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Everything posted by SigintArmA

  1. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Haha XD I find the Woodland Mercs from the Desert Mercenaries and BlackOps units seem to fit almost perfectly + the Insurgents from the basic OpFor side also fit. They work for a 'Stand In' Untill the units are released ^^ Atleast for me. @Ice- The Island, WONDERFUL. Best Island to date. The Stock BIS Islands are trumped by it in my opinion ^^ This was well worth the wait. Thanks man :D
  2. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    I'm guessing they only work in water... oh well >_> <_< Wasn't planning on swimming anyway... ._. *Throws To Do list over shoulder and out the window*
  3. -Facepalm- That would do it... heh... thanks. Been doing stupid mistakes like this for the past three days XD Thanks again haha
  4. A quick question, I don't know if it's been asked about or questioned but it regards the LeeEnfield (That I know of) and the fact that if I try adding the rifle VIA script to a unit (In this case the player) it is not added at all and the secondary is equipped. I know it isn't me miss-spelling the name in the code due to it works in editor but as soon as I save it as a Single Mission and it PBOs, it doesn't show up. And as a side note, when the LeeEnfield is added via script, the image doesn't show in your gear but I still posses it in the editor. I was wondering if this is a known problem/issue or possibly something on my part happening?
  5. Ya know, I was taking a shower and was like 'DAMNIT' when I thought about that XD I knew it was something so very stupid and simple hehe XD Thanks man
  6. As the title says. I've tried useing <html> <head><title>My mission name here</title></head> <body> < h2 align="center">YOUR WAR< /h2> < p align="center"><img src="Apicture.jpg" width="230" height="170"></p> < p>a single sentence description< /p> < p>another sentence if you must< /p> </body> </html> with the respected fields filled, and I have also used <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="VB"> <title>My mission name here</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p align="center"><img src="scenarioimage.paa" width="240" height="121"></p> <p align="left">Small Description.</p> </body> </html> Found here http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1689380&postcount=2 With the respective fields filled, but the name still refuses to show the name. It continues to show the folder names as 'I44Utes.utes' instead of the name. Though it bothers me because I've had the Overview work on a prior mission using the first coding (Wish bugs, hence why I used the second) but the name showed up correctly none the less. I've removed code to make it appear as such <html> <head><title>My mission name here</title></head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p align="center"><img src="scenarioimage.paa" width="240" height="121"></p> <p align="left">Small Description.</p> </body> </html> But still, no luck. It bugs me a lot due to the fact... I am in a sense, finished with something worth at the least to test. It may be that my brain is so fried from trying to finish this mission that I'm not seeing something SO VERY CLEAR or I'm not doing it right. Anyway, heres a link to DL it for your own figuring out. It'll also come with the 'None HTML' version of the overview.html so you can play with/edit to show me what exactly I messed up on XD Thank you to those who can help! ^^ As name says, it uses the I44 Conversion plus the two Hot Fixes File - http://www.4shared.com/file/Z3iNxMVF/I44Utesutes.html Again, any help will be great ^^ Thanks and PM me if you feel the need regarding this.
  7. Oh I can't wait for the Five-O'-Duce units. I can see it now, Market Garden and Hell's Highway missions hehe... ^^ Good work I44 Yeam! :D
  8. SigintArmA

    Using Camera at start up

    Theres scripts and such to do that. But a simple way I use is place a marker on the map where you want the Coords (X,Y,Z) and name it something like 'Coords' or 'ZipptyMArker' what ever. Save the mission then go into your mission folder. Open the Mission.sqm with notepad (It's what I use) and scroll down untill you find the name of your marker. It'll give the (X,Y,Z) of the marker. Then just copy and paste that where it needs ^^
  9. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    I say wait. People waited this long, they can wait a little longer. ^^
  10. SigintArmA

