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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    Guerrilla Pack

    Ah, OK I misunderstood you. Well, I never even tried to use these two packs together, as I always treated them as "complete" and build upon very different ideas. Nevertheless - WW4 units, with different anims for different classes, and Dan's weapons... That sounds interesting!
  2. krzychuzokecia

    USSOCOM Units

    I'm diggin' the Tiger Stripe camos ;) BTW: when you're already using STGN's M4s, maybe give them to the MARPAT guys? IIRC USMC-FSOC (which combines USMC units under US-SOCOM) still use them instead of SCARs. Well, it's up to you, but I like more diversity :P And STGN's rifles really "need love"!
  3. krzychuzokecia

    Guerrilla Pack

    First: thanks Dan for taking up on my idea! Wonder, will we still be able to have dual-sighting system on ACOG and PSO? Second: I had to comment on "Guerilla Pack with WW4 anims". Well, before 3D sights appeared, main idea behind this addon was to have different anims for normal infantry, MG operators and snipers. I think that at this moment, "compatibiling" Dan's GP with WW4 equals leaving the original idea, or having two anim sets in one addon (which wouldn't look good). The only way to make it good, is to make new WW4-based anims that would be complementary to Dan's idea. It might take some time...
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Modern War(fare) Crisis

    One question: am I supposed to install "Default Classes" folder, and "ZeewolfAP.adf" file? If so, where should I put them?
  5. krzychuzokecia

    ww2 german camos

    Really nice (although STGN is right about pockets), but... ... this made me sad. FAB's anims are nice, and he has great anims for bolt-action reloading.
  6. krzychuzokecia

    DeLorean (DMC-12)

    If the flux capacitor works - I'm in!
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Modern War(fare) Crisis

    Very nice, congrats to Macser & You!
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Modern War(fare) Crisis

    FYI: M4s & M16s from Jackal's and Laser's packs, just like that G36C (and M14, and AK-47 and MP5, and some pistols...), are based on Inquisitor's ports from Counter Strike (apparently legal). I dunno what kind of "EULA" Inq gave to them (at least M4 was released as open source), but I saw that models in many addons (Wipman, Vilas, WW3, some Vietnam mods, even WW4 uses Inq's AK-47).
  9. krzychuzokecia

    Need help contacting some authors

    Well, it isn't modified at all, VTE uses also Vilas' PPS and Type 56 model, where (in that last) they even haven't changed notepad icon which shows SKS carbine (mistake retained from Vilas pack) ;) But even in this case (or maybe especially), I'd agree with JdB to use Vilas original version - you won't have any problems later.
  10. krzychuzokecia

    STGN's WIP

    Looks very nice, but "accuracy" depends on which time of year you're aiming to. This looks good for dry summer, for autumn it needs more dark, wet mud. Unfortunately, I think it's impossible to make "universal dirt"...
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Need help contacting some authors

    Hi Mr 7.62! Nice work you've done here on that Philippine Army, looks really good. And nice re-tex of BIS weapons too, you can't get much from that models, but it seems that you've made them way better. As for V-150, if I remember well it was job of Vilas - you can catch him on these forums (he's doing P'85 for A2), it should be easier to ask him when VTE mod team is banned from BIF.
  12. krzychuzokecia

    Need help contacting some authors

    Remember that you can always use Hyk's models edited by Sanctuary with optimization in mind, come with easy-to-edit textures.
  13. krzychuzokecia

    DayZ for CWA/OFP?

    Hey guys, stop it, let's get back to the topic (and I thought it's gonna be closed for being request, well...). As I firstly noted: MMO style game with 24h server can be ruled out - no JIP, and nobody gonna fund us a server. Albeit, traffic would be very low. But, it is possible to make RPG-style campaign with full story and stats and equipment that is saved between missions, just look for Zeewolf or Faguss experiments. But I'm not sure if some scripts, simulating survival aspect of the mod, won't make trouble in MP. I can bet that such mod (even in SP) would be laggy too - some scripts seem to be "always on", like exhaustion system, or eating system. They need to "observe" player/NPCs condition all the time and decide if it's time to say bye bye or not ;) OFP engine limitations can cause problems here (memory managing). Unfortunately my scripting knowledge is very limited so I'm not sure if I'm right, but it doesn't look hard to implement at least part of DayZ features into OFP mod.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    FMF Project (Still in progress)

    Yep, that's what I meant, but take note that my assumption that you're using LST for Russia and Transall for US is based on screenshots, I may be wrong :p
  15. krzychuzokecia

    DayZ for CWA/OFP?

