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Posts posted by riouken

  1.   HydroBull3T said:
    yes i did that..

    but should i copy the whole folder or just the .hpp

    the file structure should look like this:

    (arma 3 server folder with your server.exe) \Userconfig\ctab\ctab_settings.hpp

    Also are you running CBA before ctab? CBA is required. CBA should always be your first to run mod.

    Those are the only two things that I can think of that could cause the crash.

  2. Thanks for the interest guys. I am about 70% done with the next update. But its got a lot of moving parts that deal with mp so I'm working to make sure it functions well.

    As to the faction question. Yes in my new version you can use other factions other than NATO. But only one faction at a time can use BFT.

    Now that the Holliday's are over I have more time to code so I will hopefully have more info soon for everyone.

  3. We are porting the M119 from arma 2. We have it in game working no problems. But I configed all the ammo based off the 120mm stuff(http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_ammo/Sh_120mm_HE/config?version=72). When the cannon fires with the HE rounds and only the HE rounds the cannon slides back from recoil about 6 feet.

    I have other rounds configed, Like smoke, Laser Guided. None of them have the recoil effect.

    has anyone else ran into this issue?

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  4. Ok so after a great bit of trial and Error from one of our team members this seems to be a problem with the "tankX" simulation.

    We reconfigured the AAV as a "carX" simulation and it worked fine in the water. But since the Track (tankX) and Wheel(carX) systems are very different this breaks the land operation. We are going to try and hack around with the config and the carX sim to try and make a tracked vehicle work in this simulation. But I don't have high hopes that this will work.

    Could some one from BI confirm this, is this a "Bug" with tankX or is this "Working as intended"?

  5. No we are working to port the AAV from Arma 2 in to A3. Unfortunately there is only a wheeled amphibious veh. I'm unaware of any tracked ones.

    Here is the config: (please excuse the formating im going to fix it later.)

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  6.   Quote
    Gnat;2591681']Maybe try adding these two MEMORY LOD points and this config code;

    memoryPointsLeftEngineEffect = "EngineEffectL";
    memoryPointsRightEngineEffect = "EngineEffectR";

    Points must be below the waterline.

    See related;


    Thanks Gnat. But even with those it still will not move. It works fine on land, it floats great, just will not move or steer in the water.

  7.   KevsnoTrev said:
    hi Riouken,

    I tried out the testm ission today and had a couple of errors pop up using the cTab

    This one when I first went into the Helmet Cam feed - everything still appeared to function. But it has spammed the rpt file.

    I believe its due to having nothing selected when opening for the first time

    Error in expression <_pos = getPosATL _obj;
    _cntrlScreen drawIcon [_texture,cTabColorBlue,_pos, c>
     Error position: <drawIcon [_texture,cTabColorBlue,_pos, c>
     Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
    File cTab\player_init.sqf, line 355

    And this one if I pressed the delete marker too many times - I think it goes below a count of 1 in the array.

    Error in expression <_size = count _array;
    _element = _array select (_size - 1);
    _array resize (_size>
     Error position: <select (_size - 1);
    _array resize (_size>
     Error Zero divisor
    File A3\functions_f\arrays\fn_arrayPop.sqf, line 22

    Thanks for the bug report, I see if I can work it out and have a fix for the next update.

      Pro said:
    Very nice addition, been waiting for this one

    However, it seems you need to have Community Base Addon ( @cba ) enabled.

    I got an error message saying "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found" when I only Enabled cTab in the configure. I removed the classmod line in my Arma3profile.cfg to have it open the game again and went back in and enabled @cba and @ctab, now it works.

    Is this intended?



    Yes CBA_A3 is required , sorry I did not make that as clear in my first post as I should have. I have updated the first post, CBA_A3 is required for this mod(Really everyone should always run this mod, it is so useful, it should be in the game) sorry about the confusion.

      Piotre said:
    Funny, same thing here.

    Only seems to work with single keybindings.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Not sure what is causing that, Ill take a look and see if I can fix it.

      Legolasindar said:
    Is a nice addon, but it works as a script. No have ammobox for get these items, VAS Virtual Ammobox System not show the equipment of the cTab. If the editor not include scripts lines in the mission, this addon not work, for my this is not good. I hope in the futur updates include ammobox with this items, and vehicles have this equipment without activating the code in the editor.

    Another problem is the helmetcam, which is placed in the box of radio, if you have a helmetcam have no radio in the ACRE? makes no sense, seek another solution, eg put it on the clock, which is almost never used.