    Persian Hammer

    Hey, great Campaign man ^^ Real top notch. My only question is on the mission called 'Escape'. I've reached Alpha but nothing else is happening, it's just looping the same action and nothing new being assigned, this known bug or something you might suggest that may fix it? --Edit Update-- Update! I did the fast forward X4 and the actions stops but the sound from the gunfire still is going off. ^^ Do think it is a bug after this
  11. I can understand the siding situation. The Soviet's weren't actually part of the 'Allies' durring WW2. Thats why if you ever watch a history TV show about WW2 it'll go 'The Allies and the Soviet Union attacked repeatedly into the Germany until they both stood on the doorstep to Berlin...Etc' 'The Allies aided the Soviets shipping lanes Etc'. They never really declared an 'Alliance' with the Allies during WW2 and only really were 'With us' because 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' thing you know? As well as there were actually Russians fighting in the German military as conscripts if I remember correctly. And I can see why the French are there due to the fact when America got into the conflict and we landed in Africa, the first guns that opened up on us were French. The officers were bribed or something (Can't remember the rest). A lot of people really never remember/notice those from history hehe But enough of the history lesson! I Great progress with the MOD 31st! ^^
  12. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Think he'll let you all die ^^ Take it easy and be happy you'll get it when you do :P Gotta remember, he's doing it for free and on his own free time. He's being nice enough to make it for us so let him have all the time he wants without the demands and constant 'When is the new release date' please? ^^ Oh-rah Ice ^^ Hope things being kind to ya and things aren't Being trouble ^^
  13. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Then this isn't the thread you want :P Since it's someone entirely different who is making those. He just happens to be releasing it with the Island to help Ice out with his release and Island story ^^ ^^ I can wait. This island is like a fine wine :P Gets better the longer you wait for it to mature. I see no different here ;)
  14. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Yeah, I think the PMCs are the guys the Gov of the island hire or something.If I'm not mistaken? :o
  15. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    It'll come with it's own units and factions plus vehicles like his island 'Isla Duala' did ^^ Hope that helped :D
  16. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    ^^ Cool! Take your time Ice and relax and rest. You've earned it with this stuff :D
  17. Yes please ^^ It would be very nice to know :D Please post?
  18. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Good to see you're back ^^ Hope you had fun on your trip bud!
  19. Yes, the M14 light the area around the soldier (The grass/floor) which you can see in First Person View on the grass and around the unit in the grass and ground (With the M14) but the M16/AK47 do not light up the grass ground or 'Flash' the area around the shooter. I believe he is asking if it's a bug as to why the M16/AK47 don't 'Flash' but the M14 does.
  20. SigintArmA

    RFA Sir Tristian

    Please, please D: Pweaty please! DX Please can we have it :o I'll gief ya a cookie! XO
  21. SigintArmA

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Boot camp... for what? O_o Theres ingame bootcamp and if someone wants to 'train' their friend in the ArmA2 game in some way they can take 10 min and make a quick map, or use one of the many scripted training maps and show'm the ropes. I don't think that a Multiplayer Bootcamp (Which has been made and remade by players) is something BIS really needs to take the time making for a DLC. They have bigger fish to fry then someone asking how to access a crate or switch ammo in a tanks gunner position.
  22. Wait... I keep reading things about a Cobra... THERES A COBRA?! O_O I can't find a Nam cobra variant O_o Only choppers I've seen are the Huey's and the OH-6... thats the only choppers I can find, what is it under? And for me, each time I hit the editor I keep getting random errors that something different is always missing... and also the buildings seem to go haywire D: Turning purple pink and invisible DX hehe, OH WELL! :D It's Alpha so theres bound to be bugs! ^^ Great MOD none the less :D I love fighting Charlie hehe
  23. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Okay! :D A estimated time! ^^ Yaaay all is happy! :D Can't wait for another great jungle map X3
  24. SigintArmA

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    I can see this being used in a decent mission/campaign where the story is pretty tight between soldiers or something. Would add effect and such imo, regardless what the RL standards or rules are. It's a game that we can modify and change. So why don't we change it and have some fun? ^^ I mean... it can be used to great effect for some story based campaign missions. Never know. And Iroquois Pliskin, kinda unneeded remark.
  25. SigintArmA

    The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War)

    Close teases me like a stripper at the club >_> Come on hehe :P This is getting me riled up to make thunder in the jungle hehe...