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El Kostlivec

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About El Kostlivec

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  1. According to classname list it seems Czech army has no medic in their ranks. Even german KSK with only five classes has one. I think it is quite annoying because there will be no possibility to make foot mission with ACR with medic without "borrowing" one from US or Germans. I remember it was same with ARMA 2 and russian special forces. I know it is just a detail but...
  2. Character of enemy in OA is kind of mystery for me too. It really looks like main enemy foce will be insurgents but I also think about that well equiped enemy. Russians are often discused here, but...We know there will be presence of US army, local force, czech army(or unit) and UN(according to BMP from screenshots). I guess BIS tries to make realistic stories and it is presence of UN what makes me think about russian presence as enemy. Because both USA and Russia are members of security council that aproves peackeeping missions. Both have power of veto. Yes, there can be situation that one of them(for example Russia) doesn't agree with development of situation later, but let's say that both countries would have will to solve that civil war in the beggining...by aproving peackeeping UN mission. My two cents.
  3. Yes, I understand your point. As Czech I am glad there is czech army present in following expansion so my point is quite subjective. And I think it is natural. Surely german player would be glad for german army, canadian for canadian army danish for...etc. etc. It would be nice to have broader international presence(similar to Afghanistan) but that would be really HUGE then. I think one reason(and I think I even read it somewhere) why BIS decided to add czech soldiers is because they are Czechs too and this is their way to pay a tribute to czech soldiers serving in Afganistan.
  4. Yes. I know it is just minor feature but(as Czech) I am also interested in equipment of ACR in expansion. Especially now when there are news about czech army's plans to buy new assault rifles... And because story is set two years in future, I guess at least elite units of ACR should be equiped with those new guns.
  5. El Kostlivec

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    This mod seems to be very promising. Altough I think AI of Arma 2 is quite good(in comparsion to Arma 1) there is always some way to make it better;)
  6. If I am right, he just mentioned that ACR will take some small role in story, not that you wil take a role of ACR soldier.