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Posts posted by Kushluk

  1. On 12/3/2019 at 12:19 PM, Vonhellthing said:

    Having a bit of an issue. I am hosting on my local machine, however when my friends try to join they will spawn in and after about 30-40 seconds, will keel over and then get "Mission complete" and get sent back to the unit selection. Any suggestions?

    Under functions\CONFIGURATION.sqf:

    // True mods are required to play and false blacklists that mod. Optional mods should be left out.
    DICE_configPatches =
    	// Essential DICE
    	[	"cba_main",						"CBA"						,	true		],
    	[	"ACE_MAIN",						"ACE"						,	true		],
    	[	"CUP_Core",						"CUP Terrains Core"			,	true		],
    	[	"DICEMOD_OCTOBER2019",			"DICE Extra Files"			,	true		],
    	[	"rhs_main",						"RHS RU"					,	true		],
    	[	"rhsusf_main",					"RHS US"					,	true		],
    	[	"ace_compat_rhs_afrf3",			"RHS RU COMPAT"				,	true		],
    	[	"ace_compat_rhs_usf3",			"RHS US COMPAT"				,	true		],
    	// Blacklisted
    	[	"gm_characters_gc_characters",	"Global Mobilization"		,	false	],
    	[	"vaa_arsenal",					"Virtual Arsenal"			,	false	],
    	[	"mcc_sandbox",					"MCC Sandbox"				,	false	],
    	[	"task_force_radio",				"Task Force Radio"			,	false	],
    	[	"acex_main",					"ACE X"						,	false	],
    	[	"ALIVE_main",					"ALIVE"						,	false	],
    	[	"SSPCM",						"SSPCM"						,	false	],
    	[	"BloodSplatter",				"BloodLust"					,	false	],
    	[	"BloodSplatterLITE",			"BloodLust Lite"			,	false	],
    	[	"X39_MedSys_Items",				"XMEDSYS"					,	false	],
    	[	"AGM_Medical",					"AGM"						,	false	],
    	[	"ARP_Objects",					"ARP"						,	false	],
    	[	"tmr_core",						"TMR"						,	false	],
    	[	"TPW_MODS",						"TPW"						,	false	],
    	[	"xdf",							"XDF"						,	false	]

    Get them to check the coloured text on the right side of their screen, if there is any in red or blue they are either missing mods or running blacklisted ones. You can also edit the text above to change the requirements.

  2. Haha no problem at all mate. It was developed for private use however I thought I may a well share the love :)


    I will certainly look at moving @DICE to steam however it shouldnt need many changes due to it mostly being sound files. The other mods are already all from the Steam workshop:

    • CBA
    • ACE
    • RHS US (+ ACE Compatibility)
    • RHS RU (+ ACE Compatibility)
    • CUP Terrains Core
    • ANIZAY

    Shoot me a PM if you want assistance with any customizations to run on your server.

  3. After releasing my original mission in 2014, I have since been working tirelessly on this scenario privately. There are probably close to 500 hours worth of SQF code in this 1mb mission file.



    Your task force stationed in Anizay is assigned dynamic and complex objectives in a 5km x 5km open world.  Operators will need to work tightly with their team as the majority of tasks have complex conditions such as hostage executions or explosive timers. The supported player counts are from 1-24 however 5-15 is optimal. Discord, TFR or ACRE are not required, but I very much doubt you will succeed at many objectives without a suitable method of communication.



    https://sites.google.com/view/dicemod/ includes all the information you will need to get started. I have tried to keep the mod list as short as absolutely possible whilst maintaining an authentic feel.

    (Current version: 2.0 - October 6, 2019)




    I could write a book on all the features, but here are some of the highlights:

    • Additional scripted features:
      • Intelligence log provides HUMINT and SATINT
      • Grappling hook forr climbing structures
      • Ordance disposal dog
      • Ordance disposal robot
      • JTAC/FAC support requests
      • Penalties for killing civilians
      • Automatic NPC escort
      • Deployment to rally points or HALO zones
    • Additional scripted enemy behavior:
      • Automatic QRF deployment
      • Civilians take cover from gunshots
      • Dedicated RPG teams, snipers
      • IED, VBIED and suicide bombers
      • Realistic building search and patrol scripts
    • Ambient world
      • Trash lays across the roads
      • Animals roam the landscape
      • Birds flock to the sky from trees when startled
      • Mosques play the call to prayer
      • Logistics system to interact with objects




    A group of western sympathizers have been rounded up for persecution by militant forces. Ambush their captors and release at least four of the individuals to maintain your presence in the area.


