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Everything posted by SigintArmA

  1. SigintArmA

    RH Pistol Pack Remake for OA/CO

    I'd wanna say the Mk23 is in the MGS pack due to it being a Metal Gear Solid weapon. But I haven't looked into that pack for a while. It's by Roberhammer too and worth seeing if it is included. ^^ Worth a try hehe
  2. Well, if you want the chance of it being there random. Under the named object you're using as the IED (May it be unit or empty car or trash) put the chance of presence lower. If you want the bomb to appear at a random position sync the object (Example object Garbage named IED) to empty markers and the object will spawn in either the position you placed it or one of the empty markers you synced it to. Hope this helped.
  3. SigintArmA

    Almost there!!!

    I wouldn't know how to help. But please use more descriptive titles to your threads. One of the rules on the forums heh ^^;
  4. SigintArmA

    OA desert mercs

    You can always script up the weapons yourself easily. The weapons don't matter at all. But they're looking great! And I think the hat looks good >_> Tssh haha XD
  5. SigintArmA

    a mod for ROF in AI?

    There is. I think it's in Armaholic under ArmA2 section. The name escapes me but it alters AI's fire selection, giving them special fire modes that only they have (Like 2 shot burst) and it's supposed to drag out the firefights. Hope that helps some.
  6. It does seem possible to carry over damaged good (Vehicles/buildings) due to the fact that in the mission that introduces the new map with PMC So I am sure it is possible to carry over the destruction from one mission to the next. It'll just require a bit more coding then we're used to and such haha, though I'm sure someone knows how to do that XD
  7. SigintArmA

    Crime City - RPG - WIP

    (For the name of the person PMing him. I'd take a look at prior posts and take a guess) Haha, hope it's coming along good! Hope it's not too much work getting those scripts done and such ^^ Haha, woot woot ya man!
  8. Uhm, I doubt they'll give you permission. I mean, if you were to do it yourself then I don't think you'd be able to make missions/play public servers using the mod or they'd need 'Your Version' for things to click right (I think). I would believe the best bet would to be wait till they can find a solution around it in the future and possibly between the release and then just play around in editor coming up with ideas then when (If) said fix comes you can be ready to release or play? -Shrugs- ^^ Heh-heh... just thinking here... now! Things look like they're coming along nicely guys :D Can't wait to play as the Five-O'-Duce of the screaming Eagles. Get a little Market Garden/Hell's Highway work going (Not the game but the actual Highway they were to secure :P). Always loved the Airborne. Maybe even get some Battle of the Bulge going hehe. ^^
  9. SigintArmA

    Mortar Ammo/IR Lights

    The guys over at ACE2 are working on different things. I'd suggest taking a look over at their thread and see how it's coming along. It seems like good work so far. Choosing fuse and such for the rounds sounds fun! Then again, you may not want to Download such a large thing. :/ -Shrugs- Which ever you choose ^^ Wait for BIS to do it or wait for ACE2. Either way :D It'll be fun.
  10. SigintArmA

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Keep the talk of units in the thread about them. ^^ This is Island only. But nice updates! :D Woot ^^
  11. SigintArmA

    Citylife 2 Released

    Oh i3lue Nosey about if this little downtime will bring anything new to the board? ^^ Haha just nosey :P Can hardly wait to get back to playing again xD
  12. SigintArmA

    Citylife 2 Released

    Ah! Got it ^^ Was getting worried. Thanks armatech.
  13. SigintArmA

    Citylife 2 Released

    Sorry for contacting here. I was wondering about the status of the server/website/TS because I just attempted logging into them and couldn't reach/find them. I was wondering if they were still up or it's a downtime I didn't hear of? ^^ Just hoping the server didn't hit any problems -Edit- Right... I just looked again and found the play server but it was running a different mission 'Zargabad City' one, from the other server. But the site and TS, I still can't get to. Whats the word on whats going on?
  14. SigintArmA

