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Everything posted by roy86

  1. Hi MacScottie, Thanks for the feedback. Actually IEDs are not in Version 0.00. They are just BIS ATmines at the moment until the next update or so. The defend missions have a bug that has a high risk of failure. I'll be correcting that in the next update. The mine task using AT-mines are VERY hard to spot sometimes when in the towns. I've seen the road texture hide them completely of only just show the top part. Lol easier said than done but I will certainly do it once I've got it to a very stable point. (raise in Dev-heaven so I don't forget :p) Hi Amadeus, You can request as many UAVs as you like (in Version 0.00) through the "SquadMod" console. Also like real UAVs they require a player to resupply the UAV/UGV when parked near a supply point. Aim at the UAV near a supply point and select "Resupply" action to begin resupply. Re the designator, this may be a bug so please log a request at the Dev-heaven so we can track and resolve that. Hi Kieran, The ammobox should only load Weapons that are configured in the Pre-Defined Loadouts. Weapon Attachments and mags will load based on whats compatible with those weapons (Inc Mod attachments/mags) If you are seeing modified weapons, you must be playing a modified mission (which i can't debug for you) Hi Sberla, its a custom one I re-wrote from PO2. We may look at offering different types of systems as there are a couple of good alternatives. Hi Charles, You can change the key map in "mpsf\fnc\display\fn_keypress.sqf" Hi Gagi, No plans to support this at this time. We don't use it in OCB as ACRE is working really well. Please raise a request through Dev-heaven and if i can find a contributor to help, we'll add it in another update. Also to note: GIT repo has been created to open this up more for community edits. An Updated contributor list will be posted shortly as there are a few additions to those who have helped develop/inspire PO3 including Tankbuster on some of the tasks. Christmas is coming so some time will be spent away from the computer. Cheers,
  2. Hi Senshi, Only Teamleaders and admins can move players to squads. This gives control to communities to prevent unwanted players joining their team. As this is bugged at the moment (team leader assignments not working), I can see the confusion. Mission Difficulty is a multiplier that links to the player count. The number of connected players and the mission difficulty combine to produce the volume of enemy and type of enemy. Based on your feedback, this needs some tweaking :p This will be a feature coming soon. It was in PO2 and really threw in that wildcard to the task. Player unconscious State is when the player is injured, they are in "Agony" and require assistance. This can be disabled and the default BIS injury takes over. Easy AI Take-down is the damage handler applied to the enemy units to increase your weapon effectiveness allowing you to take them down in one or two shots as opposed to 4-6 due to their body armour. This can be turned off if desired. I hope that clears things up a bit Cheers,
  3. Yep, Its been reported and will be fixed in the next update.
  4. I'll review how HC is implemented and add in a dedicated slot with forceHeadlessclient enabled. MCC is a mod and is not intergrated with PO3. That is a mission makers tool with its own version of VAS. Great Idea, I'll switch them out in the next update. Nope but that will be a feature coming. Currently working on syncing weather at JIP and getting through the dev-heaven roadmap ;) Cheers for the support and great feedback,
  5. Hi Rages, Not in its current state as an open ammobox goes against the reason behind why its done like that. However, you can download a fresh copy of VAS, overwrite the "VAS\fnc" folder with the fresh one and it should be back the way you want. --------------- Also, to explain some things that were asked earlier and also in PMs, The below three roles can be assigned to any "PO3 Role" in-game but a "PO3 Role" does not grant privilages of mine defusing, use of FAK and repair vehicles as that is an engine limitation in specific unit configuration. - Rifleman (Explosive Qualified) are Explosive Specialist in disguise and can defuse mines. - Rifleman (Medic Qualified) are Medics in disguise and can use FAK to fully heal a player. - Support Engineer (Crewman/Pilot) are Engineers in disguise and can repair vehicles. Team leaders can assign their own squad roles, members and squad name. Admins have ultimate control that can over-ride any squad but Team leaders are allowed control of their own squad. Defend tasks fail if all friendlies have been killed or left the area (>300m) after arrival (there is a bug on hard levels with miss-aligned success criteria) HALO Cool-down is a mission parameter that by default is 0 seconds. The paperdoll system was removed from release while a new gear system is developed to cater for it. I hope that clarifies a few points :D Cheers
  6. HC can go in any slot (we use one of the support roles for that). I'll double check the scripting but our sessions have the AI local to the HC. Simple damage handler assigned to the spawned AI that increases the damage they take. Nothing special :p Thanks for the feedback. Are you able to log these into Dev-heaven. That way I can track these and get these fixed/implemented. Always happy for suggestions, feature requests and bug reports but need them submitted through dev-heaven. Should be no conflict and RE HC, yes but I can't remember what we did. I'll post something in the A3 editor scripting section when i get the time. Cheers for the great feedback :D Thank you all for your support!
  7. Congrats on the release!! Looking forward to testing this out.
  8. Cheers Guys, I'm glad your enjoying it. Ammoboxes are fixed to the unit classes, not your traditional VAS. The mission configs can be added to if you want to include specific addons but there are too many for me to cater for so I have opted for a license to support your own modifications and ports. Cheers senshi, I'll be reviewing and fixing any bugs that are logged in the dev-heaven project. Otherwise its too much text to read :p We had an awesome launch and I'm looking forward to adding to it in the future. Plenty of more feature updates to be added in but I'll stagger those out over time as we go. Cheers,
  9. PO3 V.0 Released: DEV-HEAVEN 1hour ahead of schedule :p Any bugs to be reported, Please use the DEV-Heaven Issues Register. Thank you for the support and I hope you enjoy
  10. Hi Predator, thats awesome to hear. OCB is hosting a launch night too kicking off at 1930hrs mainly for Aussies and our NZ counterparts do to connection rates. The Full Release Versions will be uploaded to Dev-Heaven at approx 2100hrs GMT+11(AEDT) on 30th Nov, so you should get access to them approx 1100hrs GMT+1 Release versions are going through the final test tonight. Cheers,
  11. To join the ACRE server, jump in our Teamspeak server. Our vanilla server was shut down while we cleaned older missions out. Cheers Lordprimate, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Check below ;) ============ NEWS Update =================== Update RC3.09 has been sent to contributors with a bunch of fixes and new/tweaked features. NATO, CSAT and AAF version with admin ability to request UAV/UGV support for other players. Check it out on OCB servers and I hope you enjoy. Release in a few days ;)
  12. Update RC3.08 has been sent to contributors with a bunch of fixes and new/tweaked features. New HUD, Role Restrictions refined with new gear layouts, tougher tasks with new task scaling implemented and many more. Also a CSAT and AAF version will be tested in the next few days. Check it out on OCB servers and I hope you enjoy. Release in a few days ;)
  13. Cheers, preparing the next update with these fixes and some new stuff.
  14. ;) Done What screen ratio/resolution are you running? Cheers,
  15. UPDATE 3.07 has been distributed to contributors for their evaluation. Updated feature list in first post and other details. Cheers,
  16. Almost, I'm assuming your addAction is something like this: _signBoard addAction ["Create Arrows","some_script.sqf"]; If this is the case then the below has no place in the some_script _w1 = _this select 0; _w2 = _this select 1; _w3 = _this select 2; _w4 = _this select 3; _w5 = _this select 4; I've shrunk it so this should work being called from an AddAction. some_script.sqf if(isDedicated) exitWith{}; //<!-- Prevents Server Running the Code should something else call this serverside. _w1 = createVehicle ["Sign_Arrow_Direction_Blue_F",getMarkerPos "wedge1",[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _w2 = createVehicle ["Sign_Arrow_Direction_F",getMarkerPos "wedge2",[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _w3 = createVehicle ["Sign_Arrow_Direction_Cyan_F",getMarkerPos "wedge3",[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _w4 = createVehicle ["Sign_Arrow_Direction_Green_F",getMarkerPos "wedge4",[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _w5 = createVehicle ["Sign_Arrow_Direction_Yellow_F",getMarkerPos "wedge5",[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _w2 setDir 45; _w3 setDir 315; _w4 setDir 45; _w5 setDir 180; sleep 10; deleteVehicle _w1; deleteVehicle _w2; deleteVehicle _w3; deleteVehicle _w4; deleteVehicle _w5;
  17. AddActions are executed by the client. Using if(!isServer) exitWith {}; will stop the client from running the script as this reads "If you are NOT the server, Go Away" FYI, vehicles can be created locally. See createVehicleLocal ;)
  18. Hi Speedygonzales, Great feedback and thanks for the support. I'm glad your enjoying the test builds. RE Guards in towers, I made a post a while back about update teasers for the mission tasks. This will be in the next RC update. Check these pics out and let me know that you think. http://ocb.net.au/board/index.php?/topic/5205-patrol-operations-3/page__st__20#entry45438 RE the SL rallypoints, in PO1 I had squad level rally points but due to gameplay review, feedback etc, I changed to player level rallypoints for PO2&3. Plus a group of tents looks awesome ;) RE Mine field, I've made the AI aware of the mines now so they appear to avoid them but this still needs testing to be fully happy with it. RE Halo and Revive, yeah this came up during testing of RC3.4 and has recieved a massive update/re-write for RC3.07 which is about to be sent out to contributors. It will be up on the OCB servers a couple of days after for testing. End of november is coming ;) Cheers.
  19. roy86

    WIP CTRG camo

    I love that camo pattern. I miss the ghost hawk with it. What faction are you creating them under? (Blufor >> NATO), (Blufor >> CTRG) or something else? Keep up the great work guys, look forward to its release :D
  20. roy86


    AFAIK, the ropes were left over from TOH and removed from A3. It may make a come-back but personally I have no idea if it will or not. I mocked up something like this: http://t.co/5BCfR70sNS using drawLine3D. Its far from perfect but gets the job done. Cheers,
  21. He beat me to it :p Just an update, PO3 has been translated so far into 3 other languages with help from the below: - French: GranolaBar - Portuguese: Caico1986 - Spanish: BIG (Armaholic) More to come and a big thank you to those who are helping get this done! Some teaser screenshots from recent testing of RC6: http://ocb.net.au/board/index.php?/topic/5205-patrol-operations-3/page__st__20#entry46159
  22. ETA By end of November. Just sanding off the rough edges and adding language translations. BIG thank you to those helping with this!!
  23. Upvoted. Looking forward to this guys. Anticipation is high :D
  24. use this: _enemySide = east; // <!-- Change this to which ever side you consider the enemy waitUntil { if (side cursorTarget == _enemySide) { hint "test"; }; false }; Word of warning: using hint is going to spam you with an annoying sound. I'd use hintSilent.
  25. use HTML ASCII characters // Using < instead of < player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Mission","x<y"]]; http://www.ascii.cl/htmlcodes.htm