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Posts posted by Kushluk

  1. Assuming the developer hasn't provided classnames, you can load the mod into the game and go into the editor. Once there you have two options:

    1) Place down the units, weapons or vehicles you want the classnames for and save the mission. Open up the file called mission.sqm in your documents. The classnames will be in here.

    2) Open up the config viewer through the editor toolbar or ESC menu whilst previewing. Browse around the cfgVehicles section and you should be able to find the classnames for most addons.

  2. Optical vs. LCD

    Fair point, but BI is unlikely to completely revamp existing tanks and their configs just for this.

    Thermal imaging

    I very much agree with these points, however this is an engine issue and is not limited to tanks.






    Although correct, we will likely need to wait for realism overhall packages like ACE to provide this functionality (ie. ACE) Since a large percentage of typical public players do not have the knowledge or prowess to efficiently use these advanced munitions, I think it should stay this way.

    Smoke Munitions/Generation

    I don't know enough about these systems to comment effectively.

    Weapon Systems (Coaxial etc)

    I believe the weird lack of certain weapons for the was implemented on purpose by BI developers to effectively 'balance' each cross faction MBT. It appears this new trend of 'balance over simulation' is here to stay due to the increasing mainstream popularity of ArmA III on steam and its introduction of more 'gamey' users and PVP.

    Turned out crew members should be able to use crew served weapons, personal weapons and grenades.

    Engine Limitation - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2452


    If you sneak a peak inside the Gorgon AFV, you will find a nice surprise. You may find the addition of more detailed interiors are introduced in a future patch. Regardless of the engine supporting the concept, development time for these was likely shifted to other more urgent issues. Detailed third party mods of current generation MBT's like the Abrams and Challenger are likely to start appearing soon, my suggestion would be to wait.

    Mounting spots.

    I don't really understand what you are trying to say here, do you mean the locations where 'get in driver' and 'get in gunner' appear?

  3. Short Answer: Yes it will run ArmA III

    Whether or not it performs to a standard that you deem 'well enough' or 'flawlessly' is a very different story.

    To quote a common phrase:"Game Experience May Change During Online Play"

    You can choose to accept that the game is very complex and will not run at a solid FPS like <insert your favourite generic AAA shooter> with its small maps and scripted action scenes. If you are a crazed performance enthusiast, I suggest you steer clear of ArmA and buy something else to avoid frustration and hopefully reduce the number of first post users signing up to the forums to complain :)

  4. I have also noticed that this message can show when players crash to desktop mid-game and time out (instead of the "??? is losing connection... kicked message)

    EDIT: Sable is there any chance you could provide the commonly pirated PID so I could block it script-side?

    switch(getPlayerUID player) do 
       case "123456789": // Blacklisted PID
           disableUserInput true;
           while{getPlayerUID player == ""} do
               sleep 10;
           disableUserInput false;
       case "": // Blank/Empty playerID
           disableUserInput true;
           while{getPlayerUID player == ""} do
               sleep 10;
           disableUserInput false;
       // Do nothing as the playerID doesnt match any of the blacklisted ones.

  5. Hi tpw,

    I am a big fan of your work :)

    Just a helpful hint, you may want to switch out

    _nearhouses = nearestObjects [getPosATL (vehicle player),["[b][color=#ff0000]House[/color][/b]"],tpw_houselights_radius];


    _nearhouses = nearestObjects [getPosATL (vehicle player),["[b][color=#ff0000]House_F[/color][/b]"],tpw_houselights_radius];

    In my testing, House_F filters a number of irrelevant entries that are picked up by House which should require less runs of this:

    _ishouse = ["_i_house", _housestring] call BIS_fnc_inString; // Inhabited house

    If you are interested, I have manually white-listed & blacklisted every House_F type object as enterable/not enterable.

  6. Is this ported from ArmA2? If so, you may want to consider the removal of the following code since it is possibly redundant due to the ArmA3 preloaded functions library.

    // Make sure Functions module is loaded
    if (isnil "bis_fnc_init") then {
     createcenter sidelogic;
     (creategroup sidelogic) createunit ["FunctionsManager",[1,1,0],[],0,"none"];
    waituntil {!isnil "BIS_fnc_init"};
    waituntil {BIS_fnc_init};

  7. Unfortunately a number of BIS modules are not written with the intention of including support for dedicated servers. They include scripting that uses the term 'player'

    which can require the host to also be a playable unit. If you use ArmA 2 as an example, it can take months or even years for BIS to get around to adding dedicated server compatibility. The best bet is to extract and edit the modules from the game files or write a standalone version using an existing community mission or forum topic.

  8. Haha, I have to smirk whilst reading all these complaints... why did you people pay for the Alpha or Beta if you were hinging on the playable content from the final release (altis, tanks, campaign, women etc) making the game worthwhile?

    I for one, am extremely pleased with the end result. ArmA is all about the community and mod-friendly engine which they have worked on tirelessly since OFP. If you expect a small, talented and passionate team such as BI to release massive amounts of content; then I am pleased that Bohemia gets to gobble up your money without your satisfaction.

    My message to Bohemia Interactive: Keep up the amazing work regarding physics, mission presentation, function library and graphical improvements. The important members of the community will be the ones who are still playing, modding and scripting three years down the track; as they have been doing for the years leading up to ArmA III :cool:

  9. Possible Answers:

    * The canAdd command was designed for items prior to the inventory system overhaul.

    * The canAdd command only works for specific items or inventory area's (try smoke grenades in backpack)

    * The canAdd command is simply a work in progress. They will fix it at some point :)

    Maybe in the meantime you can script a temporary workaround. This could be a starting point:

    if(primaryWeapon player != "") then {hint "You cannot add a weapon"};
