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Everything posted by Kushluk

  1. Kushluk

    TAW View Distance Script

    I think invade & annex and domination have both used or currently use it. It is a very simple and effective package :)
  2. You can fake 'Nitro' using ugly script methods such as setVelocity, however it is much easier and cleaner to create a small addon.
  3. Thank you very much Larrow. That is very helpful.
  4. I have a single large array containing a large number of arrays which each contain three randomly generated strings. _array = [ [ "A","B","C" ] , [ "D","E","F" ] , [ "G","H","I" ] , [...] , [...] ....]; I have one of those strings. _mystring will always be the third element. _mystring = "F"; I now need to remove the array holding that string from the large array. [ "D","E","F" ]; It should look like this afterwards: _array = [ [ "A","B","C" ] , [ "G","H","I" ] , [...] , [...] ....]; I have investigated find and number other tutorials [1,2,3], however I am struggling with the searching and array subtraction :confused: If anyone could assist me with completing my code segment, I would be highly appreciative: _largeArray = [ [ "A","B","C" ] , [ "D","E","F" ] , [ "G","H","I" ] , [ "J","K","L" ] ]; _myString = "L"; // ........................ // Assistance needed to fill in the gaps here. The string _myString could be "C", "F", "I" or "L" in this case. // ........................ _largeArray = [ [ "A","B","C" ] , [ "D","E","F" ] , [ "G","H","I" ] ];
  5. Hi Karel Mořický, Could we please get an update as to the status of this issue? The development tracker ticket has been reassigned. Although not super-urgent, it would be nice to know that this feature could be available on full release. Kush.
  6. You could use these until they are added by BI: http://www.arma3.com/images/factions/csat_flag.jpg http://www.arma3.com/images/factions/aaf_flag.jpg
  7. You would probably need to do one of the following: a) Create a dialog from a single action with a picture of the aircraft with clickable buttons relative to the free seats. b) Create an action for EACH seat ie Get in Rear Left External, Get in Front Right External etc You will also need to have a check to see if anyone is already in the desired location. You can add a simple action by putting this in the chopper init box: this addAction ["Get in external seat","externalSeat.sqf"]; The externalSeat.sqf script would look like _chopper = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; _unit attachTo[chopper[0,0,0]];
  8. Yeah this has always been the case in ArmA 2, however I rarely designed any missions without @CBA enabled due to it being a dependency of @ACE and as such never had the need for JIP marker functionality. Now with ArmA 3 being quite polished without any mods, it would be nice if this was provided without the need for @CBA or workarounds such as Tonic's shown above.
  9. It is possible, but requires a lot of tweaking and workarounds. Its more of a hack job since you would need an addon to do the job properly. 1) Add an action to the chopper for the special seat 2) Use attachTo to stick the unit in place 3) Set the unit to face the correct direction 4) Set the unit into the sitting animation 5) Fade the volume for that player whilst onboard (Else the chopper noises drown out the world) 6) Add an action to the player to disembark/detach
  10. Kushluk

