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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    Binmod Release Thread

    Nice! Will check it soon. (maybe someone will provide mirrors, dl from Multiupload may be time consuming ;) )
  2. krzychuzokecia

    (Unnoficial) Invasion 44 patch 2.8

    I think that you've forgot that Bielow crashed his PC. And he's working on this stuff when he don't have to worry about his job and other real-life issues - Bielow is an adult, mature man ;) (Bielow - sorry if it sounded too old! :p). Anyway, from last talk I had with him, he finished some part of the stuff lately and passed the rest to someone in case he won't made it. Also he's still trying to retrieve his BIF account, but admins were occupied with more important issues (new theme I believe). And he don't want to be perm banned for double account ;)
  3. krzychuzokecia

    Soviet Army Afghanistan War 1.0

    Thanks for your work! I always wanted to have some Soviets from Afghanistan war era, using RHS weapons, for my missions and campaign which were never finished (because of lack of units). Now, my dreams come true ;)
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Zil-157 Pack

    Very nice! Thank you!
  5. krzychuzokecia

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    FSL-16 w/Ghost uses custom reticle, while MX-C5 w/Ghost uses BIS G36 reticle. I know about the OICW and T-80s, but I wanted to check if you've included them in addonsneeded[]= section in .cpp :p About the names, judging from textures, 'official' mag name should be AM-7/62. :) And about separating TF and WTU units between two pbos - I think they're bound to use together so instead of thyr_units, thyr_guns, wtu_units, etc. you could just use units, weapons pbos - less pbos, less problems! :)
  6. krzychuzokecia

    Russian cockpits, why that horrible color?

    Why? In 70's USSR acquired a lot of US stuff from the communist Vietnam. Two of them were F-5 fighters, which were tested in USSR and then in Czechoslovakia and Poland (you can see them in airforce museums in Praga, Kbely and Krakow). Russians (and Poles) learned a lot from the F-5, including similar cockpit colour (although in F-5 it was darker).
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    'Been dazed n' confused' ;) Thanks for solving the problems, I'll report any bugs, I'd encounter. Bugs found, and other things worth fixing: - WTU grenadiers - no entry '.modelSpecial' - different reticles in WTU Ghost sight and TF - FSL-16 uses AM-7/62 30rd burst/auto mag while FSL-16 w/Ghost uses AM/7.6 45rd s/b/a mag (not interchangeable) - FSL-14 AM/7.62 30rd s/b/a mags not interchangeable with FSL-16 mags - FSL-14 sight zoomable while FSL-14A and FSL-14 LMG no - FSL-14 LMG MG-7/62 b/a mags not interchangeable with FSL-16 LMG AM/7.6MG s/b/a mags - mag names spelling (4 different versions, while at least FSL-16 mags should be the same), and texture on LMG mag is mapped backward - no addons needed dependancy declared (this way no errors while using addon without RHS tanks or Inquisitor OICW) - make one .pbo with weapons or, at least make them dependant because some textures appear twice.
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    FSL-16 with Alcen Ghost sight. Looks like most of the stuff is in older .pbos, like WTU and Volunteers, probably textures for Ghost too. So, to answer mine and Dean's questions: playable version of mod is in older dls, while this is only test of black-ops, am I right?
  9. krzychuzokecia

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    Very nice! Although, they're too similar to the TF soldiers (the regular ones). And texture of packs - it doesn't look modern enough ;) Also - Ghost sight is not textured, but I assume that you're aware of that. PS. Could you update previous download links? Not all are still active.
  10. krzychuzokecia

    vegetation choice

    Voted for BIS, but you can try with I44. It produces more lag, but for me it's better than Berghoff's.
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Su-34 by Evgeni

    Very nice to see this in OFP :)
  12. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Unfortunately, none. Some time ago I was also looking for "modern Everon", but no one made it. :( Can somebody upload the WW4 desert islands? They are in modpack 1, but I don't want to download it just for islands, since 2.1 is out...
  13. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Kumlinge Island for FDF.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod (Romans and Barbarians)

    Objects look great! Keep up the good work Prof.!
  15. krzychuzokecia

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    There is one thing that, I think, is really important when comes to NK vs SK. This is the fact that Kim and friends... don't want war with South. Why? As you've said, people in NK are brainwashed so much that they don't even know they're starving and they love evil KJI. But what have made so much ignorant to obvious facts? Their enemy - South Korea. Kim needs one thing that will unite N Koreans, and if he'll (let's assume he have nukes) destroy SK, soon people (after loosing their enemy) will discover that they live in totalitarian country. So destroying SK equals political suicide for Kim Jong-Il. That's why he's only showing his muscles, but he's not going for full-scale conflict. Not to mention the fact that NK nuclear bomb is most likely myth. They aren't developed enough. Have we saw something in NK that we could associate with term 'hi-tech'? I don't think so. But these 'facilities' are good fakes and some might believe they're real. This way NK have impassable barrier, because 'maybe they do have nukes?'. But now, more interesting is South Korea. Today we had burial of two soldiers, who'd died in last artillery barrage, and protest of veterans from last NK-SK war. After listening to the speeches (at burial and protest) it looks like army (at least navy) and society in SK really wants war. Government is still reluctant to start the war, but for how long? George Washington is going to SK, and it might be dangerous, because SK navy is willing to start war, exercises are close to NK, and NK is only waiting to do another provocation.
  16. krzychuzokecia

