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Everything posted by raizjames

  1. EA has announced an exclusive publishing agreement with Respawn Entertainment, a new company formed today by Infinity Ward founders Jason West and Vince Zampella. The release just crossed the wire. The first news story appears in the L.A. Times. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-ct-callofduty12-2010apr12,0,6466384.story
  2. Am still worried about the new sound system, where the hell is it!!?
  3. raizjames

    Getting my son into ArmA 2

    Dont kill your son's childhood, get him MW2
  4. The sound system is still the same, so whoever came up with that translation was BS, disappointed
  5. 26 June is on Saturday, games here in the UK are normally released on weekdays, so am guessing 25th June here!
  6. Lool, he was put up the roof you silly
  7. depressing thread, nothing whatsoever about the game, all we got was a video posted on youtube, you might as well close it
  8. You dont need to travel anywhere, just update your bloody website!:mad:
  9. Nope, MOH is already done and will be released this autumn, I hope they work on something totally new and freshly made ---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:56 PM ---------- Just read this; Respawn Entertainment To Focus On New IP, Not Battlefield Or Medal Of Honor http://kotaku.com/5515263/
  10. Am sorry but I cant be arsed to read all this, the bottom line is No Game/Product = No Publisher No Publisher = No Game/Product Both cant work without each other, End of story:yay:
  11. and why should publishers who know nothing about how to develop a game tell them how to do it? that doesn't make sense! Games developers have all the rights to do what they like when it comes to developing a game, if publishers dont like it, then dont publish it! and by the way, the reason publishers pay them money is because without these game developers, there wont be no money, so its game developers who are paying publishers the salaries not the other way round
  12. EA does seem to have learnt their lesson, they must have been really gutted seeing the people they fired now making billions for Activision, and so no wonder they took them back straight away and promised to support them. I dont think West and Zampella have much choice in picking EA, they need a big and well-known publisher to support them, and this time, I am sure they got all the legal rights of the IP sorted
  13. Its already 7pm here, so am not expecting anything today perhaps tomorrow?, but tomorrow is Sunday, so probably next week
  14. Why isnt this ArmaOfficial guy be here in this forum? what is the point of this site? us having to look thru Youtube comments to get some news! stupid
  15. raizjames

    Terrorist attacks in Moscow, Russia.

    They have backed away from Afghanistan, and they were only fighting the Taliban:j:
  16. raizjames

    Terrorist attacks in Moscow, Russia.

    The Russian army committed massacres in Chechnya, let them taste some of it
  17. I thought they've released a second trailer with all these comments and discussions, damn it!