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Everything posted by SigintArmA

  1. Well in a sense you do -need- it since 90% of the MP/Missions/mods tend to use both ArmA2 + OA. It doesn't hurt to support BIS by buying ArmA2, I mean, that money you spend goes right to making ArmA3 ^^ Who doesn't wanna help support that? Hehe
  2. SigintArmA

    CONSPIRACIES: Apocalypse

    That's why I'm waiting for the whole pack he gave Foxhound. There were so many overwrite questions when I did it I didn't know what to do. So I'm assuming the pack he gave Foxhound is the right 'Combination' for it all to work haha
  3. SigintArmA

    CONSPIRACIES: Apocalypse

    Think the weapon pack he picked happened to be due to them looking more used and simple then regular service rifles. Though atm I'm going to have to wait for the DL pack from ArmAholic to be hosted because for some reason each time I DL and use'm there is always -Something- missing so I can not get passed the intro DX Hopefully Foxhound can get it set up hehe the intro that I was able to look at is making me want to play it more XD
  4. SigintArmA

    CONSPIRACIES: Apocalypse

    Huh... didn't think old ArmA weapons/objects worked in ArmA2 without a ton of errors. o_O Learn something new every day! XD Can't wait to test this out!
  5. SigintArmA

    daveygarys Rangers

    The way that is done in the MARSOC mod is the NVG on the helm is a 'Glasses' proxy on the player that you choose from the player editor, meaning you'll have to wear it either all the time on every, including non-MARSOC, unit.
  6. SigintArmA

    The Undead Mod

    You can get a single DL from Armaholic. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9207
  7. @Blackfox34 If you're talking about the 'Alpha 1-1' and such in blue, side chat then you will have to change the group name with 'SetgroupID', safer if you use it after giving the unit a group name. An example could be Pilot = Group this; Pilot setgroupID ["MyGroupName"]; That's just an example, to hopefully answer your question if I understand you correctly. XD
  8. SigintArmA

    CONSPIRACIES: Apocalypse

    Oooo that's looking good man!
  9. Hello. I'm using the script found on this site http://kronzky.info/placer/index.htm to place a set number of weapons on tables and leaned against objects, yet it doesn't explain how I can alter the 'tilt' of the object. I've tried using the Init code into an invisible H pad with an altered vector so the pad itself is tilted (Can't see the tilt though tested with a visible table) yet the weapons are level yet the H-Pad (And table) are tilted. The script tells you how to define the direction of the weapons, height, spacing, number, magazines and number of mags but I can't figure out how to angle it in any other direction other then the Azimuth the weapons face. And if it sounds confusing of what I'm asking. In the link is shows an example screen shot. I want to angle the weapons like they are angled in the back (Barrel facing up) Any help would be great!
  10. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.11

    And also, if I recall the AK-107 isn't the main service rifle? I thought it was still the AK-74M and the AK-100 series were in limited use and to special agencies for the time being. Unless they suddenly changed that within the last year or two and suddenly did a mass export of'm to the rest of the Armed Forces? Personally think if you can live with them using the AK-107 as a main service weapon (Which I recall it isn't) then you can live with a laser or two? O_o -Shrugs- Just note I'm saying this off of what I can remember so don't take anything to heart XD
  11. SigintArmA

    USS Nimitz

    @ herorok- Okay. The Nimitz isn't seen as a runway to 'Landing Auto Pilot' so using the option to land on the Nimitz is near impossible without using proper scripting. It's been answered prior in the thread. The Nimitz isn't seen as a runway since it's not hard coded into the map as a runway strip, so when you use 'Landing Auto Pilot' it'll select the nearest runway to the aircraft and fly/land at said runway. I don't know how much clearer it can be said.
  12. SigintArmA

    Deleting actions ???

    HA! Figured it out. Had to put {player removeaction _x} foreach Choice_Array; at the top of the two scripts. Haha I knew my brain had been fried for a time
  13. SigintArmA

    CONSPIRACIES: Apocalypse

    Mmk I wasn't crazy when I read that XD Haha the story sounds fun to have in the ArmAverse though. See how it'll be done and such. Looking forward to this haha
  14. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.11

    1 Compress = 2 Bandages. I've ran into moments where it'd take 4 bandages but only two compresses. But it is the weight of 2 bandages but takes up less space and is only usable on heavy bleeding. It's both good and bad to carry. Best course to take when one is needed, use the compress then bandage if still needed and then anything else needed(Morphine/Epi). It's what I've always done.
  15. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.11

    I believe what Maverick96 is asking, is if there was a way while in the mission (Let's say you've RTB to re-arm for another outing furring a Domi or Insurgency) and instead of only picking up 8 bandages... loading them to ruck... loading 8 more... rinse and repeat, to just pack the item directly into the ruck from the crate. At least, that is what I read from it.
  16. SigintArmA

    The Undead Mod

    I don't know if it's been answered before or not, but has anyone figured out how to skip the opening credits when you have a UNDEAD module on the map? I'm trying to create some missions with it and when in 5 missions into a story and suddenly see 'The Undead Mod' appear when the mission starts, it kind of ruins the 'Mood' in my opinion. I understand credits to be given and all but again, I personally think it ruins the mood when the player knows 'This is the mission when the zombies come' and are somewhat expecting them instead of 'Is this a mission that has them?'
  17. SigintArmA

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Should have a file included that has the 'Face' IDs of the masks and such for 'Setface' and 'Setidentity'.
  18. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Click the LMB in the center and drag along the arrow of the gesture you want and release the LMB after dragging. Release Tab and your character will preform the action.
  19. Hello. I'm curious if it's possible to have an updated DL Link to the blank textures on the front page. It appears to have been removed or deleted from the site.
  20. Hrm... replacing Delta Force with Navy SEALs... XD Interesting concept hehe guess it can be neat for some. The Delta Force Operators are a bit... 'Meh' lol
  21. SigintArmA

    ArmA2 Firing Range gameplay footage

    For being an app to pass time. XD Would be fun to if it has a score system to see which out of you and your buddies are better (Show off your ArmA skills while they writhe in defeat! Lol XD)
  22. Which 'SF' guys? Are you talking about the Delta Force operators that are added in Operation Arrowhead? They're under the 'Men(Special Forces)' if I recall correctly under the 'US' faction in BLUFOR
  23. SigintArmA

    CWR² Demo

    It isn't updated constantly like ACE. There's only been three releases if I recall correctly. The Demo release, the Patch 1 release, then the hotfix. Nothing else after that for the time. So I don't think one is really -needed- to keep up to date with. Though an 'All in one' kind of DL link -would- be nice for those just finding it and wanting to DL it. I know it gets confusing trying to get the patch and hotfix added. Forgetting to add one or doing it in the wrong order lol can get confusing.
  24. SigintArmA

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Could the 'Two dark figures' be the ejection seats he's seeing for only a moment?
  25. At the start of the campaign (During the night missions) Syke's uses an M4. But when you join the rest of the MEU to assault the town, he'll take up his DMR again. I think the MG Gunner carries an M4 in the start to, then switches over. Been so long lol