    Well, before mods will close this thread... I don't agree that ArmA is THAT far superior. It's biggest advantage (when talking about DayZ-like mod) is MP code, especially join in progress. OFP/CWA is so old that nobody will pay for maintaining server for this niche game. So MMO element is out - too few players. But then - everything is possible, many aspects introduced in DayZ (like health system) were present (at least at basic level) in total conversion mods like SLX, ECP ect. Even some kind of open, randomly generated missions is possible, see dynamic campaigns from DMA. So I'd say that DayZ-like mod, but in SINGLE-player, is possible. But personally, I'd rather play post-apocalyptic mod, not another zombie themed (OFP have dozens of them).
  16. krzychuzokecia

    FMF Project (Still in progress)

    Well, I liked your previous missions and this one looks interesting too. Two things that kind of bother me (but it's not a game-killer) are LST for Russians, and Transall for US. There are really nice Kuznetsov and Hercules, but it's up to You if you'll use them. Looking forward to see this!
  17. krzychuzokecia

    NCR Troopers 1.0

    Thanks for coming back Popka! Nice work here, but scoped rifle have no zoom. Anyway, good luck!
  18. krzychuzokecia

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod beta 1.0

    Congrats Professor! Dl'ing ASAP!
  19. If I remember correctly it's something like "C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Bohemia Interactive\Arma CWA\Users\your username\Missions\" - only problem is that AppData is hidden - you have to put it manually in explorer.
  20. krzychuzokecia

    Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle (BREM-1)

    Played demo mission - it was real fun! Your scripts makes acting as a support really interesting and entertaining! I'd never imagine that driving repair truck in OFP can be so great. Two ideas came to me while I was playing. First, would it be possible to operate the crane from inside of the vehicle, when acting as a commander? It should be easy, but I'm not sure if it'd be realistic (I don't now how BREM-1's crane works in RL). Second, and that'd be big challenge, is playing crane animation, when damaged vehicle drives nearby BREM and it's crew (vehicle's not BREM!) uses standard OFP "Repair" action. I imagine that this would need some kind of script which detects if any vehicle is being repaired, and how far from BREM it is - kinda resource heavy...
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle (BREM-1)

    Why such things happen when I'm too occupied with my studies?! Anyway, congrats guys :), dl'ing now!
  22. Opera - 10.61, Java - I dunno, Opera seems to have built-in support for this standard (Java site says the same), but as I have supposed - it was some problem on mine side, reinstalling browser helped. ;) But FYI it looked as if all drop-down menus, and others (like smileys list) were opened "behind" the main text (with main banner - Home-Games-etc. repeated under Flash ad). Also none of the buttons (like Log out, or PMs) responded to clicks. It all started when I wasn't able to log in, and I'd deleted browser's cache and cookies. After that Forums were working OK until logging in - site then went crazy...
  23. Bug with Opera: after deleting cookies (wasn't able to log in), all menus are opened behind the text, making it impossible to change settings/write posts. Fixed with disabling Java Script, but now can't use any text formatting tools... PS. Probably problem with browser/mine PC, but never saw this before so...
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Guerrilla Pack

    Congrats again for 3D sights! For first few seconds I was kind of... lost in it, but after some time this feature proved to be better than 2D sights. 2 suggestions though: - maybe remove 2D ironsights from weapons that don't have magnifying scopes - also remove that "white dot" aiming point - it interferes with 3D sights. One bug: snipers are spawned with unloaded weapon - you've got to reload them manually. Thanks!
  25. krzychuzokecia

    JdB Addon Releases

    Wouldn't it work to have model in 0.00 LOD lower and model in view cargo LOD higher?