    But is a good addon, nice work.

    As I posted above in the thread, the items do not have to stay in the assigned items slots in your inventory, you can move them out to your vest,uniform or elsewhere. As long as you have the item in "Your" gear it will work for all intents and purposes for the mod.

    As to the ammo box, cTab items will show up in VTS as long as the mission maker has not restricted VTS items. go to items then his miscellaneous and the cTab items will be the last three items. Also if people would like a cTab ammobox included with the mod I can easily make one that you can drop down in the editor.

    ---------- Post added at 07:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 AM ----------

      Ovenmit said:
    Can I suggest maybe having the cTab only show units who have a GPS (or similar device) in their inventory.... more realistic.

    Dismounted troops will not show on BFT unless they have a Tablet or Android device in their inventory. Thats in cTab right now. Because that is how it works in real life. I consulted with multiple people who have used these systems in Real Life, some of that use was in a combat Theater.

  8. Thanks everyone! :)

      Predator.v2 said:
    Very nice mod!

    But did you have to use the radio slot? Basically this addon and acre are gonna be mutually exclusive. :-/

    Like another poster said, ACRE does not have to be in your radio slot, and neither does cTab. It just needs to be in your inventory somewhere, when you first take it it will snap to that slot but you can move it anywhere in your inv. after that. I think I need to update the documentation about that, Ill add something to the top post about this for future refrence, and I will have the documentation updated in the next release.

      V-zwo_Null said:
    I have some issues to activate the cTab with my assigned key.

    I assigned Left Control + T as key.

    Nothing will work.

    Should there not be a "userconfig" in my Arma3 folder?

    No there is no userconfig folder or file.

    Make sure you have the mod running, that you are assigning the ( UserAction 12 <------) key, in custom controls, very important.

      Elena said:
    Really like this mod, the chances for usage are amazing.

    I have only one question - would it be possible to enable the Field-Portable Android Device to be opened "in the background", so we can view live-feeds of helmet cams while playing ourselves? Kinda like the Helmetcam Scripts already available - but compatible with the cTab mod. Because right now, of course, those scripts work without the cTab Helmet Camera item, like two different systems.

    Would be a nice feature, to work with true livestreams, watching what the Teammates in a Specops team are doing etc.

    Thanks for the feedback. Im not sure, the UAV and Helmet cams are not the main focus of the mod, more so the BFT and having a Command level tablet and Squad level android device to help improve battlefield awareness. That said anything is possible.

    But the first updates/additions that will come to cTab will be a direct text message system. This will be a text message system that is in the real FBCB2 system and is used heavily in real life. Keep checking back as I will update my progress in this thread so stay tuned!

    ---------- Post added at 07:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 AM ----------

      Foxhound said:
    Thanks for the headsup Numrollen :cool:

    Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


    We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

    This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

    When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

    Thanks foxhound, I was tired after posting last night and figured I would report it to armaholic today.

  9.   Sarashi said:
    This is awesome.

    Would like to see that the vehicle cTab system would come up instead of your android tab when you are in a vehicle. (had to uneqip it to get the vehicle version.

    If you have the rugged tablet i think ppl want to have that in their hand when it has more options.

    Fixed will be in the next update.

      Sarashi said:

    And I dont know if you should be allowed to go to 3rd person when watching an UAV. But atlest you can do that right now.

    Keep up the great job.

    The third person when viewing is a side effect of the issue with the command being broken right now(see known issues above) I could script a solution to this problem but that is pretty heavy handed for an issue that really is not a game breaker. Hopefully BI will fix the command so that I can show the view only just as its seen from the object. Please vote on the ticket that I linked to in the first post.

    Thanks for the input :)

  10. cTab

    Commander's Tablet - FBCB2, Blue Force Tracker, UAV, and Helmet Cam Interface

    Thanks to

    • SpectreRSG - Graphic Design
    • Capt Drumheller / Jester814 - Technical advisor / Ideas / Media
    • LCpl C. Johnston - Technical advisor
    • LCpl Schwanke - Technical advisor
    • Knobee - Documentation
    • Raspu - TAD, Android and MicroDAGR background graphics and 3D models
    • Killzone_Kid - for his many excellent tutorials
    • Everyone else in the 15th MEU SOC and C-L-F for help with support and testing.
    • BI - for ArmA 3 and all the opportunities to mod for this game.


