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Everything posted by desmondb

  1. desmondb

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    congrats on the update, a note though... UH-60L and HH-60A still are missing flares, is this intentional or a bug? also are there plans for UH-60Ls without the ESSS wings? also, I know its been mentioned before but some update sounds wouldn't go awry.
  2. desmondb

    SJB SAS Pack

    After I run unRap, I get this as the config.bin: // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys // Separate rootclasses: Enabled, Automatic comments: Enabled #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #include "CfgPatches.hpp" #include "CfgVehicleClasses.hpp" #include "CfgGlasses.hpp" #include "CfgFactionClasses.hpp" #include "cfgNonAIVehicles.hpp" #include "CfgVehicles.hpp" which I assume is correct but the actually config.bin still looks like it did before I used the Unrap.exe Still a bunch of garbled mess, could it be a setting on my setup?
  3. desmondb

    SJB SAS Pack

    @Jedra, I've tried everything possible to get Unrap to work right but after running it, I'm still getting "hieroglyphics", I went ahead and tried editing the config right from eliteness and it compiles fine but when I try to have a look at an editted unit in the mission editor it gives me this warning "cannot open object tf86_tempsf_us/ussf_w_tl.p3d" :banghead:
  4. desmondb

    SJB SAS Pack

    Alright, I've been trying to add weapons to the Temp pack for a couple days now with no luck. after I do the unrap is the config file supposed to look like this: Ê HitLegs hiddenSelections NVG_Raised model \TF86_TempSF_US\ussf_w_tl.p3d weapons Throw Put ItemMap ItemCompass ItemWatch ItemRadio ItemGPS Binocular NVgoggles magazines respawnweapons Throw Put ItemMap ItemCompass ItemWatch ItemRadio ItemGPS Binocular NVgoggles respawnmagazines Wounds I O armor 333?material ÿÿÿÿ name head_hit passThrough ‹ armor À?material ÿÿÿÿ name body passThrough Ê armor ?material ÿÿÿÿ name hands passThrough armor ?material ÿÿÿÿ name legs passThrough I tex mat TF86_TempSF_US\sf_data\ussf_tl_w.rvmat TF86_TempSF_US\sf_data\ussf_tl_w_wound1.rvmat TF86_TempSF_US\sf_data\ussf_tl_w_wound2.rvmat ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl_white.rvmat ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl_white_wounds.rvmat ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead and where do I add in the weapons?
  5. hmm this is the same name of the mercenary pilot from a early nineties movie here in the states called "Firebirds" :cool:
  6. desmondb

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    Nice looking model, besides the fixed need for the rotor, my only suggestions would be add FLIR, Flares and to add RH's Blackhawk sound mod, I'd suggest the same sounds for your seahawks, jayhawks and any other -60 series aircraft you release.
  7. desmondb

    SJB SAS Pack

    Thanks a bunch Jedra, I'll give it a try tonight
  8. desmondb

    SJB SAS Pack

    Hey guys, might be a silly question but since I've never tried it before, what tools are needed to edit the config for the Temp SF addon, I'm thinking about adding RH's and Lennard's weapons to them, thanks in advance.
  9. desmondb

    SJB SAS Pack

    Is there a config available using the RH weapons for the temp pack? They default to having no weapons.
  10. finally some Green Berets for ARMA II
  11. desmondb

    L119A1 Pack

    awesome!! is anyone working a config for the SJB SAS addon using these?
  12. desmondb

    Marine Naval Aviator

    Thanks for the hard work on a much needed addon :cool: do you plan on doing a helo crew version without the oxygen mask in the future?
  13. desmondb

    Seahawk Addon By YuraPetrov

    ditto, especially the sounds suggestion
  14. desmondb

    Binkowski's WIP thread

    what he said ^^ some decent US pilot addons would be very welcome, the default pilot models are.... :j:
  15. Looks like a very solid update, looking forward to it :cool:
  16. desmondb

    Seahawk Addon By YuraPetrov

    would recommend swapping out the current engine sounds and using RH's blackhawk sounds instead. Looking forward to the other variants :cool:
  17. desmondb

    Seahawk Addon By YuraPetrov

    FINALLY!!!! downloading now :cool:
  18. Some additional vehicle suggestions: for GAL - UH-1H (reskin), C-130H (from RACS mod), L-39 (reskin) and M60A1 or Leopard (from RACS mod), RHIB (reskin), Zodiac (reskin) for ARL - Technical's (reskin), M-113 (reskin), Cessna 185 (from Gnat), Zodiac (reskin) for Venator PMC - Mi-8 (reskin)
  19. Is anyone else having issues with 1.3 clashing with the PRACS. In the editor screen, when you try to select a Royal Sahrani Air Force aircraft, the listing in the editor shows it as ARL Rebel Airforce :confused: but if you select an aircraft, it still shows correctly as a PRACS jet/helo etc, removing 1.3 fixes the issue
  20. desmondb

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    congrats on the release but yeah, the size is definitely too big and only the US Navy and Royal Australian Air Force fly the Super Hornet, not the USMC.
  21. desmondb

    Iranian Forces Mod

    I didn't notice it until today, but it looks like the latest version breaks the BAF Jackals, when I have this mod activated the Jackals don't have a crew, when I deactivate the mod, the BAF Jackals are crewed correctly again :confused:
  22. desmondb

    Isla Duala

    The update looks great but a question "request" for future updates, would it be possible to make the zetaborn stuff seperate, I know some guys are fans of the sci-fi stuff, others aren't. I've decided to not install the zetaborn files but now everytime I try to chose any faction aligned with resistance in the editor, I get a warning that I'm missing the zetaborn files ...
  23. desmondb

    ArmA X: Anniversary Edition

    Is there anything new included?