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    To add a bit of spice: 15 min ago in TV I saw short news from SK where people are protesting because... SK government don't want to start the war! And what the protesters said wasn't "Let's kill Kim Jong-Ill" but more like "Let's kill all the f*cking North Koreans!". Oh, and it was shown in pro-US, pro-EU televison. Maybe NK are brainwashed, but SK looks like crazy! I remember only one guy in 20th century who really wanted war: Hitler. Don't get me wrong, we gotta do something with Kim, but first we must be sure he don't have nuke and SK won't get it too...
  17. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Modpack 2.1

    I wrote "WW4 3.0" not "2.5" so that means in ulterior future rather than near :) And examples are only to show you the idea of what vehicles we could have in mod like yours. Nevertheless, take your time, we love WW4 mod and You, and appreciate your work, so good luck!
  18. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Modpack 2.1

    I don't want to be rude, but please consider for WW4 3.0 something like Tigr and for US maybe like M-ATV. Models don't need to be exact, just something in this taste, since it is "military sci-fi" mod and HMMWV and FUG are too old (not to mention that FUG is more scout vehicle than up-armored utility car). I'm only thinking loud ;)
  19. krzychuzokecia

    OFP photography - No images over 100kb - Pictures only, NO comments

    To celebrate yesterday's polish Independence Day - two small screens, not as good as WazZzaaa's ones, but it's first try ;) Mi-24D from 49th Combat Helicopter Regiment in Pruszcz Gdanski. MiG-29A from 1st Tactical Squadron in Minsk Mazowiecki. Addons: OFPL MiG, Corran's Mi-24, OFPL Lechistan island and Vilas' Polska island.
  20. krzychuzokecia


    Arnie would say 'I'm back!' :) Best wishes to your father! And yes, texturing in Oxygen IS b***. But we're bound to live with it... (But after few hours in Blender, I'd turned back to O2, now it's easier for me, probably because I don't want to learn everything again in B :p)
  21. krzychuzokecia

    New MP Co-op server

    When server is usually running? I couldn't find it on your website...
  22. krzychuzokecia

    Which Version of Tonal Do I use?

    You can also use original Tonal island with OPFOR Redux. This way you'll get nice jungle map, nice units (a lot nicer than original BAS OPFOR) and old missions will still work (on new map some places are changed, that's why missions are not compatible with Tonal Redux, difference between org. Opfor and Redux are only models of units).
  23. It is possible, but it's not easy, and it's not... legal in this community. Nonetheless, FDF has it's own config.bin, you need to decode this file, take part of VehiclesCfg which describes UAV and put it as config.cpp in .pbo file with all other files which create UAV (models, textures, scripts). If all directories are OK it should work. But FDF's UAV uses models and textures of FDF's truck (so you'd have to take it also) and probably some other scripts... Maybe it would be easier to ask FDF guys to help you with it? EDIT: But it may be possible that everything about UAV is in on .pbo. So you'll need only permission to release it independently.
  24. krzychuzokecia

    new mod Iraq/Karbala looking for people?

    Hi! Sorry for late answer but we're focusing more on the 'real thing' than on PR side of modding... As Rożek said, we're still trying to 'recycle' lost data, now mainly textures and music (we thought that we have it, but it occurred to us that what we have is... noise, not music, something went bad during conversion?). We still trying to find all those military papers, especially instruction about Polish uniforms. It had a lot of great illustrations and pictures... But of course, we're also working on new stuff. Now we're focusing on weapons, we have two ideas of how we can make them, but we still can't decide (which results on, for ex. 2 AKMS in work). Also I'm doing 'reconnaissance' of Bulgarian military, and I gave first try to Bulgarian goggles (ok, made in US ;) ). Looks good, but still have to make proper textures. We're full of ideas, the less we have, the more we want :D. So we're trying to cut on stuff - to be honest we're beginners, Bielow's main field are animations, while I'm good in mission editing and scripting. Other guys are helping with smaller things (mainly sounds and music, big thanks USMCSonic and G44! :) ), we have donations from other mods (WW4, LoBo - also big thanks!), Vilas is trying to help us with weapons as much as he can. But we really need help from the community, namely some talented 3D and 2D artists. Without it, we won't even have the 'minimum plan'. You must understand that we have very few free time, and Bielow is struggling with exams on university, while I started final year in high school, so I need to learn to 'matura' exam - I need to pass it before I'll go to university. Not to mention that I offered help to other mod, and for me it's something like question of honour. I'm going to ask moderators to close this thread. Soon, when we'll have some new screenshots maybe, we'll open new one, where we're going to post informations more frequently (maybe some community member is willing to help with public relations? ;) ). In the mean time you can ask us by PM, e-mail or sometime check our website, I'll try to write something. Greetings Krzychuzokecia karbala2004mod<at>gmail<dot>com www.karbala2004.ubf.pl
  25. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Modpack 2.1

    The easiest way (without annoying FDF team) is to make simplified config.cpp in separate .pbo that will have WW4 units and anims, and put it (with WW4 .pbos but without WW4 config.bin) to FDF mod-folder. This way WW4 units will work like an addon not a mod. And you won't be forced to modify FDF files. But I'm not sure if you could add new anims and AI values this way... And FDF mod can "block" somehow other addons, but I'm not sure...