    • Commander's tablet
    • Working FBCB2 Blue Force Tracker system
    • User placed makers - place markers for enemy, medical and general purpose
    • Tracks all crewed Bluefor Military vehicles
    • Tracks any dismounted troops with the proper equipment
    • Android based Blue Force Tracker
    • MicroDAGR hand-held GPS with Blue Force Tracking
    • Commanders Tablet can view live UAV streams
    • Commanders Tablet can view live Helmet Cam streams
    • Vehicle mounted FBCB2 interface, Blue Force Tracking
    • Tactical Awareness Display (TAD) for air vehicles, Blue Force Tracking
    • This system is available to only one side at a time, there is a mission configurable parameter to choose sides
    • None of the markers or icons show on maps, need one of the devices to view

    Known Issues

    • Switching to or from the full screen views while in a vehicle can cause issues (fixed by exiting vehicle)
      BIS issue with command, please vote for a fix
    • If your are viewing yourself from the UAV or Helmet Cam in PiP screen, your textures can bug on your unit
    • Even though items go into the GPS slot they are not required to be there for cTab to operate, they can go anywhere in your inventory, i.e. your vest or uniform
    • Players that are experiencing conflicts with help screens (uses "H"as a key as well) are advised to rebind cTab "IF_MAIN", for example to "SHIFT"+ "H". This used to be an issue with Zeus but has been resolved as of cTab version 2.1. There might be other such cases though.
    • Helicopter pilots (and co-pilots) that are using RAVEN's LIFTER mod are advised to rebind cTab "IF_MAIN" to something other than the default as "H" is used by that mod and cannot be changed (as of this writing).
    • When a UAV is being actively piloted and a cTab user is already connected to the UAV's gunner turret, it is currently impossible to detect that there is a gunner connected in order to prevent a second player to connect to the same gunner turret. Wonky things happen to the player in the gunner seat if a second player connects and it might break the game. Please vote for a fix.



    hKVHT6Sm.jpg CzQ0HhUm.jpg bjarZTqm.jpg ngtjm2Dm.jpg Rt9IVQ2m.jpg 0lOIuvem.jpg g6frBhdm.jpg 2RpXNyDm.jpg ZoQjPMXm.jpg vEuteq0m.jpg


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    How to configure

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    For Mission Makers

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    • Support for updated CBA keybinding API (introduced with CBA 1.20 RC6)
    • Prevent TAD from being accessible when using a parachute
    • Added 500m zoom-level to small TAD
    • Fixed player's camera breaking when exiting UAV full screen view while in a vehicle
    • Fixed control of new target designator turrets (introduced with marksman DLC) from the Tablet's UAV screen
    • Immediately terminate UAV cameras if UAV is distroyed
    • Added own helmet cam back into the list of accessible helmet cams (to reduce confusion)
    • Sorted helmet cams by group ID
    • Made area around the map gray instead of black to increas readability of off-map markers / units
    • Made TAD map tools follow mouse cursor instead of map center. This also allows for measuring distances to off-map destinations.
    • Discrepancies between cTab client and server versions will now be reported to RPT on both client and server via CBA versioning
    • Available UAVs / helmet cams are now automatically refreshed on tablet whenever the lists have changed (lists are updated every 30 seconds), eliminating the need to switch modes or close and reopen the tablet for the display to refresh
    • Added UAV type to list of available UAVs to help with orientation
    • Re-Categorized helmet cam item to show up as face-wear (goggles) in Arsenal. Note: It can still be moved anywhere else in the inventory without losing its capability
    • Fixed keybinds not working in Zeus and causing RPT errors after update to CBA 1.20 RC6


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    Download / Links


    ArmA World



    • Like 5

  11.   Spoor said:
    This is really great, incredible !!!

    Thanks :cool:

      Tajin said:
    Pretty nice work there. :ok:

    Maybe you can use some parts of my script to improve your helmetcam setup. Feel free to check it out:


    (I haven't updated it in a while but the basics work pretty well)

    Main difference beeing that it actually attaches a virtual camera directly to your helmet, also taking headmovement into account.

    Thanks for the offer. But I have already fixed the issue in the video, pretty much the same way your script does as well. I pushed the update a few days ago to my beta testers. But I will take a look at your script and see if there are any other areas I can optimize mine. Thanks :cheers:



    Maintenance Crews at the 15thMeu have been hard at work trying to get all the new equipment installed in the vehicles. This is still [WIP] but here is a little preview:

