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About -=JackHorner=-

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. -=JackHorner=-

    CAA1 ICON missions by VanhA

    Nice!! Thank you! Ill play it tomorrow after work and let you know how it was. :)
  2. -=JackHorner=-

    Performance issues. weird problem.

    luckiest man in the world to have a girlfriend who plays arma <3 lol
  3. -=JackHorner=-

    CAA1 ICON missions by VanhA

    awesome missions, im enjoying playing on these arma 1 maps again :) I was checking out your repository, are all the missions in there compatible with arma2 via the CAA1 mod? thanks for this stuff man, its awesome.
  4. -=JackHorner=-

    Campaign 2 Seal Team Six release!! (SP)

    you use a lot of snipers man lol I don't mind but my AI squad mates are becoming a real pain in the ass to keep alive. Other than that I am currently playing both seal team six campaigns and am really enjoying them. Nice work on this. Can't wait to play others by you.
  5. -=JackHorner=-

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    properly identify memory on gfx cards, and fixing the 8 gig problem
  6. still not a single mention of them fixing arma's inability to correctly identify the amount of ram on peoples gfx cards.... :(
  7. this stick is the best there is for flight sims http://www.saitek.com/UK/prod/x52pro.htm http://www.saitek.com/UK/prod/x65f.htm but honestly armas flying is more along the lines of Tom Clancy's HAWX lol or worse so any old joystick or a gamepad would be fine for arma.
  8. -=JackHorner=-

    Virtual Mem Errors

    are you sure that you overclocked your 920 proc correctly? Have you tried arma with your proc set to stock speed and default mobo settings?
  9. -=JackHorner=-

    Cant get textures!

    yeah you have to use the launch parameter -winxp
  10. -=JackHorner=-

    AI 'stuttering' when looked at thru scope

    thats not what we are talking about I am fairly certain but it is also a problem none the less.
  11. -=JackHorner=-

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    as long as you don't get less than 30 fps the game is playable, and enjoyable... everyone's frame rate is locked to 30 in the campaign and in large scale missions by design... You don't really need a high frame-rate as this game is not a run and gun fast paced shooter.
  12. -=JackHorner=-

    AI 'stuttering' when looked at thru scope

    Ive seen this before too sometimes in single player. There will be times that I am looking through my scope and see enemies running around... but there is one who is acting very strange. Its as if his animation has no in-between frames, and he will jerk to different key frames. Like he will be prone, then instantly on his knee, then instantly standing... and so on. I was thinking it might be that there is too much going on and he is not being processed completely by the cpu at that point. I really have no idea why it does this but thats what I thought.
  13. -=JackHorner=-

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Even if you change it by hand to the correct amount it does not actually do anything. Those numbers you see are just the game saying "here is the amount I think you have" people have tried changing it to ridiculous numbers and there is no affect. Bi needs to correct the detection in the patch because there's nothing we can do.
  14. -=JackHorner=-

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    you need to add -winxp the the games launch parameters...
  15. -=JackHorner=-

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Same here and arma2 does not detect the correct amount.. Changing it by hand in the file does not do anything. Im just hoping they fix this in the patch as its the cause of a lot of peoples crash to desktop and artifacting.