I found CRYENGINE, I used Geocontrol's feature to do roads, but compared to CRYTEK SDK, it is a torture.

    PPS: Further tutorials on terrain editing with the SDK can be found HERE.

  11. Hello folks!

    As we wait for the new SDK, I have been checking quite a lot of the world building tools that are available on the web.

    I know that using the CRYENGINE has been discussed in some A2 threads (while I think it was more or less moaning like "why cant WE get that etc."), but I have tested it today and find it quite suitable for heightmap editing, especially as it comes with a very very easy road tool that A U T O M A T I C A L L Y aligns the heightmap to suit your needs!


    The whole SDK is very intuitive, but also very well documented, as you can see.

    Good thing is that you even can create 8192x8192 heightmaps. I didn't have time for a real deepdive yet, but I think a decent texture map is also possible with the SDK.

    A little drawback is the file import/export though, as the SDK supports only 3 filetypes (8 bit bmp, 16bit pgm and 16 bit raw). I have been using the following method:

    1. If you use a GIS program (and thus real life data), export your area of interest as a grayscale (raster) bitmap (works great with Global Mapper, just select Gradient Shader and deactivate Hillshading)

    2. Import that grayscale BMP as heightmap into the Cryengine SDK after the initial setup and installation

    3. You may have to "smooth slope" and "smooth" the map over the modify menu, as I myself experienced a "terrace effect" after import.

    4. Alter the height map to your needs, its as intuitive as L3DT imho. For adding roads, follow THIS section of the manual.

    5. When you are done, export that heightmap as a 16 bit pgm file.

    6. Now, convert that pgm file to a 16 bit png that Visitor 3 can read. An easy way to do that is to install IMAGEMAGICK, open up command line in the directory where the pgm file is located (Shift+Rightclick and then select the command prompt option in the cascade menu) and then type: convert x.pgm x.png.

    7. Now you simply have to create a project in Visitor 3, while its heightmap shall feature the same dimensions as the just converted png file and export that project's terrain into picture. Then alter the height/cellsize values in the config.pbl to the dimensions you desire and exchange the blank png created by Visitor with the file you just converted.

    8. Import terrain from picture and be happy with this easy and totally free method to modify the heightmap (and add roads) :cool:


  12. Has anyone yet tried if the new objects (~ 500) still are not placeable in Visitor 3 i.e. don't appear ingame/appear submerged? Haven't had the time to try it yet and also am using A2 Buldozer...maybe now it works better..with A3 Buldozer?

    If not, and as we don not know when to expect the SDK, the placeholder method should be continued to avoid time loss. I don't want to be pessimistic, but in case of ARMA 2, 3 months passed after release in May 09 until the SDK was released in August 09. Also take into account that at that time the game wasnt published over steam and DLC marketing was not as common as nowadays.

    But as 500 objects are quite a lot to check the height level for, anyone here volunteering to help?

  13. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26293265/pal2pacet.jpg

    A little tip to speed up the .png to .paa conversion (done by buldozer after an import of your mask and sat) :

    - Go to your "TexView 2" folder

    - Copy "Pal2PacE.exe" & "ijl15.dll" to your "Layers" folder

    - Launch this command after pointing to your Project's Layers folder :

    pal2pace *

    - Wait 10 mns (instead of 20~30 mns)

    - Launch your terrain in buldozer and enjoy !

    Thanks to Snakeman from PMC, I made a very speedy bat that allows conversion of the png files in less than 3 minutes (on SSD). Create a new textfile in the data folder of your map project, copy the code stuff from below in there and save under a name of your choice. I experienced that you dont even have to change island names, just make sure pal2pace is also in the data folder:

    rem mask - quick, as they are simple images with few colors
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\m_*.png
    rem satellite texture
    rem 1st
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_00*.png
    rem 2nd
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_01*.png
    rem 3rd
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_02*.png
    rem 4th
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_03*.png
    rem 5th
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_04*.png
    rem 6th
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_05*.png
    rem 7th
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_06*.png
    rem 8th
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_07*.png
    rem 9th
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_08*.png
    rem 10th
    START "" /D"%CD%" /B "p:\YOURMAP\data\pal2pace" layers\s_09*.png

  14. Normally, everything should be exported, also orientation. Are all objects of that kind elevated? If so, then simply reduce the value in your import script for that object.

    ---------- Post added at 04:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 AM ----------

    only difference i use GID to place them not the 3d editor

    Sealife, could you open up a thread, explaining how you do that? I feel some guys have problems installing inbuilt 3DE with the shortcut, it is a bit unhandy and What-you-see-is-what-you-get-placement is the way map editing should be in the first place...THANKS
