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About skileriuzas

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    Private First Class


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    Playing ArmA, hanging out with communities, spending time outside
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    Old ArmA veteran

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  1. II Home Rotation On February 25th Iron Wolf completed it's second home rotation that started in January. During it's second Home Rotation the unit was operating as the Russian Armed Forces and was preparing for it's second deployment. The unit expanded quite rapidly during the Home Rotation and is continuing to grow steadily, and with yet another deployment coming right around the corner, we encourage more people to join in on the experience! Moments from our second Home Rotation.
  2. Final Operations of 2016 The Unit began it's second Stand Down phase in November, and had it's last operation of 2016 on the 17th of December. During this year the unit grew and expanded quite rapidly, and we are hoping to make the next year better than the last, many opportunities await in 2017, and we are hoping that we will continue to expand and grow as a community, and we wish the same to all the other communities out there! We wish everyone a Happy New Year, a Merry Christmas, and we will see everyone in 2017. Pictures from the final operation of 2016.
  3. Stand Down The Unit began it's first Stand Down phase in July. During Stand Down, the unit organizes both cooperative and team vs team missions, and the factions we use is decided by the mission maker, Stand Down phases are used for everyone to have fun more than anything, while we wait for the next deployment / home rotation phase. Some pictures from the first Stand Down phase Operation Relentless Dawn Mechanized Infantry Brigade: "Iron Wolf" began their first deployment, Operation Relentless Dawn, in September. For the past 5 weeks, Iron Wolf has been conducting peacekeeping operations in Sangin in an attempt to stabilize the situation in the region, and has made good progress.
  4. Home Rotation We have started our home rotation in May, we have used that time to train ourselves up, starting with the basics, and moving on to advanced things, and we only have a few days of training left, before we start off our first deployment. During the Home Rotation, the unit grew and expanded quite rapidly, we have opened up multiple new infantry sections, a JTAC detachment, and a flight wing. As the unit readies itself for the upcoming deployment, we encourage new members to join, and come with us on our first deployment. Training And Doctrine Command Training And Doctrine Command is one of the core staff sections within the unit. TRADOC plays an important role within Iron Wolf. They train new members of the unit, show them the ropes and introduce them to the basics of the unit They train old members, teaching them new things, helping them improve on things they already know They develop new ways to train members, make new, better documents and procedures for the unit to follow, and set a standard for training sessions. All members are welcome to apply to any staff positions within the unit if they wish to help out! Some pictures from Training Platoon 002
  5. Squad name: Mechanized Infantry Brigade: Iron Wolf Timezone/location: GMT+1 Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop Contact email: ricbud123@gmail.com Website address: http://mechironwolf.clanwebsite.com Short description: Tactical realism unit founded by many A2, A3 veterans, with the goal to provide a fun and realistic war environment Language: English
  6. Mechanized Infantry Brigade: Iron Wolf Introduction What is the Mechanized Infantry Brigade: Iron Wolf? Iron Wolf is a unit that excels in the aspect of tactical experience, with no headaches that are found in other units, the unit was founded by veteran ArmA II, III Players, we are all from different countries and of different ages that all come together for the the love of the game. Our unit operates on friendliness, and team work. Our members are friendly, mature, and professional, that come to have a good time, and we are looking for more members who are also interested in being a part of a community. What are the things the Mechanized Infantry Brigade: Iron Wolf does? Our overall goal is to provide a fun, enjoyable, realistic, immersive war environment, through various events (Missions, trainings, deployments) while avoiding unnecessary things such as calling someone else by a specific format We hold several operations each week with each operation pertaining to different things, our main operations are on Saturdays, while throughout the week we have other events that are optional, and not mandatory, such as trainings, Zeus operations, fun ops using mods like Unsung Vietnam mod, Iron Front and such. Main operations are large scale missions, with multiple objectives to complete, and various side objectives and other surprises. Zeus Operations are smaller scale missions, usually with one primary objective, and held during the week. Training sessions are medium scaled missions, just like Zeus Operations, are optional, and are aimed to improve both junior and veteran players skill sets. What does your missions consist of? All of our missions are hand crafted, we have Zeus operators to keep an eye on things and spice things up, but for the most part the majority of the missions are made beforehand. We put a lot of trust that these missions will challenge us but still be fun. Most of the missions are offensive operations, from simple attacks, infiltrations, ambushes to air assaults and invasions. How do i know if this is a unit for me? Well for starters. We have a mix of European and US players. Our unit time is GMT so for Europeans the event times are around 19:00 PM, US people are around 14:00 We are looking for members who are friendly, mature, and respectful to one another. If you like playing in a semi laid back unit, then this unit is probably for you, we plan and organise our missions realistically and properly, we do expect you to pay attention and follow orders, but we don't go full Mil-Sim, our main goal is to provide a fun experience for all our members. What is in store for the future? The unit is led and organised by multiple leaders and NCO's that have ran previous communities for years. Currently we have around 30 people, as we grow we will continue expanding our infantry, mechanized, and air sections. Thinking about it? Summary We use mostly Blufor units, with a mixture of Opfor. We use supporting assets such as Air and Mechanized. We host a variety of missions during weekdays and weekends. We like to play on our dedicated server on the side. We mostly do COOP missions, a little tvt on the side. Requirements You can join by applying on our website: http://mechironwolf.clanwebsite.com/recruitment Our Group uses ACE3/TFAR as the backbone of our mods. Among other things such as armies and maps. The full list can be accessed from our website. You must be at least 15, speak English, have a microphone, and Teamspeak 3 installed Website: http://mechironwolf.clanwebsite.com/ TS3:
  7. NCO Course Two classes from the NCO Course have recently graduated, the new team leaders are being assigned to leadership positions, any candidates that wish to become team leaders, squad leaders, or just want to learn something new, are free to apply for the NCO Course Mechanized Infantry We are still looking for extra crewmen to man our Bradley IFV's, if you like driving, fighting, and or commanding inside an armored vehicle, you might want to give our Badger section a try Aviation There is one more opening for the aviation sector before we temporarily close it for recruitment. Further plans The month of October will be used to try and improve our unit through extra training sessions, and some re-structuring, however main operations will be held as usual on saturdays and sundays, somewhere around November we will start getting ready for yet another deployment.
  8. Public Server We have outfitted our main game server with MSO, Insurgency, and Domination missions, most of our members play on the public server, especially in the evenings around GMT +01:00 GMT time, feel free to pop by: Mechanized Infantry Due to our growth in numbers, we have finally opened up our Mechanized section call sign Badger, who utilizes the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles. Currently we have one full IFV crew filled, we're looking for crewmen, as well as dismounted infantry, who will start utilizing Javelins to further improve our Anti-Tank capabilities Aviation Recently many aviation pilots have applied to become a part of our air wing, we will soon temporarily hold recruitment for aviation, but for now we are still recruiting. Infantry As we expand we always look to further increase our infantry ranks, we're always looking for Team Leaders, Automatic Riflemen, Rifleman, and Grenadiers as the main core of our infantry, squad medic, and platoon medic spots are also there for medical fans We are still continuing to work on improving the unit, currently most of the work is being put into improving and expanding our staff sections Fireteam covering a flank Attacking an airfield Aftermath of the airfield assault Group picture in a mini-op before we move out Briefing before we move out Mounting up Debrief
  9. Awards Medals, Badges and Qualifications have been introduced into the unit for members to have more things to work towards to. Aviation In the past couple of weeks we've received many pilot applications and we are starting to hand pick the best candidates, recruitment for aviation will be closed soon as only a few roles remain unfilled. Not too many new things happened the past couple of weeks, however we expect to announce quite a few new additions to the unit by the end of the summer. Infantry covering a landing zone Preparing to move out Breaching a hostile compound BM-21 Grad's firing on 1. Platoon
  10. Trainings New optional trainings are being worked on, for members who want to improve their skills in certain areas. Operations group Operations and training's are the main events that we host within the 22ETF, to improve our events we are opening an operations staff group. Their job is to help plan out the unit's operations, training's, deployments, backstories to missions, and overall to help prepare events, all members are welcome to apply and lend a helping hand. Leadership Besides regular soldiers, team leaders and squad leaders are the back bone of our unit, we rely on them to help manage the unit, as well as lead teams in operations. We will be opening up an NCO school for members who want to become team leaders, improve their leadership skills, or just to get some extra knowledge.
  11. We are still actively recruiting for new members! Staff We are continuously working on improving the staff sections within the unit, they are not mandatory, but all members who are willing can always help out the unit. Event times We always host operations on saturdays and sundays which are our main events. During the week, we also host side-events too, which are our secondary events, most of European members have events in the evening, while US members will have them in the afternoon. Event start times: 19:00 BST 14:00 EST Squad briefing
  12. We started hosting events during weekdays, they are not mandatory events, but are good for members who want to play a bit more. We're starting to focus more on training's too, to give our members the ability to enhance their individual and team working skills Not too much new information on this update. We are still recruiting for new members!
  13. We have completely re-worked our training office and our training system to suit the unit better, currently our training staff provides - Recruit Training: Entry level training, to help new players familiarize themselves with ArmA 3, mods like TFAR, AGM, and unit policies. Basic Combat Training: A 3 day program to teach new and veteran players the tactics and procedures that can be found in our unit. Advanced Individual Training: AIT is a training session which familiarizes our members with special weaponry and equipment. At the end the trainees become qualifed in a specific role (e.g. Medical Training, Armour Course, Flight School etc.). We have recently opened up an EOD detachment within our unit, and are starting to get interested members qualified for EOD roles, in addition, we are looking into opening up an armored detachment. As usual, we are still recruiting for infantry and aviation members!
  14. April Update Infantry As usual, we are looking for more infantrymen to join our unit! We're hoping to start opening more squads as more members join, we're looking for good leadership potential as well. Aviation We have stopped using aviation recently, but now we've decided to start using our aviation crew within the unit actively as well, so we're looking for any aviation fans to join too. Staff We have two main staff offices in the unit: Training Office Recruitment Office We're working on expanding and improving these offices, and once we have them at their full capability, we'll be opening new staff positions for anyone that is interested.
  15. March Update We are still active and recruiting for new infantry members. - Media We are working on more Media Production within the unit, hopefully we'll start pumping out videos soon - Website We have recently switched back to our old website, come check us out, or join us: www.22etf.enjin.com We're looking on expanding more on infantry to open up new squads, and we're looking for skilled pilots too, if you're interested, leave an application www.22etf.enjin.com/recruitment