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Posts posted by Kushluk

  1. To prevent a thread highjack I am going to answer your question ^

    I believe CAweapons_e is the base classname for Operation Arrowhead Weapons (aka EP1 or Expansion Pack #1)

    You may need to ensure your retail install is correct and both ArmA 2 and Operation Arrowhead are running together from the same install directory (Known as Combined Operations when done correctly)

    Also you should have installed 1.62 Retail Patch the at some point.

  2. Massive shout-out to the various individuals involved in the creation of this high quality release. Unfortunately I have one issue to report...

    After a couple of large scale missions (20-40 players) utilizing the SOTG Commandos as the primary BLUFOR unit, it appears that significant frame-rate loss can occur whilst more than ten SOTG operators are onscreen at any time. Although this slowdown does not affect more then ~40% of players, it seems to be specific to a certain hardware or video configuration. My rig is fairly optimized for ArmA (i7, GTX570, 16GB, Dedicated SSD) and my FPS was consistently dropping from 60FPS to 20FPS for any period that a bunch of players were in my line of sight. However there are others with lesser hardware configurations that did not report any noticeable slowdown.

    I guess I am simply wondering whether the slowdowns are due the incredible amount of detail in the models and textures or simply an issue with a particular LOD or shadow setting. If required, I can organise a youtube video with proof of the slowdowns using a mission with just the fifteen units, no weapons or enemies or civilians.


    Amendment: There are plenty of other factors I have not yet tried to isolate such as the new weapons, warFX or JSRS. Some of these additional addons may have caused an incompatibility. For reference my modline was BETA;ACR;BAF;PMC;CBA_CO;JARARMA2LIB;ACRE;ACE;ACEX;ACEX_USNAVY;ACEX_RU;WARFX;JSRS;SCOPEFX;STHUD (The map was takistan)

  3. Would it be possible to get an immediate dummy beta at the same time as the main patch? That way we don't have to update as much in the paths and mods for clients and servers? We have some that are quite computer illiterates and it's getting a workload having to explain everything each time this changes around :p
    Do we have an ETA on the linux server binary? Our community runs linux and with this update we will not be able to play on our own servers until then.

    I second both these motions, keep up the good work BIS.

  4. 1) Open a blank test mission in editor

    2) Create OPFOR units in editor with respective unit types (TL, GL, Medic etc)

    3) Create the BLUFOR Afrenian army team

    4) Save mission

    5) Open up mission.sqm and copy all class names from both unit equivalents to a separate document

    6) Open actual mission

    7) Create UPSMON squads as opfor units used in test mission. (Ie Taki Army TL = Afrenian Army TL)

    8) After mission is finished, save mission. Quit editor

    9) Open mission.sqm and use CTRL-H to replace all unit types from their Taki models to Afrenian equivalents.

    10) Save mission.sqm in notepad and open the mission in the editor. Save from within the editor and export the mission.

    OPFOR will be afrenian army. No strings attached :)

    This also works with player units btw.

  5. 1. Create Map

    2. Place player as BLUFOR

    3. If Chernarus or Utes place Ambient Civilians (ALICE) & Ambient Civilian Vehicles (SILVIE)

    4. If Takistan or Zargabad place Ambient Civilians Expansion (ALICE2) & Ambient Civilian Vehicles (SILVIE)

    5. Do Not synchronise or group these modules with anything.

    6. Double click on the ALICE module and insert the following text:

    this setvariable ["spawnDistance",1000]; this setvariable ["civilianCount","round (2 * (sqrt %1))" ];

    Save mission. Play mission.

  6. Wilf, the method you have used correct. I shall give you my basic understanding:

    When you add the following code to an init line:

    this addAction ["Restock", "Path\fob_ammobox_wilf.sqf"];

    The game sends two variables to the script contained in the array:

    _this = [ object , player ]

    You have to designate which items are which and assign a name to them:

    _this select 0 = object      <- Object that the action is attached to.
    _this select 1 = player      <- Player that activated the action

    So essentially you just needed to specifically add the gear to the weaponcrate instead of the array containing the weapon crate and the player. Also, you may want to investigate the differences between the following commands:



