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Everything posted by WaffelO

  1. WaffelO

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    From Armaholic Mirror 1+2. Your posted link at the thread opening. JSRS Studios. Maybe it is a hardware failure?!
  2. WaffelO

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    I have downloaded your mod like 7-8 times now and everytime I get CRC-Errors by unpacking the .rar file :/. I downloaded it from various Mirrors, I tried Firefox and IE and even switched from WinRar to 7Zip to unzip the file. Everytime I get massive CRC-Errors "...\xxx.pbo is damaged" "...\xxx.pbo is damaged" ... The filesize is 1.178GB. Any ideas?!
  3. WaffelO

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    So like in Arma 2 there is no way to play Online with this mod? I just see red Servers and everytime I try to join I get kicked out :(. But so far you´ve done a great job!
  4. WaffelO

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Great work @1.5! But can you explain how to use the ACE_SM (or Hifi-Mod) 30mm Impact Sounds? :)
  5. You found a solution for this problem? I had to disable DayZ in the Expansion Menu :). Maybe a old DayZ Version and ACE collides.
  6. I´ve still the Graphic Problem. The Game looks like this: I have a q9550, 8gb DDR 3, 4870. Since a Arrowhead Patch the Game just looks like shit and is full of texture/lod Bugs. And since the newest one I can´t even set the Texture/Vram above normal. I reinstalled the game like 3-4 Times, applied every Patch I can find. Testes out aprox. 6(!) Different ATI Drivers. Nothing helps. Vanilla Arma 2 was running fine as the game came out, with Arrowhead + DLCs I´ve got this huge Graphic Problems. I tried every combination with the startup Parameters, looks like this now: arma2oa.exe" -noSplash -nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxvidmem 2048 -winxp arma2oa.cfg: Here too, tried various option. nothing helps. language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1500000; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1080; FSAA=0; postFX=2; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=525340672; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=0; AToC=7; FXAA=0; Windowed=0; Arma2OaProifle.cfg (Here I changed the texture to high, cause in the Ingame Options I just can set it to normal. But even else on low there bugs are there) version=2; blood=2; singleVoice=0; shadingQuality=10; shadowQuality=2; maxSamplesPlayed=128; anisoFilter=4; TexQuality=4; TexMemory=4; useWBuffer=0; tripleHead=0; class Identity The Stick Threads won´t help me anymore. I am clueless :(
  7. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    Nope, it doesnt fix it...fuck this shit :mad:! After 3 minutes of playing all textures get blurry. http://www.abload.de/img/arma2oa2012-08-0215-5w4lw0.jpg (538 kB) What, no!?
  8. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    I don´want to crow too soon, but I think the new Patch 1.62 fixed all of my problems :D!
  9. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    I disabled it, I limit it to 512-1024-6000-12k, let Windows controll the Virtual Ram. Nothing works. To limit the ram in the MSconfig to 7.9GB (In Use ~6) fix at least the Hud flickering. It seems like I am the only person who have this problem..?
  10. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    No I disabled it.
  11. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    That´s so weird. I limit my RAM via msconfig to 7.9 (In Use 6.2 ?!). Disabled for testing the Virtual Memory. I set everything to VH and the textures are looking great, I thought I found a solution! But after a restart of the PC the bug was back... it´s depressing :(.
  12. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    Sure, as I said: reinstalled the game often. Deleted the .cfgs... I even switched Mainboad/CPU/RAM.
  13. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    Well.. If I limit my ram to 7.9 there Hudflickering is gone. But the texture leak is still there. Even on low settings.
  14. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    I disabled VSynch in the AMD Driver to always off. On Utes it works on High/High. Other Islands are horrible messed up.. Other games run fine. I´ve the Bug since a Arma 2 Patch OR a AMD Driver. Why should I remove ram? This can´t be a solution, I need my 8GB :D. And even if this works, I can´t remove/limit my RAM everytime to 4GB If I want to play Arma 2. I can´t set anything above Normal in the Options I have to change it via .cfg whats the number for default? Don´t know if this is a new "feature" of Arma or a stupid AMD driver Bug. And as I said, I tried everything. I tried every combination of numbers in the .cfg, every comandline.. Just look at the old Video I posted. Last Year the same problem. € It´s impsossible. I played aprox. 30 minutes, and even on low textures the bug appears :<. € Okay set the Ram lower. Hud flickering is gone even on Very High textures. But most of the time the ground/grass texture is blurred..
  15. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    nope nope :( Really I don´t know whats going on there. Nothing helps. Damaged graphic card?! Nah, it was possible (without ANY texture/lod bugs) to run Arma 2 on Very High Textures. That doesnt seem to fix the problem at all :<.
  16. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    No ideas? :/
  17. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    + a video from last year
  18. WaffelO

    Horrible Graphic Bugs

    It doesn´t matter if there is a "=" or If I put 512-2048. I tried everything. Sure. I thought the parameters could fix the bug. It doesnt change anything. There is a 512 & 1024. I´ve got the 512MB Version :).
  19. Yup arma2.cfg/arma2oa.cfg deleted etc. dxdiag.txt The last thing I can do is to put out 2 GB of Ram and test it with just 4GB.
  20. I´m not that stupid. :D I changed the graphic options hundred of times and tried every possible combination. This is why I´m so helpless..As said, I recognized the bug since Arrowhead (1.59?) Before this, Arma run without this bug. The hardware never reach high temps.
  21. E8400@3.55Ghz 6GB DDR2 800mhz 4870@512Vram Newest ATI Driver (But I tried so many older ones). But come on, it doesnt really matter which Hardware I use...there a plenty of other people with the same bug. Maybe you´ve a clue to fix this? As I said: I tried EVERYTHING from reinstalling W7,Drivers,Arma, patches, Configs, startparameter etc etc. The last thing I don´t tested is to take one Ram slot out and try it with 4 GB.
  22. It´s really nice to play Arma 2 with Ultra low textures..not.
  23. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=2013422&posted=1#post2013422 #89 I´ve 6gb of Ram, maybe this causes the problem? With 8gb the Game crashed like in post 89 with the "out of memory" bug. So I´ve to try it with 4gb ram?