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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. Well, there are two threads (one about FFUR, and second 'bout ECP) which are written easiest way it was possible, but I agree that we should have somekind of stickied thread "Running old mods in 1.99". As for FFUR (and all SLX-family mods): It's a little bit different with ECP: Good luck and happy playing!
  2. krzychuzokecia

    paradrop script question

    I had once similar problem, but only on very big islands (and mainly with Destroy, or Load/Unload types of waypoints). Try to add some additional Move waypoints between - that worked for me.
  3. krzychuzokecia

    =brem-1= wip

    PTS-M! Main amphibious assault vehicle of Polish Navy! Also very useful in SAR operations: vehicles from Land Forces see action every year during spring floods. Ole' 'n rusty, but trusty! Even now model looks detailed. GJ Sapper, congrats!
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Italian Front Addons

    If it doesn't work with simple double-clicking on .pbo file, open "Folder settings" window (or "Folder options" - dunno how it's called in English, under Tools menu) and there under File types tab, add .pbo with CPbo as a program to open it* - sometimes this association isn't done automatically in the registry. *To do this you have to be logged in as an administrator!
  5. krzychuzokecia

    Josppeh Kony's crimes against humanity

    Yup, but still "fame" (let's stay with this word) is not enough - Syria Bashar al-Assad is "famous" enough to get rid of him, but there's no profit for Western countries, the only effect will be having worse relations with Russia and China. @Tonci: I was commenting on your proposition of "UN special force" that'd strike when majority of members agree (as opposed to today's "one veto=no action"). Such system we have now, helps with sustaining kind of "international balance of power". Libya & Syria are great examples - no one cared about Gaddafi, so they bombed him, but when it comes to Assad, Russians say "hey! He's our guy, leave him alone", while Westerners can say "we are disgusted by Assad actions, but can't do anything because Russia and China voted against us". And everybody is satisfied now... Back to general topic: I'm curious what are connections between this charity and Uganda gov't, because I heard that Kony is not active in this country for some time. That'd make helping Uganda government useless when it comes to fighting Kony.
  6. krzychuzokecia

    Josppeh Kony's crimes against humanity

    Pelham - why so many negative emotions towards other interlocutors? Have you done your homework? It's not about support from Sudan, which is another poor country. Muenkler's theory is all about rich countries: like US or Russia. You already said about China sending instructors to help Kony's forces. But you (and Tonci) are also saying "we (the Western world) should do something to stop Kony". I agree with you, but I also know (and Muenkler's in-depth work points it out) that if any UN member would have any income from killing Kony, he'd be dead already. So, I conclude that for Western governments, Kony's crimes are not important, and they'll accept it. There'll be no "R6-alike" unit sent by UN to capture/kill that bastard, because killing him is probably unprofitable (or costs of such operation are bigger than income after Kony's death). I'm just trying to say that your belief in Western morality is... naive, unfortunately for us and victims of Kony and other crazy warlords. But rumours about oil found in Uganda can now bring Western world attention on that part of the world - because oil's bubbling is always louder than screams of victims...
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Josppeh Kony's crimes against humanity

    I just love the "good versus bad" perspective that some guys here are still looking from... So, you've just found out that there is a guy named Joseph Kony, and his killing innocent children in Africa? You think it's horrifying (because it is), and you think that's about time to do something to stop that killing spree? You think that supporting some "charity" is not enough, and Western governments should take some actions? Maybe they're already in action. But not how you'd like them to see... Anybody here had read "The New Wars" ("Die neuen Kriege") by German professor Herfried Muenkler? It's really great work about world of "new wars" (Muenkler prefers this term), warlords and war entrepreneurs. Muenkler says that people like Kony wouldn't be able to lead so long and bloody wars without help from foreign superpowers (like USA, China, Russia/USSR, UK or even India, or Germany in Asia and Europe). That countries not only let such puppet dictators to fight, but are actively supporting them with money, or weapons, or both. Well, in world of African "new wars", Muenkler says, such payment can be done even in form of clothes or popular sunglasses! Warlords like Kony, don't have enough means of production to continue their fights, so they had to have some big friend. Muenkler takes note that there are some countries who fight with such guys (his example is USA), but well, we know it's only half of reality. And Muenkler also knows that - in his work he puts emphasis on economical support from rich countries and their industry. You think it's not true? And that at least Western world remembers about good and the bad, and meaning of those words? Unfortunately for you - our governments, just like Russian or Chinese, also support some crazy murderers. Remember Iran-Contras? Or Carter helping with setting up Saudi youths in Afghanistan to fight with USSR? After some years they were known as Al Queda. Or maybe something more recent: German (link 2) and cars (link 2) in hands of world's worst regimes.We're living in times when everyone wants to be "world's policeman". Because of that we need our own bad boys who'll fight against other policemen.
  8. krzychuzokecia

