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Everything posted by SigintArmA

  1. I had no problems with the first mission. The AI (Both enemy an Asano) took cover -MUCH- better then in the past (Using the blown out ruins and crushed pieces for cover) and finding the client wasn't hard at all. I followed the birds like the hint said and found'm inside a building. And on the 'Convoy' mission where you are on the gun, I never got shot because I didn't wait for them to shoot save for the Hind. But the Hind wasn't the because I had large Cal. rounds hitting around my SUV and rockets flying at me as the hind did it's sweeps on the highway repeatedly, forcing my ammo to run dry (Not easy to shoot the tail/Engine of a chopper as it passes directly over, dives behind a hill or spins in the air quickly). I remember restarting 3 or 4 times because I ran out of ammo too many times haha XDReally don't see where all the before mentioned 'Faults' are hiding haha
  2. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Take your time man ^^ Lingor was well worth the wait even if there is that goofy bug with the sounds. I never mind it cause I don't notice anything other then -CRACK- 'GET DOWN!' 'CORPSMEN!' and such hehe XD
  3. SigintArmA

    AV-8B Harrier in VTOL mode instead of V/STOL?

    IRL the AV8 can only do Vertical when at a certain weight limit. IE no bombs/low fuel. I know a couple experts. I'll post up requirements to do what kind of landing/takeoff when I get time to talk with'm. But for now, I must rest!
  4. I seem to have found a little bug. I was testing the little example you provided (So I didn't have to waste time making something myself) and it seems each round you do. Each hit counds for 1 more point. After around 10 rounds of testing I've concluded that each round adds a point. So round one gives you 1 point for each 'Hostile' target as the 'Hostage' gives -5. But round 2 gives 2 points for each 'Hostile' and -10 for each enemy. I have come to the idea that in multi-player it might effect the scores if it bugs like this. In what way, I don't know. But it still seems to be a bug none the less.
  5. SigintArmA

    Why make OA ??Money��

    -Runs bridge of nose- Alright let me see if I can see what the expansion added compared to the DLCs.... First OA New factions - US Army, Takistan Army, Takistan Milita, Takistan Locals. New Features - Secondary or CQB sight for stock, Vanilla weapons (For those who don't use ACE2), Lasers, Flashlights, Thermal, Aircraft RADAR, Flares. New maps - Desert, Takistan, Zargabad DLC (From BAF to PMC) - Factions - British Armed Forces (BAF), PMC (PMC) Features - None Maps - Shaphur (BAF), Proving Grounds (PMC) Now to explain what OA is. Stand Alone Expansion: Doesn't Require ArmA2 to play Combined Play: Able to use both ArmA2 features in OA (If you have it) A DLC (This case BAF/PMC) To play BAF - Requires Operation Arrowhead To play PMC - Requires Operation Arrowhead Dependent on Base Game Operation Arrowhead ------------------------- Now what I was getting at is, Operation Arrowhead is a game on it's own, yet a DLC is dependent on a larger, complete game. And on top of that, Operation Arrowhead can be bought on a disk, unlike a DLC (Downloadable Content). So, calling OA a 'Big DLC' isn't really close to truth. (Forgot a lot of things to mention about OA, wrote this in spare time between working around the house)
  6. SigintArmA

    Where is Takistan?

    Honestly, the way the maps are figured is really believable. I mean, the way the forest mountains and desert mountains can be very close together and still very in temp/weather. I mean, I live in Arizona. Everyone goes 'It's nothing but a desert!' and 'Its all hot the time'. But travel 80 miles north from Phoenix and your in mountains with a nice chill factor. Sahrani was believable in the way it migrated from Desert, to hilly shrubs, to bigger trees in the mountains. I mean it was extreme but it's not far fetched. http://photos.flexmls.com/az/20090821040031385425000000.jpg - Tonopah Arizona http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3267/3133012484_3400eb8764.jpg - Flagstaff Arizona And thats roughly 130 miles as the crow flies. So I wouldn't think it's too 'Crazy' to believe that the two countries could be next to each other if they were real :P Buuut on topic. I'd have to say 'I can't figure it out'. But I'd have too agree, Caspian Sea area looks likely. Though if the Green Sea area is the Caspian sea in Real Life... wonder who they had make the US Navy Fleet in the Armaverse that patrols those waters! :o No access to the open ocean! (Hehe, I've always pondered that hehe)
  7. SigintArmA

    Noob Mission Creater here.