    A militant officer will start erasing the hard disk drive of an important laptop when you are detected nearby. Eliminate him before he is successful at clearing the data.


    Escort a player as the engineer class to the damaged logistics vehicle and have them use the toolkit to repair it. The NPC driver should safely return the asset to base, it doesn't need an escort.


    Intercept, snatch and extract a high value target from an armed militant vehicle. The asset can be easily identified by his blindfold and earmuffs. A pair of ziptie handcuffs are essential to escort him.


    The fly boys have requested you insert a JTAC/FAC to mark a militant bunker with red smoke for JDAM strike. There will be 2 mikes between target designation and impact for your team to withdraw to a safe distance.


    Secure flight data from a downed MQ-4A Greyhawk drone. Get to the crashsite before the flight recorder is destroyed - remember to check the countdown timer.


    Militants have trapped a civilian contractor (NPC) in a large construction vehicle. Upon detecting your rescue attempt, the militants will set fire to the construction vehicle. Release the civilian before he burns to death and safely extract him.


    Eliminate a militant sniper pinning down a wounded US Army infantryman. Find and terminate the sniper at his over-watch position before the solider bleeds to death.



    Locate and safely extract a downed helicopter pilot. Evidence of the pilot's location should be obtained from crash-site nearby.


    Militants are preparing to launch a rocket barrage against a United Nations forward operations base. Disable the MLRS by eliminating the operator prior to the launch in order to complete this tasking.


    Locate and destroy a T-72 main battle tank that is being maintained by militant engineers. Destroy it with anti-tank weaponry or an offmap JTAC support request.


    Escort the EOD Technician (NPC) from the staging area to an offroad with a naval sea mine in the tray. Once your team is detected a countdown to the detonation will trigger.


    Secure and clear a reported mine field using the Engineer class to deploy canine and robot assets. The map marker indicates how many mines remain active.



    Drive the police offroad from the staging area to the marked map location whilst ensuring the safety of both the Security Advisor and his vehicle. The delivery location should be a building in the same grid as the objective map marker.



    Locate, rescue and extract a reporter being held captive. Upon the discovery of your rescue mission, the executioner will start a kill clock.


    Drive the United Nations Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) from the staging area to the crashed C-130 Hercules and use the logistics system to return six cartons of scattered aid supplies to the truck. Your tasking will be considered a failure if the HEMTT is destroyed. Supplies are found nearby the crashsite and in nearby buildings.



    Eliminate a militant warlord before he escapes. The target will run to a parked Mi-8 helicopter from a nearby building when you approach the target location. Eliminate him directly or destroy the chopper after he is onboard.




    Airburst Artillery



    Dynamic Area of Operation



    Call in support missions to hold back the militants and keep logistics in check.



    Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) plays an essential part in several objectives.



    Tools such as grappling hooks can provide an advantage when executing an operation.



    Militants fight with any weapons they can muster such as pistols, shotguns and hunting rifles.



    Keep an eye out for suicide vehicles which boast improvised explosives.






    v2.0 - October 6, 2019

    * Public release


    v2.1 - TBA

    * Will include hot-fixes for issues found after public release.

    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1

  4. sW6DN3h.jpg

    KUSH_fnc_rangeFinder =
    	_location = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];
    	_distance = round(player distance _location);
    	_string = "Range: " + str _distance + "m";
    	titleText [format["<t color='#00CC00' size='1'font='PuristaBold'>%1</t>",_string], "PLAIN DOWN", -1, true, true]; sleep 3; titleFadeOut 2;
    player addAction ["<img size='0.8' color='#DC143C' image='\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\CommunicationMenu\transport_ca.paa' /> <t color='#DC143C'>Laser Rangefinder</t>",KUSH_fnc_rangeFinder,[],99,false,true,"","(vehicle player != player) && (commander vehicle player == player)"];


    • Like 2

  5. Kush, thanks to the latest stable patch and the amazing loss in performance, we can no longer reasonably play this mission on a listen server

    do you know any dedi servers that are running this mission?

    I understand the unfortunate position you are in, however there does not seem to be any dedicated DICE servers available for the general public. The mission was always designed for approximately 10 to 20 players from the same clan who would usually operate within a dedicated team server. My clan hosts a DICE server instance, but your ping to Australia would likely make it a hassle for you.

    Alternatively you could possibly try to decrease the numbers of enemies, civilians etc in the init.sqf or alter the caching distance in the parameters.

    EDIT: In the next version, I will include a 'Population Density' parameter so that you can scale the number of units in the world to suit your player count and server strength.

  6. is there a version of this that uses the default stuff in the game

    Sorry, this mod is aimed at realism enthusiasts. Too much of the mission is dependent on external content.


    thanks kush ive been waiting for this

    I notice CAF_AG is gone from the modlist however, is this intentional?

    Insurgent uniforms are now randomly sourced from a mixture of vanilla and RHS content.

  7. Modlist finalised: https://sites.google.com/site/arma3dice/

    @DICE folder and collection will be updated on Six over the next few days when I get time. In the meantime you can manually download the @DICE addon and manually launch the correct mods if you are particularly keen.


    1) Complete overhaul of.... everything

    Known Issues:

    1) EOD dog will not walk (Marksman DLC has broken him)

    2) Rallypoint system is mostly untested

    New Keys:

    1) Bind CUSTOM KEYS 3 & 4 in your controls menu to use the GPS.

    2) CSE interaction menu will give access to the DICE operator menu.

    Some misc images: http://imgur.com/a/wpuhw

  8. Good Question! I would do it like this so it saves their loadout whenever they close the interface. This is not tested ingame.

    waitUntil { isnull ( uinamespace getvariable "RSCDisplayArsenal" ) }; 
    arsenalLoadout = [player] call getLoadout;
    player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {[player,arsenalLoadout] spawn setLoadout; }];

    You can use aerosons excellent loadout scripts here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148577-GET-SET-Loadout-%28saves-and-loads-pretty-much-everything%29

  9. Thank you both for your replies, however I have since rewritten my scenario with entirely stock ArmA 3 content (ie. Requiring no addons)

    Upon reading your stance on community mission scripts, I noticed some examples of contest submissions that blatently list community scripts as part of their entry:

    The Great Altis Race:



    • Random Weather v0.9 Script by Meatball
    • Player Markers v2.6 Script by aeroson
    • Enemy Occupation System v1.98 by BangaBob

    Altis On Fire



    • AI Spawn Script Pack by spunFin
    • Civilian Vehicle Spawn by Zealot
    • Enemy Occupation System (EoS) by BangaBob
    • MAD Ambient Life by MAD T
    • Headless Client AutoDetect Script by elec
    • Repetitive Cleanup Script by Aeroson
    • SLP Spawning Script by Nomadd
    • Taskmaster/moveObjects/Random Position Scripts by Shuko

    Does that mean these entries will likely be disqualified?

  10. Hey Kushluk, I saw your other thread about Addons and MANW stuff, and honestly a vanilla version whould be really interesting and way more accessible. I played DICE a lot when it first came out but all my friends dropped on it at some point because of the mod updates and sizes. I understand the @DICE content is needed, but by putting some of the things in the @DICE folder and making it one package to play could make it way more popular. Something like a "Light" version without the big addons if you have the time. By putting it on 2035's Altis you'll get rid of A3MP and the Aggressors for example, and rest of the mods barely pass half a gigabyte. Please consider lowering the download size not just because of MANW but publicity too.
    Thanks for the feedback! I have been assessing the various conversion tasks and it is possible that a 'lite' version will be available in the future. Stay tuned.
    i load the new addon from armaholic and mediafire.still missing the .bikeys and .bisign keys.
    Bisign and Key files are only introduced after the PlayWithSix @DICE content addon is updated. Please wait 24 hours or so.

  11. Version 1.6 Released

    • Changed Operator Menu from DEL key to CSE Menu
    • Rewrote most variables and classnames to the init.sqf
    • Added militant snipers that automatically find elevated overwatch positions.
    • Fixed Commanche air strike behaviour.
    • Moved and rearranged base layout and location.
    • Added EMP Grenades to Engineer class.
    • Updated to latest AGM pbo's within @DICE mod.
    • Updated MaxxPro to use uparmoured variant.
    • Added loading screen image.
    • Reassessed ideal enemy counts.
    • Misc small bugfixes and changes.

    Mission Downloads and Requirements: https://sites.google.com/site/arma3dice/

    PlaywithSix Collection:


    1. The @DICE content mod and mission file may take a short while to upload on PlaywithSix.

    2. Current manual downoad links are available on mediafire via the google sites link above.

    3. Armaholic can take a number of hours to update their files.
    4. With the exception of the @DICE content mod being updated, there are no other addon changes.
