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Everything posted by Psychobastard

  1. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Very special. I am sure you are able to do it by your own. ;) Im very corious about your project, sounds interesting. Good luck! regards
  2. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Strange line spoted and fixed! Thx. :)
  3. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    The FAK consumption is not handled by the AIS Revive. Its normal vanilla content. If you want to stop it you have to find a ssolution by your own or find an exisiting solution. (maybe someone else before you had made a similar script) regards
  4. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    @nomadd To prevent that a unit get damage during unconcious mode you have to set up a lot of things in the handledamage script. Their is already a protector-delay of 6 seconds for some design reasons set. Medics have already a multiplier for every action. (150%) You want to stop the FAK consum for regular soldiers but want also a medic with special perks - there is a opposition in your design idea. :) @Jnr4817 No body removal is included in AIS. (exclude the example file) @listerofsmee Open the file AIS/System/fn_unconcsiousRemote.sqf and change line 38 to the following code: if (AIS_SHOW_UNC_MARKERS && {side _unit isEqualTo playerSide}) then { Thanks for draw my attention to this issue - had changed it in my own version and will be standard for upcoming versions. regards
  5. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Hello, the H-button is not the same. You can press the H button to make a shoud out that other players around hear you. If no player is a around (but AI) the AI get the command to help/heal you. But dont press it if your body is in enemys fire line. (otherwise AI will run blind into the enemys fire) Normal healing order get to the medic first (if present). If medic is not present the script system is searching for the closest next group member. regrads
  6. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Hello, you will find the answer of your question in the documentation. regards
  7. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Set up your own variable. Enter the fn_revive.sqf (same path as above) and put in a counter (or something similar) somewhere between the lines 56 till 89. This code will only be fired if a successfull revive was finished. There are many ways how you can store the revive actions. (i recomment some thing like this) _revives = _healer getVariable ["myPrivateReviveCounter", 0]; _healer setVariable ["myPrivateReviveCounter", _revives + 1, false]; regards
  8. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    No, its not possible at the moment. This will need some changes in a lot of scripts. (to implement it well) If you want to change it by your own for your mission: (quick and dirty) open the file AIS/System/fn_allowRevive.sqf and add there an exclusion. regards
  9. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Thx for this bug reports - take it to my list... regards
  10. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Realy a bit confusing explanation. Maybe i have to change it: (?) For AIS_DAMAGE_TOLLERANCE_FACTOR, it says "A higher value means more damage tolerance. 1 is Vanilla. 0.8 mean the damage tolerance is reduced to 80% of vanilla." Is it more a appreciable explanation? regards
  11. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    @taskmaster065 This code will give you TRUE if nobody is able to help somebody else. ({!alive _x || {_x getVariable ["AIS_unconscious", false]}} count playableUnits) >= (count playableUnits) regards
  12. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    I will think about it. regards
  13. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Yes, its easy to set a FAK consumed after a stabilize action. But its not wanted from me cause you need the FAK's after the revive action to heal the wounded. This will end up in a consumtion of two FAK's if a regular soldier will stabilize/revive/heal a wounded mate. It's to mutch in my opinion. regards
  14. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Not mentioned. Will change this in the next update.
  15. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Keep on reporting. But i cant check or fix something at the moment. (didnt have time for it in summer month) I will check the animation issue as soon as i can. regards
  16. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    @tourist, no other mods loaded? (like Undeceived) @Undeceived, i dont know this mod and i cant check compatibility with any other mods out there. :( Only chance is to have a look in this mod and check it for some anim event handlers (f.e.). Other question: who is "Costa" in your video? Players character? regards
  17. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Ask this question to ALIVE modders.
  18. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    You use the beta version? Was fixed with stable release.
  19. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Its not the classname. Use one or more unique variable names. AIS_MEDEVAC_STATIONS = [ [myMedevacVehicle, 15], [myMedicTent, 10] ];
  20. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    He dont want to use both at the same time. He want to set up a mission where it is regardles if you have ace or not. in both cases you have a medic system. I will check this out. but i cant imagine how ais can have a impact on the ace key bindings... regards
  21. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    AIS will not init if ace is in use. greetz
  22. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    No. In that case uncontrolled incompatibilities with other addons or revive scripts in that missions are upcoming. I have to make sure to avoid conflicts. That mean i have to auto detect a lot of 3rd party scripts and mods and make the choise to break them down or stop my own mod. Thats a descision i will not make, at least in respect in the work of other scripter/modder. regards
  23. Hello, is use since 1.5 years this script to update some mods (cutted down to one mod (cba)). But for now it wont update the mods. I never changed something. There are also no error logs, everything looks fine. Except the fact the mod wasnt updated. Last time it works was nearly around the end of april. Did something has changed in method? @echo off @rem http://media.steampowered.com/installer/steamcmd.zip SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: DEFINE the following variables where applicable to your install SET STEAMLOGIN=blublub xxx SET A3serverPath=C:\Gameserver\ArmA3\Coop SET STEAMPATH=C:\Gameserver\ArmA3\Steamcmd :: _________________________________________________________ echo. echo You are about to update ArmA 3 Server Mods to: echo Dir: %A3serverPath% echo. echo Key "ENTER" to proceed pause :: CBA_A3 %STEAMPATH%\steamcmd.exe +login %STEAMLOGIN% +force_install_dir %A3serverPath% +workshop_download_item 107410 450814997 +quit echo . echo Your ArmA 3 server mods are now up to date echo key "ENTER" to exit pause Thx for help and feedback. regards
  24. Psychobastard

    A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho)

    Hello Rockapes, you can deactivate the ACE check by uncomment or delete the line 5 till 8 in AIS/Core/fn_preinit.sqf. (or copy the following code and overwrite the original one) But i doesnt recomment this. On your own risk if it will work with ACE. diag_log format ["############## %1 ############## - AIS init started", missionName]; if (isServer) then { ais_ace_shutDown = false; //if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then { //ais_ace_shutDown = true; //["AIS: AIS shutdown itself cause ACE mod was detected. ACE and AIS cant work at the same time."] call BIS_fnc_logFormat; //}; publicVariable "ais_ace_shutDown"; }; removeAllMissionEventHandlers "Draw3D"; removeAllMissionEventHandlers "EachFrame"; call AIS_Core_fnc_initEvents; AIS_Core_Interaction_Actions = []; regards