    Spawn boat off of a boat

    _rearPosition = [_currentPosition, 10, (getDir boatName) - 180] call BIS_fnc_relPos
  11. Unfortunately the particular scenario I require is still not J.I.P. compatible. Dedicated server creates a marker: if(isDedicated) then { _marker = createMarker [str(random 99999), getPos objectName]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; _marker setMarkerType "o_inf"; _marker setMarkerText "Test"; } If a client is connected whilst this marker is created, they see the red marker above the building named objectName. However if a client joins the server AFTER the marker script is run; they do not see the marker. This can be resolved by both the server and clients running @CBA_A3 alongside the use of CBA_fnc_setMarkerPersistent however this mod requirement causes most public clients to play elsewhere :(
  12. Apparently markers created by dedicated servers using scripts are now JIP compatible as of Build 0.73.107682 Source: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11190#c41837
  13. From my testing, it appears that markers created by scripts local to the server post-init only show up for JIP players if the server is a 'hosted' or 'listen' server. Players joining a dedicated server still cannot see the markers :(
  14. This can be used to save a complete loadout. You can probably edit it to output the classnames. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148577-GET-SET-Loadout-%28saves-and-loads-pretty-much-everything%29
  15. I am no master of configs, but it sounds like you may be looking at the driver weapons and magazines, not the turret (or gunner position in this case)
  16. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_spawnGroup [b][color=#ff0000]qrfgrp = [/color][/b][getMark[color=#0000ff][b]er[/b][/color]Pos "Start1",west,5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; To make it easier to track your group by script later on, add the part in red. To get the correct marker position you need the part in blue (Possibly a typo on your end)
  17. Warning high resolution images are hotlinked. Hi there, im just here to post some of the SOTG goodness from some of our community missions. http://i.imgur.com/ds54uNY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qVyx3vD.jpg http://i.imgur.com/giVAzUW.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JJwTaAk.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RxbV9n7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/8bdxCwT.jpg http://i.imgur.com/y15rYX2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AjCIEv1.jpg
  18. Kushluk

    Dedicated server - status

    Thank you Dwarden, these changes are much appreciated :)
  19. Clientside sound mods such as CHAMMY, RWS, JSRS and ACEX_SM are not added into mission files or gametypes. Allowing the use of these 'clientside' mods is done in the server configuration and setup by adding its signatures to your server. This way, anyone can optionally use the news sounds without altering the server or other players, since most mainstream sounds packs do not provide any significant gameplay advantage. Basically you should whitelist the handful of generic sound mods whilst blacklisting everything else. For example you could add the following mod signatures to your list: @TLR and @JSRS. If three people tried to join your server the following would happen -mod=@TLR <- GRANTED ACCESS [This user is using the life mod with stock sounds] -mod=@TLR;@JSRS <- GRANTED ACCESS [both the life mod and an approved sound mod were used] -mod=@TLR;@ACE <- DENIED ACCESS [@ACE is not on the approved signatures list] As for security holes/threats... as far as I am aware, JSRS and other sound mods do not decrease security. Here is some information on signatures: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Addon_Signatures#Controlling_addon_signature_verification_on_the_server
  20. This would be excellent! Could it be integrated similarly to the CCP for ArmA2 through a SPOTREP update whereby it has its own little PBO directory. The total file size (even including the functions library) is still less than 2MB.
  21. On a related matter, I have noticed that some stratis road segment directions do not always run flush with the visual road geometry as with Takistan. ie The following code can return some inconsistent results. _vehicle setDir (getDir _segment); Edit: 10,000 Posts for kju! :)
  22. Most basic 'editing' done through the map editor will work in both single and multiplayer. The issue is when you run external .SQF scripts through your mission folder (using a text editor from your desktop). These scripts are often used to spawn items, create advanced patrols or create complex gametypes such as capture the flag. The trick is understanding the difference between clientside/serverside functionality.... no easy task ;) I would suggest: * Reading through one of the many scripting guides available on this forum. * Watching some youtube tutorials. * Downloading some simple multiplayer missions from armaholic and reverse engineering them.
  23. Content has been added to six updater: @SBE_SOTG
  24. After some digging, I think I have found the six modification request thread. I have requested the addition of the pack along with a link to this thread: http://getsatisfaction.withsix.com/withsix/topics/mod_update_or_addition_requests_pt2?page=2 This is general info about ACE compatibility: http://wiki.ace-mod.net/ACE_Features_for_3rd_Party_Addons I dont know much about configs, but here is one of Robalo's ACE M4 pack: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=W9dB1npU
  25. As an update, I can confirm that: * Lowering the Texture Quality from Very High to High has solved any performance issues. * The M203 EOTech Supressed still has both laser and torch at the same time (Alt-L has no effect) * Alt-L does not switch between IR Laser and flashlight using ACE (Possibly a lack of feature, not a bug) * Six updater support would be ideal - I still have to deal with those who don't bother to update from v0.1 Aside from these small issues, everything else is just dandy :cool: