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Everything posted by idiosis

  1. idiosis

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Pretty poor show from Steam, all things considered. They've charged me for the DLC but the 'lite' version of BAF is showing up in the Armoury still, nor are there any extra missions. In fact I don't think there was any data downloaded after I made the purchase.
  2. For what it's worth I uninstalled my retail version of Arma 2 when I purchased Combined Ops off Steam, and it gives me the option to either run OA or Combined Ops when I start via Steams game library.
  3. Having a bit of a problem with the ULB... if i rebind the thrust controls to anything other than the default keys it won't gain altitude - for example I have a 5 button mouse and prefer having increase / decrease thrust bound to the two side buttons and it works fine for everything else except the ULB - can decrease altitude fine but it won't fly back up again unless I'm using the default keys. Since I'm using Q & E for rudder controls this is a bit of a pain in the bum. Is there a workaround?
  4. idiosis

    How do you control the ULB [OA]

    I like to set the 'increase thrust' button to one of the two extra buttons on my mouse but it seems the ULB only gains altitude if it's set to 'Q' which is a bit annoying since I use Q & E for rudder controls. Is there any way to adjust this?
  5. Doubt it'll make a huge amount of difference but there's new Catalyst drivers out (10.1)
  6. idiosis

    1.05 Benchmark Mission Results

    Win7, 3.4 Quad Core with an ATI 5750, 4gb RAM and an old Audigy 2 ZS - ran this last night and was quite pleased with the results: Benchmark 1: 45 fps average Benchmark 2: 16 fps average Although having said that, looking at [bsm]-sniper's comparision between XP & Windows 7 I might try dual-booting XP tonight if there's that much of difference.
  7. This seems to be a recurring topic as of late, isn't there supposed to be a 30% increase in performance with XP over Win7? Personally I've only started playing Arma II recently on a new PC with Win7 installed and it runs pretty smooth, albeit with the odd dip to a just about tolerable framerate every so often - is the rigamarole of dual booting or downgrading the OS worth it just for one game?
  8. idiosis

    Night Vision

    This mod, Fixed Range Nightvision works a treat. Not sure if Page Up/Down adjust NVG in vanilla Arma 2.
  9. idiosis

    Suppressive Fire, any luck?

    Nah sorry for the previous post, I've tried again since and suppression does diddly squat. I presume before they were just shooting at something at exactly the same time I was issuing a suppress order. :confused:
  10. CaptArma: I've not been looking at the first tab, I'm talking about the 3rd tab over where you can change the load order. At the risk of sounding obtuse it might be worth swapping the terms low and high priority around then, since it's a tad confusing as it stands at the moment. 'Cos to me that looks like highest priority should be up the top. Am I being thick?
  11. idiosis

    Suppressive Fire, any luck?

    Installed 1.05 without issue and disabled Zeus AI; My squadmates and I were assaulting an airfield in the Seal Team Six campaign, on the smaller island (Utes?) from the south end of the island with a clear LOS to two squads spread out across the airfield, but regardless of being set on disengage and 'no target' they went willy-nilly all over the shop refusing to regroup, with the 'engage' text above their portraits. Irritatingly though they won't attack targets when I order them to :rolleyes: Maybe I've been spoiled by Zeus AI! Suppression works ok though, at least for me it does.
  12. Well that's counter-intuitive for starters. High priority generally means 'comes first' :rolleyes:
  13. idiosis

    tutorial first aid

    I think it's 'Drag' first before the 'Carry' option appears on the action menu.
  14. idiosis

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    That infiltration trick the AI pulled last night was incredible, really took us by surprise.
  15. Is it me or does this launcher load everything backwards? I was playing on the Zeus server last night and the admin pointed out that ACE wasn't installed, of course I wouldn't of been able to log onto the server in the first place without ACE installed. I checked the load order and compared that to what was displayed on screen when joining a server and sure enough mods which were way down the bottom of my mod priority list in Alpine's launcher were being loaded first, with ACE and the beta patch showing up right at the end.