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10 Good

About Ceej64

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  1. I really love the new chopper and the minigun SUV, and I REALLY love the new island's terrain, but I wish it were bigger. My biggest problem is the lack of continuity. This might not have been so bad had BAF not been so high-quality. But when you put the two side-by-side, BAF set the bar and this just did not live up. First off, we REALLY need an ammo box for the new weapons. I was also disappointed by the lack of side-missions. Those are some of my favorite parts. Wish there were more new weapons too :/
  2. I REALLY like it... I wish you'd integrate ARMEX and some of the "new" missions (convoy, and triathlon even if the latter is not yet included) into the old SP Armory. Wish the mobility range would be more clear. I also wish that you could still quick change weapons after the missions. Doing mission after mission with same gun without heading back to ARMEX is frustrating. It's also frustrating when I'm on a convoy mission and all I have is 1 Satchel (in the backpack) and my CZ-550 because that is the gun I chose... no rockets or more than 1 satchel.