    =brem-1= wip

    Really impressive! Congrats Sapper! BTW: can someone enlighten me on the purpose of this wooden pole? It's on every T-72 variant...
  9. krzychuzokecia

    STGN's WIP

    Ugly Green Monster! :)
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Libya today

    @Whisper Well, I can only say that you're lucky. Here we were spied even before Internet era. Imagine that every child who's going to school have "briefcase" that contains informations collected during educational process. And it's not only about grades and such, it contains also your medical report (this info should be restricted), informations about your parents, even (if teacher is able to write such report) informations about your relations with classmates, like who's your best friend. Such "briefcase" is available not only for your teachers, or director of the school, but also to civil officials and police! All that when it's written (in other gov't act) that none of this info should be given to anybody apart from school workers, and police can't have ANY informations about you until you're involved in some case (so they can know your address only after they fined you for speeding). Now there is problem, because government wants to digitalize this database, and GIODO (Polish data protection supervisor) protested, and said that this database is illegal, because it contains informations about graduates. According to law, after graduate your informations should be destroyed, because purpose of this is to "help with your education process".
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Libya today

    Hi all! So the following sentence is false? "the Saudi public school religious curriculum continues to propagate an ideology of hate toward the “unbeliever,†that is, Christians, Jews, Shiites, Sufis, Sunni Muslims who do not follow Wahhabi doctrine, Hindus, atheists and others" (Freedom House report, 2006) Yes, you're right! Hosni Mubarak (BTW: great friend of Israel in world of Islam, so + for him) was really peaceful towards his citizens! Just read Reuters news from January 29, HRW report from February 8, or AP news from April 14 (AP website's down, article hosted by Egyptian website). All that love from one guy! Really? Check this. My favorite part: "“We don’t have a problem with Western countries like Italians, French and U.K. companies,†Abdeljalil Mayouf, a spokesman for the Libyan rebel oil company Agoco, was quoted by Reuters as saying. “But we may have some political issues with Russia, China and Brazil.â€" Or... "Colonel Qaddafi proved to be a problematic partner for international oil companies, frequently raising fees and taxes and making other demands. A new government with close ties to NATO may be an easier partner for Western nations to deal with. Some experts say that given a free hand, oil companies could find considerably more oil in Libya than they were able to locate under the restrictions placed by the Qaddafi government." Also BBC on this topic. And there lies an answer on "who owns Libya oil fields" question: "The facility is owned by Mellitah Oil and Gas, a joint venture between the NOC and the Italian firm ENI, which is the biggest investor in Libya's energy sector." And CNN, twice. With another nice sentence: "Italy's Eni is the largest operator in the country.". @Whisper: I know it's wrong, but I don't see there is a problem with Ghaddafi setting up such system, while every other free, democratic western country already have it. So for me argument "Ghaddafi is spying his citizens! It's bad!" is not an argument, because my country, and our allies, do the same. For me it's wrong, but looks like for democratic governments it's OK. So the only way to not being spied, is throwing away your phone and PC... Kind regards Kzo
  12. krzychuzokecia

    Funny story of how Poland wants to 'poison' Australia

    Aussies are not the first! Some guy told me that during communism times he could buy only Wodka Gastronomiczna - more-less the same thing like Spirytus Rektyfikowany, but this one had too much of toxic methyl alcohol, so it's purpose was for example cooking, when methyl alcohol would vanish in high temperature. Do you think that he cared about it? Maybe for first week, but when it dawned on him that his city (with only one shop) won't see delivery of better alcohol, he had no other choice. Now he's alive and well ;)
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Libya today

