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Everything posted by roy86

  1. That function is a little limited. I've already created a different version which checks other options as well.
  2. Yep, Time. I don't have. I'm thinking of enlisting help to create compositions to spawn as part of tasks and mission bases. Don't worry, it's a mission param and can be turned off/on by the admin during the mission as well. ;) Cheers,
  3. Thanks mate, much appreciated. I'll keep that in mind once I've got the XMLs made up. but... how good are you at 3DEN compositions?
  4. No worries, I've added three examples in the first post to show exactly how to do it through different methods, cheers,
  5. You're not using the commands correctly. setPosWorld needs [x,y,z] see: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPosWorld setDir is a number - see: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDir It should look something like: if (isServer) then { private _carrier = createVehicle ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F",[11244.858,11248.437,0],[],0,"NONE"]; _carrier setPosWorld [11244.858,11248.437,0]; // [x,y,z] or positionWorld _carrier setDir 0; // North [_carrier] call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; };
  6. Yep, just add it to either and it should be ok, as long as it is server side ;)
  7. Close, you need brackets around your position. See: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle And if you're hosting MP, wrap the code in isServer if (isServer) then { private _carrier = createVehicle ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F",[507.486,14504.5,0],[],0,"NONE"]; // rest of code.... };
  8. Trust me I know. Been there, done that x2^512. I am grateful to BIS for 3DEN. Before, an error like that would crash the game.
  9. The framework documentation is still WIP and incomplete, and check weekly, I don't have time daily to edit :p. The bulk is there though and you're in the right direction. If you #include your task file in the description.ext you will be able to preview your mission config in 3DEN to check if it is ok. You have one glitch at TaskDetails where the class is closed before the rest of your code ie. class TaskDetails {}; should be class TaskDetails { // Task Description }; Yes, Zeus is in PO4 with limitations. No one should play god...
  10. Cheers mates! Wrapping up some fixes to a couple of bugs and then move to Beta very soon. Mission Framework will be released as well while I complete the documentation. http://arma.roy86.com.au/index.php/A3_Mission_Framework to check out the new framework configuration. Cheers!
  11. For that, to drive you more nuts, you can have a screen shot ;) Updated Map Data for possible task locations Thanks for the support ;) Cheers,
  12. Hey mate, Old one is difficult to isolate but the new one in PO4 is stand alone so you can use it in any mission you want. Cheers,
  13. With very little scripting required ;) Glad you're liking it. Still have a lot more features/options to document so keep eye's out. Cheers,
  14. Yes. That is possible and is actually a major part in PO4. The objective section of the task framework will explain the way to do that.
  15. Definitely 1000% easier in the new framework, keep an eye on that page as I update the position and groups sections soon. Setting the position types for random locations or using static [x,y] are all options for the mission maker, and spawning is insanely simple now and has a few twists possible.
  16. Yes, part of beta prep is to start properly documenting it as well as the rest of the framework. There is a lot to cover (2 years worth) so will take a little time to write it all down logically so others can use it.
  17. Here's the code for anyone wanting it, just replace the composition function with the spawn vehicle command i posted in mission scripting private _centerPos = [worldSize/2,worldSize/2]; private _positions = []; for "_i" from 0 to 359 step 1 do { private _checkPos = _centerPos getPos [worldSize,_i]; _checkPos = _checkPos apply { 0 max _x min worldSize }; // Not past map border _checkPos = _checkPos getPos [300,_checkPos getDir _centerPos]; // Back from the edge _checkPos set [2,0]; //ASL if (surfaceIsWater _checkPos) then { _positions pushBack _checkPos; }; }; if (count _positions > 0) then { _position = _positions call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // Random!! private _direction = _position getDir _centerPos; private _angle = (_direction + 45) - ((_direction + 45) % 90) + ([90,-90] select round random 1); // Align Carrier to map border ["USS_freedom_carrier",ASLToAGL _position,_angle + 9] call PO4_fnc_createComposition; // the +9 is to align the deck to the compass poles to allow easier landings }; Only in prep to support Jets, otherwise it's on stable. Lol no. I've dropped a target date hint somewhere... at least its the goal. Cheers,
  18. roy86

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    from the function "BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init" also check the config browser for anything with Land_carrier_* Example in cfgVehicles class for carrier base multiStructureParts[] = { {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_01_F","pos_Hull1"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_02_F","pos_Hull2"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_03_F","pos_Hull3"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_04_F","pos_Hull4"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_05_F","pos_Hull5"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_06_F","pos_Hull6"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_F","pos_Hull7"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_08_F","pos_Hull8"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_hull_09_F","pos_Hull9"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_island_01_F","pos_Island1"}, {"Land_Carrier_01_island_02_F","pos_Island1"}, {"DynamicAirport_01_F","pos_Airport"} };
  19. A quick hack _nul0 = [] spawn { private _startPos = getMarkerPos "marker_0"; // Place a marker private _startDir = 90; // Heading East private _carrier = createVehicle ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F",_startPos,[],0,"None"]; while {true} do { _startPos = _startPos getPos [0.2,_startDir]; _carrier setPosWorld ASLToATL _startPos; _carrier setDir (_startDir - 180); [_carrier] call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; }; };
  20. Done ;) It will start randomly near the edge of the map where there is water.
  21. Ahh yeah, i fell for that too. Wish the elevators did and had a bit more interior but still, its shaping up to be a good DLC.
  22. lol works ok for me. Been testing it for PO4. Couple of quirks but BO1 and BIS have a little time to iron those out.
  23. Also for those wanting to spawn it by script, I made a thread about how I did it below.
  24. Added the new carrier as an option. Not sure if to make it a random start location or in specific locations. The new DLC is pretty nice.