    The campaign 'Choose your path' thing is found in the following link http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91875&highlight=Conversation And the movement and running away of the units... hmm... if you could possibly PM me an example mission that is displaying these events of them running out I can possibly rig up a solution and send it back for you to view and rebuild yourself? Only real way I could help since it's easier for me to show by example then to bluntly say ^^ And I'm sure it'll be easier for you to understand as well to see how it works haha...
  8. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    With OA Civi tend to jump in and drive randomly. It's rare to see but they do it. Though on a mass scale I wouldn't see it happen. Don't expect Time Square kinda traffic in Taki or Lingor :P Expect to see one or two trucks/vans/bikes every couple minutes or so XD
  9. Thanks ^^ I'll look into these.
  10. SigintArmA

    ARMA II CO - Poster

    I would buy a T-Shirt too... have a quote or two from Tanny on the back that only ArmA2 players would understand or other things haha. A patch or two, like the 'TF: Knight' patch and other patches of the different ArmA2 based groups would be great. Ideas ideas haha
  11. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    What Enad said about the colors and thats about it ^^ They look great! :D
  12. I just began thinking. In the first mission of the PMC campaign you watch a small clip over your Smartphone (I do not know if it shows up more in the campaign. Haven't made it too far) and you see someone talking. I was wondering how one would create the same effect?
  13. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    FN F2000? Wow, never used that in ArmA2 but would love to. Will have fun making missions with these units you listed ^^ -Cackles evilly-
  14. This is a great little number ^^ Was wondering about this just today. Sweet hehe...
  15. Well for the triggers to have mo then Alpha to Juliet I have no idea... sadly. But to have sidechat changed I believe I can set up a quick example mission in which the different ways are done. It'll take me till a little later tonight and I should be able to send them in a PM. I just need to find all of my old examples so I can put'm together and get'm to you ^^ Hope you don't mind waiting a little bit ^^
  16. kylania, you should. Now back on topic. What exactly do you mean 'Other Callsigns'? Like when a unit radios in a contact or Blue on Blue it's something like 'Bravo 1 - Blue on Blue!' instead of '1-1-A-4 - Blue on Blue!' or what exactly are you wanting to do? And AZCoder, xo Who're you? -Is LCpl Flynn- >_> <_< Didn't think anyone else from phoenix was in the unit either xo
  17. SigintArmA

    ROFLBiker Bug - How do I describe this better?

    It's a bug for you I think. All I can say is maybe revert to an earlier point and try it again. ArmA2 has it's bugs here and there. Can't expect a game like ArmA2 to be completely and totally bug free. Can't say Arma2 is a 'Busted game' (In your Youtube comment) because of it.
  18. SigintArmA

    The Undead Mod

    Haha yeah. Fool around in the editor. ^^ I've spent hours just messing around with mock up campaigns where I just put groups and me in there with some waypoints and just edit what I have 'Left over' till w/e outcome is done an hour later or so and not one bit of scripting. Just messing around can be the most fun ^^ Hehe
  19. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    I vote USSR weapons for the rebels. Black market has more of those old style weapons then US. But maybe give officers/higher ups the US weapons? (FN Fal/M16)
  20. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    @All above - GET BACK ON TOPIC! ALL OF YOU! @Ice - How are those units coming? ^^ Hope no problems I hope. And what updates are we going to see in 1.01? ^^ Just nosey :D
  21. I might have the answer but it depends on how much 'coding' you want to play with. If you feel like taking a tackle, read through the following thread and it should be able to answer your problems http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101421&highlight=Unitcapture
  22. Regardless, HQ seems to -always- show up as CROSSROAD. What I do is set a unit away from the action, name him using groupname = this; groupname setGroupId ["HQNAMEHERE"] [/Code] And it will, instead of showing 1-1-A (Like with units) or CROSSROAD (For the standard HQ) and give it... diversity(?) compared to other radio chats. Hope this helped ^^
  23. SigintArmA

    Equipment disappear.

    Note he said -OA-. Not ACE. Let me refer you to this thread ^^ http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103341&highlight=Backpack
  24. SigintArmA

    Editor Help...Triggers

    PM Inbound todayskiller.
  25. SigintArmA

    Takistani Mi-24

    I think it's like 'Why do we put the shark teeth on our jets/choppers?' Because we think it's cool -Shrugs- So by chance the 'Takistan' military think it's cool? -Shrugs- XD