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About Kayjay

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    Private First Class
  1. http://gamevideospot.com/2009/10/ati-radeon-hd-5870-arma-2-game-play/ A video for those that are interested
  2. well actually 60 is where it should be to be "playable" or smoothest experience other than 100+frames. Arma 2 for some reason does not readily reach 60 frames.
  3. Have yet to play Dragon rising but seriously arma 2 just doesnt make me want to keep playing. I admit it is a nice game,maybe a very nice game even but the overall extreme sadist complexity of the game is ridiculous. the controls i mean. It took an age trying to work out how to type for god sakes. Learning curve aside(since its probably a personal problem) the other aspects of this game are pleasing. Graphically it is impressive, when it works. Seemingly it is difficult to even run this game on normal settings. The performance issues are mindblowing, weird loading textures I'm experiencing destroys the experience. Terrible frames equates to a bad experience regardless of the complexity of the game. I hope they give us a huge performance increase asap via a new patch. Gameplay wise, while being somewhat immersive(or could be since frames are terrible) is still plagued by weird ai that stare at walls while prone, run past you at literally one metre away. Other issues include: weird jumping'ish sway of the the aim reticule thing. -when the aimpoint is aimed towards a light source it goes white. wth.
  4. well because arma 2 is a milsim and VBS2 is as mil sim as it gets? so its only logical aht expected that Arma2 is extremely close to vbs2
  5. Kayjay

    Some Arma 2 Questions

    ^ thanks mate! ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS How do mods work in the game? Weapon mods work in multi or singleplayer? What are some trends in multiplayer? What mods do people mostly use in multiplayer? What ping can be tolerable in multi? (insrugency allows me to play with 200 ish ping AND To AUSSIE players, are there alot of you guys playing?
  6. Kayjay

    Some Arma 2 Questions

    a little bit of a bump
  7. man, this is a military simulator/fps... wth, if you want sleaze theres plenty of weird pornographic games out there
  8. Kayjay

    Delta force game series

    the original really brings me back, i remember it was just about the coolest game i have ever played at the time. the sounds, the feel when i get a shot on. ahhh
  9. Kayjay

    Dragon Rising has been released

    so you er.. decided it would be cool to register an account and post one post like that? mmm. wow anywho, i have yet to get my hands on a copy of DR, though i am excited. opinions seem to be both negative and positive, so dont know what really to think. doubt it will be a game that really turns me off though. ill get alot of fun out of it.
  10. Kayjay

    Some Arma 2 Questions

    ohh so arrowhead wont be due in for a while? heh i was under the impression it was gonna be released soon. but all's good.
  11. Kayjay

    Some Arma 2 Questions

    okay thanks for helping out guys. one hopefully final question ARMA 2 now or OPERATION ARROWHEAD? or should i buy both?
  12. Kayjay

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    there are already reviews. SO there are PREVIEWS and REVIEWS for DR already. i believe the linked ones are reviews. and for the record. both previews and reviews have been quite pleasing. generally anyway.
  13. Kayjay

    Some Arma 2 Questions

    aww come on, but the threads here already.
  14. Kayjay

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It is in fact confirmed that many clips are take in god mode for the guys to get the proper shots they wanted.