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Everything posted by humvee28

  1. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Year.Dooh... :D
  2. A little bit OT, but would it be possible to bring up an XEH Version of the Cargo System? I´m asking because i don´t wont touch RHS Work, due to respect to the Authors. :)
  3. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I didn´t noticed it really in the Vid until somebody said it over TS. Stunning effect.
  4. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Proud to be a Kraut...lol... :D
  5. humvee28

    ACE for OA 1.12

    For the Jav : Take the tube, then scroll with Mousewheel to "load CLU", click, Jav ready. And for aiming a Target you have to use the Numpad "+" for narrow view, and the "N" Key for TI View. Otherwise the Rocket will not lock. :)
  6. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Overflying Tank Shells FTW! :D
  7. Great Work. Congrats and thanks for the Release. Hope to see some RHS Units around next time. I can´t sleep since i saw the WIP Pics. :D
  8. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    More Sounds, a Distance-Script that wasn´t there before, and better Performance. I can´t get this into my Head..Congrats. :D
  9. I have tried it out, but i always fail with the missions cause i´m laughin hard instead of aim & shoot, especially when they start to talk russian. :D :D
  10. humvee28

    ASR AI Skills

    Munger, take a look at : http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1752374&postcount=20 :)
  11. Nice Observation, and good described. Congrats. :) I have seen this single Attack Command Madness in a Mission where you are a Groupmember of a 20 Men Infantry Group, led by AI Commander. He gives Attack-Orders to every single Groupmember without End, which leads to total Chaos.
  12. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    (Music fading in) Well then Folks! And in the Meantime, a little bit amusement for you (Music fading out) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq95zve4g5U till then..
  13. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Otherwise we should create a Ticket at DH. Surely vote for that. :D
  14. humvee28

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I don´t get it Mate. This is another great Improvement, and in full+stable State it will be mindblowing, even when it will be released later. Isn´t it worth simply waiting for this without such Thumb things etc.? It´s no motivation for Addonmakers. Think about that :butbut:
  15. It has to be implemented in the Engine properly first. Just saying. :)
  16. Not good for Chernarus. A red Santa, hanging out of the Commanders Hatch of a T90 in the Woods, gives the Position away clearly. :D :D
  17. I have created a Feature Request on Dev-Heaven for SMAA. Feel free to Vote. :) http://dev-heaven.net/issues/27125
  18. The Forgotten Few still rocks! :) Col. Staglers Spetznas Units are just beautiful. And with RHS BMD1 you´re reaching the Insertion Points superquick. :D
  19. humvee28

    Friendly Ai are worse shots that Enemy Ai

    Agree with the previous Posters here. A good Idea would be to build up some simple Scenarios in the Editor, and train your AI Commanding Skills with them. :) It´s always there with "Flank left/Flank right". :)
  20. The only Problem i´ve got with SMAA : If you use a scoped Weapon from a Mod, ACE as example, and switch a few times from 3rd Person to Scope, Character LOD´s are looking muddy. But this only happens with 3rd Party Weapons. If you do the same thing with BIS Weapons it will not happen. Thats wierd. :confused: EDIT : Animated Reticles are off, so this is not the Problem.
  21. Wierd. Then i have to take another look on it. :) EDIT : Yes, Overlays are bad. I´ve forgotten to kick out True Mods GUI Changes and ST Hud. :rolleyes:
  22. Little Dev Question beside ongoing Business : Does alternative AA Modes always needed to be full implemented into the Engine? I only ask because injected AA (SMAA in this Case) doesn´t work properly with CO (morphing Textures, LOD trashing), and maybe there is another Way.
  23. NP ;) Das Attorney, you´re right with your thoughts. :)
  24. Download the newest Version (1.2). There is a config inside which is called "injector". Open it with Editor, and under smaa you can set up the Preset