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Everything posted by dissaifer

  1. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    revolution theme... Greek revolution in the last clues Chinese revolution in this clue...
  2. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    May 4, 1911 - May Fourth movement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Fourth_Movement Oct 10, 1911 - Double 10 day - beginning of the Chinese Republic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_Ten_Day
  3. dissaifer

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    I've played about 5 mins of this and I am really impressed with the quality already. Amazing job!
  4. dissaifer

    Native FSM?

    Beyond not being able to use the scripted commands in a native FSM, what purpose does it serve? Is it faster? Does it run on all AI? And what is the purpose of the formationEntity (the only native FSM I'm aware of)? There is very little information on native FSM for the game, such as the wiki page and a discussion page in the wiki, so thanks for any detailed information.
  5. _queue is local to the unit that is running the danger.fsm you could change the fsm to pass the variable to a script via the fsm. Or just change the fsm to have the guys act the way you wanted to.
  6. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    From BobCZ - Bayesian - I saw that too and actually came up with this Search Theory
  7. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    GIBS3000 is an app used to make make one of the pictures. One was made with CS4, one with CS2 and one with GIBS3000. Never heard of an app called GIBS3000.
  8. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Well, there may be some validity to that - It's GPS Intelligent Buoy (Systems). But the 3000 is strange... TimeBorer - that is odd... normally you'd say Time Bearer. Time - is time, century, decade, year, day, hour, min., sec. or a period of bronze era... Borer - There is a bug (moth), or a person who bores - which is dig or drill a hole through, mostly commonly with guns (bore a rifle), or the tool used to bore with.
  9. If you override the config with "" in the dangerFSM, they don't go into it.
  10. dissaifer

    New map ideas

    There are a lot of good user made maps and if you have ideas for creating maps you should start to learn Visitor and make them. Oh... and welcome to the community! :)
  11. try this for the full auto on the AI. It may work
  12. dissaifer


    You'd have to ask the guys who made them. Or if there is a pbo of the mission, you can open it up and look look at them.
  13. @Zapat to see the code you need to unpbo the characters.pbo under your Arma 2 directory. In that folder there is a folder called scripts and in that the danger.fsm. I used the BIS tool FSMEditor from the wiki to view the file. It's a little to hard read the code like this at first, but you get used to it. @gammadust - FormationEntity is a native FSM with no End condition and doesn't appear to have any combat built in. Maybe this is the civ or default FSM? Thanks for the link, seen it before, it appears other people are as lost as well.
  14. dissaifer

    Degeneration V2.10 -Zombie Reign-

    First post in the thread, he allows you to mod it. Just be sure to give him credit. You probably aren't going to like it as a PMC. The Undead mod assigns the zombies to Resistance. So, you are probably going to get a bunch of odd radio chatter from the zombies asking you not to shoot them.
  15. dissaifer


    in the editor you can place an Game Logic > Locations > and location... scripting from there
  16. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I'm just happy they coming out with new stuff. :) And frankly, I don't care what it is as long as it adds to the game.
  17. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    bullet physics!!!!!
  18. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    is it me or are the pictures getting more details the more people request emails?
  19. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Fonz's really looks like part of a boat.
  20. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    yeah, I retract the island theory, maybe it's a boat?
  21. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    mine .... ` ._ffKayyyyyLL_. _yy__syL, .. *pppQbQWWQBBBQqayLL+0QpWpqWOKu, .__;+<yy_uamEaL` ??f#99MkffPPPfdbDNGtlMG9?H$qf' `<uyCyapBbNGNmNE9L. .LL;<I]s}ays]ssudb6hGN#NqqqqqGaL_ `<cqdDqWWb8MGGGNqqqB#! .;LLL. ..<5fFyCs[5FjaqOffFfFuammf%Qpflhqf" ` ?ffT7?M0P0PPEGqQBf*.. *ASfl` .suuyyaEuyyyyqQMkaaqqqppqqqG8Bs_yp, __,.` ._;__jGL ``,2yf}3ymT3t+LL++;_. `<L_,_s. `3##9hff%88b%%MaaH%%%WR7fqqqQQ8Qb8y. `Tzo4z;__;3yqMHh* ,LLLccLyFccyDfsIsIsstaZsL__.'?f#yqpC`.,_,,. `'`` 3GeeeeEeEaawXhf_qQpb$d?*hM0E;, ._LL<qeGyy_*?5nzyyL.JUWM?fapussI]stIyyuuyMuooAG\____*??"` JGOHGGOGGEeZC}CVVTfdNML_*PKdQy_caQpyrTh$NqE_,."*7T^,(4fC__=ftxITVITakjXfPZooXafIyusyy. """" <GGGNNGaqGeyusttuqqqMPPfFTf9%mqeSQQL``."*?"LsL;_, 'l4IsxxsxsyyayyNZzzoozoZjW"'?ff#?` 'PNMGNNOhGGOeOEyaQBpEunCssss3j#F3d8P+xqayyaWqqayy'.,..{uuuttVxE0qGeayyoyozoAaf` `'"""' '"*?ffeGNGGOefjQBR%RqyyuVtjpWkl?7^^TfffhhF7lff7-yoyyySfPPPyakGNNNOGGaGwooa#" '"?TfPGyG88Eyy1]3fhM$#Pxy<<>;_` `"|LcLcKwwaaaeMyyyjzfhhGGGGGPzooGL .,,,_//**lfWNWNaayya4[uj4CcsscL_,_+__,JywSawweeeKaaeeGHEaaqNGOkfoSX40_,.. `'''""""""jWWMlTfP0mhGGayayysCVsaaaayyaZPaeaaOZSweHeGGGEOGO0GGGaaayaL`''' *fh;,,,``"*?lfhfffMqqqRPoaKwEeaGEeHEwwweeeGEGHEeeGGGOHHG0Q! ` `"^^^^;_.....```'''"fMEGGeGEHhhhkHeeaaKPPKaGEHEHHGaqeGGeM`""*^;;_,.. `''```""*^;;__,,__<lTfPamf[ss3uyqEeewwaMkHGGEaeEHMeGEdF .;^^^^^^;' `'"""'''""*^>+)3XwwyaMf#eG$aEPyaHKqqGGEaaGGepL...``""*^^^;;__,,` ``^yyyaaKfCs5PGNGawSaaG00GOeKHGGebr^^^;~"""*^^^^^^;;__,. "fwqbMFlVIxsff??lTSHOGGGOaeeNGqk>^^^;__;;;^^^^^^^^;;^^;_,. `"?*****lVxsVUL. `"*?TfhEhGGE9F^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;^*- `"7TtuqWL_. `*77?5fPf7^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;;_ `"?ffl^^;;_. `"**^^^^*"'"""""**|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `'/^^^^;, "|^^^;_. `'""*^;;;;""""""""" '*|^^^;_. '""""""` ``''` `"***^^_` `
  22. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Holy crap!!! are they going to release procedurally generated islands!!!! that would be freakin' awesome!!!!!!
  23. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    guys ... they look like islands, each is different, anyone send to it a few times? ip blocked after the first email.
  24. dissaifer

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    enter email? Dare I?
  25. @Demonized - I don't think you can do that per se... I over rode the fsm via the config and placed my own "mydanger.fsm" there. @gammadust - ok that makes a lot of sense, but leads to more questions. It looks like formationC - is the stand in formation (no danger) situation. But formationCDanger and formationEntity seem to do the more interesting stuff (mind you I am looking at these from the Arma 2 character/scripts, if that matter). Does anyone know how these (all formations and danger) interact?