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Everything posted by cm.

  1. cm.

    ArmA X: Anniversary Edition

    this is definately something I will buy..... as a boxed version. I see no point in buying the online version since I have everything already.
  2. flight model is really good would fucking LOVE this in arma (in response to your recent interview ;))
  3. Hi all, Today is AusArmA’s second birthday and to celebrate we will be holding a selection of competitions with some seriously awesome prizes. Prize list: TrackIR 5 + TrackClip PRO Mr Murray's Armed Assault Editing Guide (A5, full colour) Dslyecxi's ArmA2 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Guide (A4, full colour) Multiple copies of ArmA2, Arma2: OA, as well as the BAF & PMC expansions All the details posted on the site. Cheers
  4. devheaven does that as well...
  5. :rofl: the amount of times i've done that hahahaha
  6. cm.


    I pre-orded natural selection 2 in 2009.... still waiting. I have no shelling out some cash for BI but yeah it is kinda pointless to pre-order this early unless they need dosh quite badly, which i'm pretty sure they don't.
  7. cm.

    AirSofters Endorsing ArmA II

    Have a look at ACE and ACRE. ACE will enhance the simulation aspect further, and ACRE (with teamspeak 3) will greatly increase the radio simulation. Both highly recommended addonds (they are free and still actively developed).
  8. cm.

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Yes but it also has it as alive post 2009.
  9. cm.

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    well arma3.com is now forbidden. So either BI are seriously stupid giving all these hints to arma3 and not announcing it.... or they are really good and will announce it. Lets hops it's the latter.
  10. cm.

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Can you pm your login details? (just username obviously) I'll need to take a look at that.
  11. This is the first I've heard of it :bounce3: :yay:
  12. cm.

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    aaahhhhhhhhhh! the suspense is killing me ><
  13. it doesn't affect fps at all, probably a placebo.
  14. fucking awesome work guys :D downloading now!!
  15. agreed with launcher animations. Although I always thought they were too fast to begin with...
  16. please tell me the animations can be tweaked... they are fucking way too fast atm it looks retarded.
  17. Steam is great, but suited for arma it is not.... I use almost 95% of my games through steam, but because of the mods/customisations with arma, it works much better stand-alone. Having said that, if you guys are asking the question it is obviously something you have considered (reduces dev time maybe?). At the end of the day if you can make it work like it does stand-alone but with steam (concerning mods), I don't see why the transition couldn't work.
  18. Sounds pretty normal to me....
  19. cm.

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Can I suggest RAID 1? the mind boggles how you do not have this stuff backed up :/
  20. cm.

    CO16 Insurgency

    firstly, no need to be such a child. Secondly, I think you need to get your PC checked because the first link posted is an australian website with 0 ads on it (I run the site) and the second one has no popus at all on my PC (I use an ad-blocker though).
  21. I would recommend running the game in windowed mode on 1920x1200 (or 1680x1050 if you can handle it). Will give you a pretty big performance boost as it will allow you to scale back to 3d resolution without losing quality (except it will be slightly smaller).
  22. hey guys have you thought about using yoma's addon sync for this? Being such a big mod I think it could really use it :P
  23. cm.

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Does this have a BAF version? Seems like everything sounds good except the BAF weapons. Cheers