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Posts posted by Kushluk

  1. My History

    OFP: Played the demo from a gaming magazine CD. I was too young to enjoy/understand it.

    ArmA 1: Pirated the game while bored during school holidays, then bought three copies for myself and two friends. Mostly played the offical SP and MP missions. I participated in very little modding or editing.

    ArmA 2: I purchased a DVD on release. I enjoyed it immensely and have convinced approximately 8 others to do so as well. I was a little frustrated by the number of bugs on release. I played with some clanmates and started to get a taste of the basic editor and small custom coop missions.

    Arrowhead: I purchased the DVD on release twice for myself and my deticated server, all the DLC, bought a deticated ArmA supercomputer (lol) as well as a TrackIR5. I am now a wiz with the editor and half decent at scripting and have convinced about 10 people to at least buy and try ArmA/ArmA2/OA.

    Should they cater to a larger audience for a cheaper price? or a smaller niche crowd for a higher price?

    As much as my opinion is worth, I believe Bohemia Interactive Studio has priced the ArmA series product line perfectly. If they priced it any higher, they would lose out on a lot of what I like to call "association gamers." These are basically the friends and clanmates who are recommended to the game by those who are passionate and proud of the game/simulation we call ArmA. If BIS decreased the price point too much, I think they would attract too many casual steam players who are best suited to games like TF2 or APB, ruining some of the community atmosphere that naturally forms under the ArmA banner.

    At the end of the day, I would be willing to match anything they could realistically mark the price up to... however this would be a bad idea in the bigger scheme of things. In the event that one of the many developers read this, just know that we 'forum dwellers' are tipically satisfied with bug fixes and engine improvements. If you provide these, we will help supply the stream of recruits who buy your products :)