    Citylife 2 Released

    I would like to make a small quote That is from the rules in the Citylife 2 page. Aswell as I would like to know if the proper actions were taken when the bans happened? IE the admins explaining and if people properly defended themselves or were allowed to. I honestly want to hear both sides of the stories instead of just hearing from one side. I'm playing the 'One sitting on the fence' due to Citylife2 still on my list to play. (Setting things up as he types this) Just so I know I can feel safe when I wish to log on to TS and such. Thank you to those from the Citylife 2 team that can divulge the information and remove the assumptions being made by readers.
  15. Only units. But I'm working on a possible campaign (If I ever feel good to release it or finish more then one mission T_T) But I've noticed a little bug. I don't know if it's just me and the addons/mods I'm using or it's all over but it seems the Lingor units markers (Both map/Visual. You know the little colored blob that appears on the soldier when you see'm to represent who is who) is that allies are marked 'Red' while the enemy is marked 'Green' (In the map it differs depending on who spots what I guess) which can end very badly. (Like when I mistakenly used the static MG and killed my own soldiers >_> In turn ending up with me being shot at by everyone) I was wondering if this is a known bug or new bug or something conflicting on my end? And I know it's first release ^^ But it doesn't hurt to bring up the possible bugs and help out (Used mods/addons are ACE, ACEX, ACEX_USNavy, Taskforce 86, RH M16/HK416/Pistol pack/M14 packs, SJB SAS Addon)
  16. SigintArmA

    JTD Hide

    I've tested it (With ACE2) and sadly kind of find it useless, in my opinion that is. I mean, it can be used to hide stationary waiting for that one hostile officer or who ever to show themselves but other then that, after the first shot you will have to relocate anyway, in turn revealing yourself from the hide. When I tested the hide, 10 seconds after I fired (After wait 60 seconds after selecting to 'Hide') the enemy AI squad turned to my 'Last Known Location' from where my gun shot came from and unloaded their AK mags into my position. I didn't die (Right away) but they still use 'Last Known Location' to focus their fire. From past sniper gaming Exp in ArmA2 I can do the same exact thing except actually hide myself in large grass/bushes and make the one shot count. Sadly I can't see a change in AI reaction to a sniper. I mean yes, it can be good for ducking and hiding from patrols for missions requiring a one man infiltration of a complex (The delay to reuse it after moving making the use of solid cover still requires) a tad easier. But from what I've tested and tried, it only gives the the ability to 'Hide in plain sight' (IE middle of a road or in the middle of the sand) making it -too- easy to hide. It's a good idea! I will give you that but I really see it a tad... useless (For the lack of a better term) for sneaking since there are bushes/rocks/trees that can do the same. But none the less ^^ It is a interesting addon
  17. SigintArmA

    Crime City - RPG - WIP

    Well, the maker/makers of Conspiracies found a way to change model/clothes in game. Might try getting in touch with them to see how they did it? And this sounds like a good idea. Will it have little side missions and such? Set up like a Scenario/Campaign you can click and play and it be almost 'Endless'? ^^ Or is it MP since I read 'after they are connected?' as in MP. Either way it'll be nice ^^
  18. Oh what the hell XD Last night I tried 30 or 40 times (Yeah I'm making it sound worse then it was XD) and it never worked, I try again today and it does! Oh wtf Haha XD Thanky :P Will use this lol
  19. SigintArmA

    Citylife 2 Released

    You know, I've been reading about Citylife 2 for a while and hearing mixed things but this here killed it for me. I see having a password and stuff to keep idiots out but what I just read was down-right elitism. I would have thought Citylife 2 would be open armed and welcoming being one of the few (If not only RPG mod) in ArmA2. And not this 'Oh you're on and I don't know you so you're banned'. This really made me stop thinking about trying it out. With what Kage74 said about their experience, being banned after waiting two days just to play, I don't think I can attempt it. Unless I can see stone hard, truth reason and not some excuse of 'They were doing something wrong' or 'They didn't do X' because if they did do something wrong or didn't do 'X'. The mature thing would be to tell'm nicely and help'm out instead of being an elitist and ban them 'Just because'. I understand it's 'Your server' and 'Your mod'. But honestly, when you advertise publicly IE 'our doors are open fully for the public to come and join in the fun' (Source: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11969) and I read the post by Kage74, I see a server of liars. But as I said, if I can see a real and true reason Kage74 and the friend was banned. I could change my mind due to the fact I an open minded to different things. And on a note, I hope not to see my post begin getting flamed by members of the Citylife 2 community or admins saying 'Just because' to Kage74's situation. Because you did say 'our doors are open fully for the public to come and join in the fun'. Being banned 'Just because' or on your whim isn't 'Fun' for the others in my opinion.
  20. Sorry but for some odd reason. I can't seem to get the code light3 = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [1,1,1]; light3 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light3 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light3 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; light3 lightAttachObject [chinookname, [0, -3.25, -0.3]]; light2 = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [1,1,1]; light2 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light2 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light2 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; light2 lightAttachObject [chinookname, [0, -5.25, -1]]; light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [1,1,1]; light1 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light1 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light1 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; light1 lightAttachObject [chinookname, [0, -0.25, -1]]; To work so I can get 'Cargo Lights' in the Static C130 object. I figure it would be the same but it appears not since I even set the brightness up constantly to see if I could at the very least see if they're even being created. Which clearly they are not. Any idea what I would need to change to make lights for the Static C130 object? And before hand, yes. I changed the 'chinookname' and altered the X Y Z repeatedly. I just couldn't get it to work. Any help would be great ^^
  21. SigintArmA

    NTA New Takistani Army

    The FALs, AKs, M16A2s they have as small arms still looks fitting. The Iraqi military are getting more or less the same (But less FALs and M16s I would believe hehe). As for Vehicles I would think the UN forces there (From Chernarus) would be able to provide Urals and UAZs and such. I would think... -possibly- if theres a few left over HMMWVs (With the notion that most if not all the Taki motor-pool was destroyed) might be spared to re-arm them. Some of the -older- models, not the armored version (The US would so keep that to ourselves -nodnod-). They would certainly not have any scud launchers anymore (So those shouldn't be on the notepad to work on :P). M113s they'd have since they had'm before... hrm... Old UH-1s clearly for the air XD haha... but maybe some left over gear the UN (From Chern) could fit. Might be able to get away with the CZ or Germans providing some of their older gear possibly? Equiment wise, I don't think the Taki would be given a modern Marine Combat helmet. Think they would get old Vietnam Era ones hidden in an armory or possibly something from CZ/German/Chern forces. It's hard to come up with any 'New' ideas since the Taki military was using gear from the US/RU from the start anyway. Think only the Camo patterns, vests and structure would be some of the most noticeable changes I would think. They'd just have more US/NATO/UN looking gear due to the Russian's I think not liking them from the start. (If the history matches the area Takistan is based from). ^^ Just my two cents. Was stuffing my face while writing this so sorry if it's all mucked up and holds bits of ham and turkey! Hehe (PS if you need testers when they get into that phase. I'll gladly help ^^)
  22. Damn, that looked sweet. A lot of the chatter sounded like they were trying to sound 'In that era'. Loved the moment the one got hit at the tree-line first and started crying for momma XD Made me laugh pretty good. Really nice little video. So going to talk my unit into doing a night/weekend for I44 when it comes out for CO ^^ Good work I44 Team and all the testers Forgot to ask, as I don't know if others have already, but the markers in the editor. I was wondering the colors and other marker designs (As in the D-Day landing markers marking the barbwire gaps) would be re-introduced and added. Dunno if the marker situation is only on my end but it would be nice to have more then orange and black markers. I mean, I'm sure they had more then those colors themselves. Anyway, was just wondering about them hehe ^^
  23. USMC weapons do get lasers and flashlights with 'ACEX_USNAVY'. Place a rifleman and turn it to night. Turn NVG on and press 'L' and you'll see the laser. ^^
  24. If it's MP then in my opinion I would put an ammo/weapon box next to the units you come in as or the start point. Makes things easier. Might not look pretty but it's the only thing I could really say.
  25. Weapon choices in briefing are defined here http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#Weapons_and_Magazines Other then that I don't know how much more I can help.