    No, I'm just labelling Benghazi fundamentalists who now rule the country. And you know what? Majority of Libyan people didn't care about democracy, because they weren't harmed by Ghaddafi regime. They were happy with him, because he gave them... money, education, even WCs! Before Ghaddafi they had Idris who was even worse, actively killing his servants. 40 years ago Libya was in Middle-Ages! Of course, Ghaddafi was killing his political opponents, but they were fundamentalists or former Idris friends. If killing them was bad, why killing Taliban opposition to Karzai is OK? Of course they're holding! Benghazi is now one of very few safe places in Libya, they couldn't play this match in Tripoli with all that machine guns shooting behind the entrance. BTW: check link for Telegraph article, I can only see "Sorry. We cannot find the page you are looking for." :( Whisper, this sentence is just ridiculous. If you really think like that, you should be the first to throw away PC, TV set and phone and live in a log cabin in mountains, eating reindeer you had hunted. So know think about Saudi Arabia' date=' ruled by religious minority (Shias, while 90% of citizens are Sunni), with Sharia law, and position of women, which is lower even when comparing with Iran (Iran is pretty liberal on this, they allow women to vote or have their own businesses, Ghaddafi Libya was even better, "European" I could say). Saudi Arabia is criticized by many human rights organizations. So why there's no international pressure on Saudi regime? Why they (or better word: "we" - western countries) are obsessed with Libya or Syria, and don't care about Saudi Arabia or Yemen? Ghaddafi was killed with help of our bombs. But why Mubarak could escape to his house in Sharm el-Sheikh? He was even offered refuge in Israel by Benjamin Eliezer! Only because he was our dictator? And Ghaddafi was not? Overall, I agree with you, but on this you're wrong. China bought some of the Libyan oil fields before revolution, but after Ghaddafi death everything was sold to French and German companies (even fields which were state-owned before - source of Libyan wealth). (Source: Raport WTO 12/2011 - Polish military-oriented magazine, unfortunately article is not on the net, but I bet that there is more on that on western websites/newspapers) Like Al Queda, created by Saudi people with great help from CIA, to fight with Ruskies in Afghanistan? Don't get me wrong, of course this example is an exception, communist guerrilla (like Red Khmer) are the worst, but I think that you're still thinking in "we the Good, they the Bad" style. While it's not. See my Mubarak example - another dictator, but he was "our", so nobody helped revolution in Egypt. And I can accept such way of thinking (Ghaddafi - their, Mubarak - our), because it's honest, but this discussion have turned into "good vs bad" - that's why I'm trying to show that Ghaddafi is not all that bad, while our friends are not all that good.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    Libya today

    Well, that depends on interpretation. Incidentally, revolutions are part of my studies, and according to classical definition, revolution has 3 possible endings: - fail - revolution is defeated, rebels are treated like criminals, leaders are going to be executed - win - revolution wins, political program of rebels is put into practice, and new stable government is created - draw - neither gov't nor rebels can win, compromise program is set for new government (founded from old politicians, and new revolution activists), both sides are not satisfied but they're also to weak to continue fights - situation like in Egypt, or Poland '89 (take note that Eastern European revolutions of 80s were peaceful - apart from Romania). From this point of view, what you wrote: is still revolution. Inner fights between rebels are considered as revolution, because old gov't has fallen, but there's no winning political program. But then again - am I completely right? Or are you completely wrong? I'm analyzing revolution process from political point of view, while you from historical. So we are both right, and there's no simple answer when revolution has it's end - when old dictator was "kicked" (so that's end of historical period of country), or when new stable government is founded (end of political period).
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Libya today

    Hi all! Some reading, about not-exactly-war-in-Libya: report by Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, about foreign fighters in Iraq (made in 2007). Figure 3: most of the Al Queda terrorists in Iraq are from Saudi Arabia and Libya, from which 1/3 is from Benghazi. Benghazi is the centre of Libyan fundamentalism and was (is?) always fighting against secular Libya. When Ghaddafi got to power in Libya, his opposition (guys who were also shooting at civilians - but in the name of pro-western king Idris, so they were OK) also settled up in Benghazi. Benghazi fighters are the worst kind of fundamentalists - Wahhabists, who are unwelcome even in Iran (probably because Wahhabism was born in Saudi Arabia, Iran's opponent in world of Islam). Ghaddafi was against Islamic fundamentalism, for what he took praise even from US - two countries have even co-operated during Operation Iraqi Freedom (involvment of Libyan intelligence)! It is totally opposite with people from Benghazi. Their ideal country is like Iran, but even worse. They're minority in Libya, but now they're in power. That means regime worse for other Libyans, then Ghaddafi was, because the rest of Libyan people are used to live in liberal (in terms of religion/morality, not politics) country. Well, just see what happened to black nomad people who were living in south-east of country. Ghaddafi was first who gave them right to education, but now they're exterminated by new "lords" - because they're not Arabs. I agree with you, but new government is just new regime. Thing is that Ghaddafi, who was somewhat obsessed with Marx theories (just like western politicians who were part of 1960s liberal movements), gave Libyan people some basic rights and really big social support. Now there is no other law than Sharia & AK-47, and there's no support because Libyan oil fields were sold to France and other European countries (Chinese are mad, because they bought some of that fields before the revolution broke out). Well, of course that democracy in Libya won't happen in a second, but look at Egypt - military took the power (in Libya military was destroyed), but there was no massive killing like in Libya. That's what I'd call "transition period". It's just like in Poland, instead of civil war there was agreement at Magdalenka signed during famous Round Table talks, and we had period when communist dictator Jaruzelski was president, but government was formed by opposition. Sorry, but civil war is not "transition period".
  16. krzychuzokecia

