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Everything posted by helo

  1. Thank you very much for that work you ve done , ZeroG.
  2. Hello, during a training for Charlie Foxtrot Battle, I asked myself how to utilize grenades to clear out buildings when I realized that grenades bounced always through the floor back to the story from where you have thrown it. Therefore I made this video to show how it is possible in the ArmAuniverse to use grenades to clear out buildings unitl BIS fix the physical behaviour of grenades: vUppCBzBZi4
  3. http://www.multiupload.com/Y7CGEC05Q8 Here some download links for the 1.55 OA patch.
  4. helo

    Buggy rocks

    Consider it as a "challenge" ;).
  5. Therefore BIS has included the Assistant Machinegunner with a backpack in the default class layout of OA. That dude has like all assistants useful stuff in his backback for his senior.
  6. I tested it in the editor right now and I must say that I always hit the air vehicle when it just passed me and the missile only missed or got distracted by flares when the chopper could pop more than 2-3 flares. A shot from in front of the chopper always resulted in a hit.
  7. Strongly agree with this, however i would suggest a compromise and make the recoil not so strong unless you don´t wanna have two arma2 newbies trying hardly to hit each other at 100m ;) and not the best mouse toner wins that battle.
  8. Actually, during the campaign I experinced sometimes also low fps for my conditions, meaning 21-24 FPS, especially at the beginning when dozenens of vehicles and units are moving in the base. However my 4 CPUs @ 3.4 GHz were only working at 60% at this time. Might have something to do with the engine and its use of system ressources.
  9. The big question for me is on what the amount of recoil will base? Simply the calibre cfg or will perhaps the other things like handgrip design taken into account?
  10. We just have people playing on our public server with the beta pacht and they don´t like the new recoil system, especially the ones who already have problems to hit anything in vanilla OA :). It´s really a hard piece of work to draging your mouse around properly. ---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 PM ---------- Yeah, it´s cool, since in contrast to A2, its a much harder to keep track of your target with the OA recoil. I would also favour a small dispersion penalty for bullets when you rapidly fire single shots after each other at a target.
  11. Well, in order not to scare people away from this game, I find a compromise between the current ace recoil and the vanilla AO system most suitable for all players.
  12. Actually, I had no problem at all with Dogs of War and Manhattan. I never experienced any problems despite the End of "Eagle Wing" Campaign, where i had to look here in the forums how to reach utes without getting shoot by the russian companions.
  13. You can access all endings whe nyou go the to campaign menue where you see all the campaign missions and use the campaign cheat: Press Shift and Numpad Minus and then type in "campaign" and you have unlocked all missions and endings. By the way I had the ending where I had to escape by boat in Elektro.
  14. helo

    Armory: My final feedback

    In the armory you can try out weapons/units in several simple miisions like driving races, making loopings, simpel attack and defend missions, assassin a target, survive waves of attackers etc... All missions are randomly generated by the engine, so everytime you face different opponents in different locations (forests, open fields etc).
  15. helo

    Armory: My final feedback

    You can access all gear by cheat in the armory menue by pressing Shift + Numpad Minus and then type in "getallgear" and you can try out any piece of equipment any unit in the armory.
  16. A programmer I know, who is also playing ArmA2, said to me once that the engine of ArmA 2 is very similar to the Java platform, just with a Grpaic engine as a nice addition. He said, that the enitre construction of the enigne and it´s intension was never to run smooth and properly with the available ressources. Hopefully BIS will learn from the mistakes and fix the wholes in their engine in Operation Arrowhead to let people profit from the computer´s ressources to run the game with a suitable performance.
  17. helo

    Whats up with the PvP??

    Well there is organized PvP, with squads and differenbt army branches working together to vanquish OPFOR/BLUFOR. It´s called Charlie Foxtrot www.cfarma2.com
  18. Yep, that would be nice:yay:.
  19. Thx @ Bushlurker for the quick response. I tried it again and it worked.
  20. I have the problem that the conifg.cpp bat doesn´t copy things to my island folder. The tutorial says the following, but it doesn´t work for my with Win7 x64. Nothing will be copied :mad: : Your Project folder * 1: Now you can create a own project Folder in your P:\ drive. Optimal would be P:\TAG\ name or an other short identification\namespace. o In this Tutorial we will use as our Namespace P:\TUT * 2: Following now a quite important part where we make sure that we have working animations/ladders on our Terrain. For that we need the respective config files from each Object which we´re about to use within our terrain. * 3: To do that we can easy create a small bat or use the windows command line: Navigate to the P:\ca folder and * 4: Run the following dos command: xcopy *.cpp P:\<YourNamespace>\ca\ /S /Y Or manually move the cpps with the correct folder structur to your namespace o + If your not familiar with cmd then put this copy_cpp.bat in your P:\CA\ foldier and run it.(xp-- P partition run,.cpp file to ca) o This command creates a duplicate set of '\ca' folders under your namespace and copies only the config.cpp files to each subfolder. o Read more about that in Synides Great Tutorial ArmA_Build_Environment_Setup
  21. Yeah, one big video tutorial would really help.
  22. You re truely speaking directly out of my heart.