    air raid

    Here's the demo of air raid script adopted from DMA Dynamic Mission (with Sanctuary's permission), I made for mission using OFPL addons. But this demo is addon-free. It's started by trigger or radio command, and then you assign target by clicking on map. After some time plane arrives and drops it's deadly load. Unfortunately I don't know how to force plane to drop only one bomb (ATM it drops all bombs resulting in massive explosion). Generally it's Nikiller's solution #3 - createVehicle bombs under the plane. Credits go to DMA Team!
  17. krzychuzokecia

    ARMA:CWA Updated on Steam

    Yes, I get it, but I'm asking about CWA without bugs (fixed .bin files, campaign etc.). Because version available at ofpr.info is buggy, and there are like four patches to it, in your's morning post. So I'm asking is what to download when I have CWA installer from ofpr.info. ;)
  18. krzychuzokecia

    ARMA:CWA Updated on Steam

    So to have up-to-date CWA I need basic version from OFP.info and then all in one patch, yes?
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod (Romans and Barbarians)

    It's not Imageshack, but Forums' new feature: picture auto-resizing. So, for my firend Bielow, presentation of Prof.T screenshots ;): - wooden houses on the sea (the ones from Stu's pack) - druids gathered around the fireplace, in the middle of Stonehenge-like construction - fishermen's village - ship with lighthouse in background. Great work Professor! Can we have some more pics of the lighthouse, please? :pray:
  20. krzychuzokecia

    Chisora vs. Haye brawl after Klitschko fight

    Well... That was it: Chisora vs. Haye Munich Boxing Night! Probably Haye won because he was able to flee from the ring before being catched by police :D Personally: I don't like Klitchko brothers, but it would be great to see Vitaliy finishing his career "still undefeated"! You know, it's not everyday when we see champions like them.
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Binmod Release Thread

    My question wasn't exactly what I wanted to ask (bloody English!): what features of Binmod are CWA exclusive, and it's not possible to implement them in CWC? I'm not really into scripting etc. so I just don't get what new commands enable - I read some of (I think) Faguss' explanations but it was beyond me! :) It's not that I'm against CWA (I may sound like that) - I do like it, especially that it WAS (screw you FBI!) available on the net and my laptop don't have CD drive :p
  22. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    New release? Very nice! :) But I'll add some of my whining about Walther P5: - empty shells are ejected to the right side, which is wrong on this pistol - textures might get little more work: contrast is so low that it seems that whole pistol is painted gray - P5 variant looks like longer Compact - you forgot about groove on the front of the P5 slide (see here for comparison). But overall very nice, thank you! ;)
  23. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Kel-Tec?! From what I've heard about them, it's even "better" (read: worse) than Walther P5! Main problem of them is plastic body. But really cheap plastic, prone to breaking, not that kind of polymer you can see on Glocks/HKs. You're really into weird guns :D
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Binmod Release Thread

    Nice changleog, shame that I had deleted my CWA, and now can't download latest version (BIS was also victim of Megaupload conspiracy...)... May I ask a question what functions of CWA have you used that Binmod update for CWA is not compatible with CWC? As I remember very first version of 1.99 had problems with it's new commands :)
  25. krzychuzokecia

    =brem-1= wip

    "Ne stoi pod gruzom!" I promise I won't ;) BTW: I love to check if writings on vehicles/weapons are readable. This way you can find out some interesting things, for example fact that BIS T-55 was made in Poland (check gunner's sight!)!